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The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

Posted September 18, 2014 9:56 AM

From Gizmodo:

When it comes to cup holders, most of us are just looking for a place to secure our drinks while we're driving. It turns out we should be asking more of themâ€"a lot more. Maksim Ghyvoronsky has invented a better alternative, an aftermarket set of cup holders that tilt and roll along with the motion of your vehicle, ensuring that nothing ever spills no matter how awful a driver you are.

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Re: The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

09/18/2014 11:51 AM

gimmick, really no features that would add value

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Re: The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

09/18/2014 3:16 PM

"anyone who's ever lost a Big Gulp after a harrowing drift around a corner" deserves to sit in it fir the rest of the trip.

They still make lids don't they.

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Re: The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

09/18/2014 4:27 PM

Big gulps don't fin in the standard holder. or any large cup... ahhh,... actually at that size, it's more like a bucket.

And the trip, well, at least till the next rest stop that has bathroom facilities

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Re: The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

09/19/2014 10:36 AM

If your driving requires maneuvers that will spill drinks out of an open cup, you should not be distracting yourself by drinking while driving.

You should not have an open cup in the car, put a lid on it. For bottle based beverages, open the bottle, and drink down the top 3-4 inches, then it should remain spill free under normal driving.

This is like that social network with the $9,000 entry fee; for people with more money than brains, but this one is lower budget.

(Wait, that would mean this is for MAJOR morons, since having 'more money than brains' at $400 means less room for brains than 'more money than brains' at $9K.)

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Re: The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

09/19/2014 4:11 PM

Cup holders? I don't need no stinken cup holder. I jus hol ma beer bottle tween ma knees, and roll ma empties under the seat.

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Re: The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

09/22/2014 10:09 PM

Under the seat???? I thunk tha's why they put the roll down rear winder in pick em up trucks so's you got a clear shot to the garbage can..............bed.

I usta had ta hand 'em to muh cussin out the winder so's I wooden get a littery ticket!

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Re: The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

09/23/2014 12:29 PM

Can't do that. Ma gun rack's in the way. Anyhow the wife and kids are sittin back in the bed. She might get pi$$ed if I hit one of them. ( my dog normally rides shotgun)

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Re: The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

09/24/2014 12:42 PM

$400 for a two axis gimbal? At that price I would expect there to be at least a built in gyroscope.

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Re: The World's Greatest Cup Holder Can Survive the World's Worst Drivers

09/24/2014 4:04 PM

I thought this was about athletic supporters for Segway's.

Anyway, I'm glad they weren't around when I sued MacDonald's.

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