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"On This Day" In Engineering History

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September 27, 1998 – The (Sort of) Birthday of Google, Inc.

Posted September 27, 2017 1:00 PM by MaggieMc
Pathfinder Tags: birthday google September 27

When I chose September 27 to investigate for engineering developments of historical import, I was surprised to find Google’s birthday on the list. Why the search engine’s birthday felt like something I should be familiar with, I don’t know. (Perhaps it’s that Google seems to know and remember so much about me – like my birthday, for instance.) In any case, my deep dive into Google’s history and its birthday grew even more perplexing.

While Google has been celebrating its birthday with a Google Doodle on September 27 since 2006, that day seems to be of no real significance to the company. Evidently, the tech giant’s FAQ once famously indicated: “the exact date when we celebrate our birthday has moved around over the years, depending on when people feel like having a cake.”

So, on the day Google has more recently chosen, let’s examine the days that really are part of engineering history:

1995 — Google, Inc. founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, meet at Stanford.

January 1996 — Google (then named BackRub) began as Larry Page’s doctoral thesis that eventually became a concept for tracking and ranking web listings by the number of other sites they linked to, much as including more citations within an academic work added weight.

September 15, 1997 — Google registered the web domain www.google.com.

August 1998 — Andy Bechtolsheim wrote Page and Brin a check for $100,000 “and Google, Inc. was officially born.”

September 4, 1998 — Google, Inc. was officially incorporated.

September 27, 2002Google’s 4th birthday, or at least the day it was celebrated by Google Doodle.

September 8, 2003Google’s 5th birthday

September 7, 2004Google’s 6th birthday

September 26, 2005Google’s 7th birthday, when the company appears to have made the jump to back the end of the month.

September 27, 20062016 — Google’s 8th through 18th birthdays.

Interestingly, while Google doesn’t have a Doodle in its archive for its 1st through 3rd birthdays, the first Google Doodle appeared before Google even became incorporated on August 30, 1998. The doodle was a sort of “Out of Office” indicator to note that during that last week of August, Brin and Page spent their time at the Burning Man Festival. The second doodle [celebrated?] Bastille Day in 2000.

And, while Google’s first few birthday doodles (2002-2005) don’t settle on a date, the doodles, as well as those up until Google’s 12th birthday in 2010, do share a very similar style that didn’t differ much from the ordinary Google logo.


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Re: September 27, 1998 – The (Sort of) Birthday of Google, Inc.

09/27/2017 4:00 PM

If only I had taken $5,000 and . . . .

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Re: September 27, 1998 – The (Sort of) Birthday of Google, Inc.

10/03/2017 7:25 AM

... went to town and spent it on song, wine and women.

is that what you were going to say?,.. don't hold me in suspense like that.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: September 27, 1998 – The (Sort of) Birthday of Google, Inc.

10/03/2017 7:57 PM

Well, I was married ten years before that, so song, wine, and women would have got me into a whole heap of trouble.

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