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Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

Posted February 16, 2019 12:00 AM by M-ReeD
Pathfinder Tags: app Selfie

Instead of relying on headshots to help romantic hopefuls pick and choose possible dating candidates, Samsung, in a move that quite frankly is a brilliant one, has opted to replace the glamour shots and selfies of old that accompany dating profiles, typically revealing very little about a possible match, with something that might: an image of the contents of their fridge.

The Refrigerdating app (get it?) works with the Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator, which is a $4,000 smart fridge with a touchscreen door. Paired with the app, the fridge touchscreen can reveal what a potential mate feasts on.

"Simply upload an image and let the world know what kind of person you are," the app's website states. "Refrigerdating will then hook you up with a variation of fridges, of different tastes, to pick and choose from."

"Don't narrow it down to fridges looking just like yours," the company recommends. "Remember it's the unexpected mixes that makes the three star restaurants."

Considering that the headshot or selfie you fall in love with is apt to change over time, making a decision about a possible life mate based on the food they eat makes more sense. After all, once the initial romance wears off, you’ll likely end up on the couch, binge-watching Ozark and eating your way through the next however-many years of life together. Make sure your food tastes are compatible.


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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/16/2019 9:44 AM

I don't know about this. When I was a young bachelor, I subsisted on either fast food or whatever was quick and easy to fix. I had more interesting things to do and only hunger would draw me away. The contents of my fridge would not have won me a lot of dates.


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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/16/2019 11:35 AM



Holy crap it's love at first sight....!!!!

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 12:26 AM


Sorry, but number 3 shows me that this person can't make up their mind. You can tell she likes beer, but they don't know which type/brand she likes. Unless she's trying to make you feel welcome in her home and she went shopping just for you.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 10:04 AM

It might not mean they can't make up their mind, but like all sorts of beers - like me! I guess the only way to find out for sure is to take them out to ... wait, the app's working already!


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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 3:33 PM

I don't know ... If I find a beer I like, I'll have at least a few of them in the fridge. You know, if I want to indulge and drink more than one during the game!

Seriously, I think most people drink the same beer (at least during one sitting). I prefer it this way.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 8:38 AM

Anybody else notice this? Shrunken head in a jar? Yeah, that tells me a lot about THIS person ...

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 9:03 AM


Common sense is an oxymoron and the world is full of morons. (I am not one of them)!!!

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 3:34 PM

They like Frankenstein?

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

07/08/2019 12:17 AM



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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/22/2019 11:02 AM

I think that refrigerator belongs to Run Around Sue.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/16/2019 2:55 PM

Mad Magazine had this all figured out - too many years ago to find it on the internet. They had a multiple choice compatibility questionnaire, still remember the best one:

- Reads in bed

- Eats in bed

- Sleeps in bed

Still relevant after all these years.

incus opella

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 12:20 AM


This is a joke, right????

... wait a second, this may make some sense.

We have one of these refrigerators and there's cameras inside the door of the fridge. The purpose is to see what's inside, so when you're at the grocery store, you can see what you need to buy. Yes, it's suppose to work that way, however you can't see the things behind other things too well and things in the doors are hard to see. Also, stuff in the drawers is too hard to see too.

If I were shopping for a new missus, here are some things that I'd want to know and things she'd want to know about me. And what better place to snoop - inside your fridge!!!

1. Can see how much healthy vs unhealthy foods are inside.

2. Vegan, vegetarian or carnivore.

3. What type of beverages are inside.

4. Do you chill your wine or drink room temp.

5. How often you "rotate" stock.

6. How often you go into the fridge.

7. What you eat at different times of the day/night.

8. Do you work or hang our around the house at normal work hours.

9. Who is going in and out of the fridge (male or female).

10. Different people going in and out.

11. Are you organized or just throw stuff in.

12. Any illegal stashes.

13. And finally, but very important: age of people going in and out of fridge (kids and how many, teenagers, adults and age of them, seniors, etc).

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 12:23 AM

Hey, the fridge is called the Family Hub. If you're using it as a dating app, then it shouldn't be called Family anything.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 8:45 AM



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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 5:19 AM

But how is the prospective mate to know if the containers are full, empty, or spoiled/out of date?

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 9:43 AM

omg this reminds me of a stanza from the poem "old people's houses" :

"old people's fridges

are filled with dozens of butter containers

none of which contains butter"

or was it "one of which may contain butter."

In spite of the ethical arguments for "re-use" before recycle, any fridge with multiple inscrutable butter containers would be a "nope" for me. Finding something to eat should be fun. You do not want to review weeks' worth of anonymous food remains before buttering your toast in the morning.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/18/2019 12:48 AM

I think I'm lost. If I use the last of the butter, I throw the wrapper and box in the trash, as I think most people do. Are you implying that bachelors are lazy and will leave empty butter wrappers and boxes in the fridge? Or are they hoping that their girlfriend will go to the store and buy some butter?

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/18/2019 9:40 AM

This is about people who wash out the butter containers and re-use them to store leftovers in.

Washing out and recycling containers is becoming the norm for young people as well as old, so you may be wrong about "most people do". It's thrifty to re-use containers - no problem with that - but if you can't tell what's in it, you're doomed to close encounters with 'living in the fridge'.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 3:26 PM

I get it now! You mean the margarine tubs, right?

Haha! That's funny! Old people keeping tubs with unmarked items in it - littering their refrigerators! Hahaha!

My parents did that when we were kids. We'd have to look into each container to find out what was in the old margarine tub.

I think it's hilarious how we see the world only through our own eyes. I haven't bought a tub of margarine for years. We buy a box of butter with sticks wrapped in waxy paper. I thought you were nuts when you wrote about reusing butter containers!!!

Oh my! Good one!

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 3:29 PM

I think I have a very negative feeling about Millenials being lazy. Too lazy to even throw out old butter wrappers and boxes and leaving them in the fridge for their roommate or girlfriend to throw out.

Hahaha! I have to shed my thoughts about Millenials and their work ethic, because it's really swaying my image of them.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 10:00 AM

Weird Al Yankovic Lyrics (Click here for the video)!

"Livin' In The Fridge"

There's something weird in the fridge today
I don't know what it is
Food I can't recognize
My roommate won't throw a thing away
I guess it's probably his
It looks like it's alive...
And livin' in the fridge... livin' in the fridge
Livin' in the fridge... livin' in the fridge
There's something gross in the fridge today
It's green and growin' hair
It's been there since July
If you can name the object
In that baggie over there
Then mister, you're a better man than I
It's livin' in the fridge
You can't stop (dysentary) the mold from growin' (dysentary)
Livin' in the fridge
Can't tell what (dysentary) it is at all (dysentary)
Livin' in the fridge
You can't stop (dysentary) the mold from growin' (dysentary)
Livin' in the fridge
Tell me, do you think it should be carbon dated
Fumigated or creamated and buried at sea?
You try to save a little bit of you're home cookin'
Couple weeks later, got a scary-lookin' specimen
It always happens my friend
Again & again & again & again
Somethin' stinks in the fridge today
And it's been rottin' there all week
It could be liver cake or wooly mammoth steak
Well, maybe I should another peek...
Livin' in the fridge
You can't stop (dysentary) the mold from growin' (dysentary)
Livin' in the fridge
Can't tell what (dysentary) it is at all (dysentary)
Livin' in the fridge
You can't stop (dysentary) the mold from growin' (dysentary)
Livin' in the fridge
Livin' in the fridge
Don't know what it is, don't know what it is
Livin' in the fridge
Don't know what it is, don't know what it is
Livin' in the fridge
Don't know what it is at all
Livin' in the fridge, yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Common sense is an oxymoron and the world is full of morons. (I am not one of them)!!!
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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/18/2019 12:53 AM

Okay, okay! When I was younger and my buddies and I shared a house, the fridge was ... yes, it was messy. Some pretty stinky stuff in there and definitely expired.

However, when I had my own place, I was pretty good about the fridge. I didn't have much in there though. Let's see ... beer, steaks maybe some fruit and some orange juice. The freezer had some Hot Pockets and Ice Cream. That's all I needed!

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 9:25 AM

Anyone who has ever had a fridge has, at one time or another, discovered spoiled food in the fridge probability = 1. The frequency of the same increases exponentially with every increase in the number of roommates sharing that fridge. Someone here can no doubt provide the exact formula for that.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 3:37 PM

F(x)=0.275 X!/365 r + 0.944 G(x) - .68 ln(x)*2/4.91x cos(r)

Give or take .00034

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 8:41 PM

Show me a single person with a 5k refrigerator and I'll show you somebody that's someone who is single for a reason that the contents of the fridge won't fix.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/18/2019 1:14 AM

When the Samsung model first came out, it was over $6K. Now Samsung has a version that's a little over $3K. I've seen it on sale for $2,100 or so at Home Depot.

Note the the nicer model is a four door refrigerator/freezer. The two top doors are normal French Doors. The left rear door houses the freezer and can't be changed. The bottom right door can be set up as a refrigerator or freezer. The cooling system is super quiet and it does a fantastic job of keeping everything at the set temperature. The lights inside are great (bright LED) and if you leave the door open too long, it sings a nice song to you. There are also speakers built into the door, so you can listen to music while you're doing things in the kitchen. The screen can also be used as a message board - you can write notes or draw pictures with your finger. There's also a re-order app for groceries, but we haven't used it yet. Ice maker works great (chopped, cubed, etc) and the water is chilled or room temp. They also make it in standard depth and counter depth!

Now that the prices are down, I think it's worth buying. I like ours a lot - definitely the best refrigerator I've ever had.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/18/2019 8:38 AM

I'm not saying it's a bad fridge. I'm saying there the guy or gal who has not been lucky in love... Yet has the financial resources to afford the finer things in life might be "eligible" for reasons that can't be erased by the contents of the the fridge.

$2100? Not bad.

I'm not wild about the little songs the appliances sing. .. especially since they often require interaction to stop them.

Ding and done is fine.

... Hey Joe?

Why does the microwave say "good" on the display? What happened to the time?

Joe: oh there's a cup of water in there that I heated up and didn't take out.

Me: so to see what time it is you must obey the microwave?

Joe:. If I don't, it will sing a song every 10 minutes until the end of time.

Me: how do you know that if you can't see what time it is?

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 3:19 PM

You bring up an interesting point. We talk about cultural differences between race, religion, etc, however there's cultural difference between the cities we live in.

I grew up in a smallish suburb outside of Chicago. Conservative, blue/white collar mixed, middle class neighborhood. I ask myself if any of my neighbors or friends would buy something like an internet refrigerator and maybe - an I mean maybe, only one would and he'd buy it not for the quality, but as a "show off" piece.

I've lived in So Cal for 31+ years and I consider myself still conservative, but not as much as when I was in the mid-west. I find myself spending way too much money on things, but I also find that I'm making far more than I expected ... so, I guess it balances out. Expenses are high here in So Cal. Silly, by my mid-west upbringing. $3,100/mo for a 2 bedroom apartment? almost $1M for a 3 br/2ba 1500 sq ft mid century tract house? My sister was just visiting last week and she brings back a lot of my mid-west values.

Consider this; a two income family in most of the US can live comfortably with a $100K/yr income. They can own their own home and have a family. Here, a two income family can't buy a home unless their income is over $150K/yr - probably closer to $200K/yr. Typically, one has a good job making $135K/yr, while the other has an average job making $50-60K/yr. So, to put it in perspective, a $2,100 refrigerator for a single guy/gal making $135K/yr and living in a $2,200/mo apartment (or a $2,900/mo mortgage + assoc dues) isn't far fetched. That same single person making $70K/yr in the rest of the country and spending $1,400/mo for their home (which they own)would feel funny having a $2,100 refrigerator in their home vs a $1000 new french door model.

The same is true for cars. A three year $500/mo lease payment, which equals $60K in ten years (that continues forever, since they never buy) on a BMW X1 for someone here in So Cal is similar to a non-Californian paying a $400/mo car payment, which equals $24K in ten years (60 month loan) on Honda CR-V that they will buy and hold for 10+ years.

I appreciate that I've lived in both places and I see the difference between the two cultures. At first glance, it may seem like the So Cal people are wasteful and can't control their spending, however I don't see it like this. Money is spent in other ways, compared to the rest of the country. We spend money on techy things, cars, housing, looking good (health, fitness and beauty) and food - don't start me on the food thing!!!

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/20/2019 9:39 PM

I've only visited California, but I'm familiar with the housing and rental prices so I know what you mean. Where I grew up in a smallish suburb it was more of a blue collar / unemployed mix. It was so .... Interesting.. that a portio of the city was cut out and renamed..

I live in the other end of town and still visit. On the other side of the tracks (literally) you can probably get a house for the price of a nice refrigerator.

I'm not saying it's all gangster but Capone did have a property there as well.

Or so the story goes.

Maybe I'm in the minority here but I keep food in the refrigerator and my batteries in a drawer without climate control.... That and my butter comes in wrappers.

Ahhh... The life of a misfit.

...The North Shore? 5K is the minimum for a refrigerator.. I remember an older home I worked in that was getting a 400K kitchen renovation. It would be a nice fit in California.

Last time I was in California.. I had a slice of bacon that was $13.. damn good slice, but $13? You had better be doing well to live there or you'll be commuting to work from a cardboard box.. I saw that In San Francisco.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/22/2019 2:13 PM

3 day edit please?

I lived on the other end of town. current fridge came with the place .. french door ice/water job.

Want to build refrigerator/ pantry with glass wall insulated doors like back in the day.

... where I live now(chi) is quite turtley.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/17/2019 10:43 PM

So downstairs, my stock of solder paste, my carbon fiber prepreg tows for next week. Parts A & B of that excessively cranky epoxy resin that hardens so well. Oh, four bottles of New Zealand "Silver Moki" sauvignon blanc that was on special at $6.

Upstairs, those yellow agapanthus seeds saved from last season's crop after the neutron source needed a distant yard location for a day - and a half dozen Indian Butter Chicken & Rice frozen meals for emergency lunches. Some polyethylene ice block trays for when I leave the Silver Moki out during an extended tutorial.

I suspect I am undatable.


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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/18/2019 1:02 AM

Why solder paste in the fridge?

The epoxy I get - I do the same thing.

Contents of our fridge:

Batteries: 1.5V AAA,AA,C and D cells, 9V, 1.5V Silver Oxide cells (watch batteries) and 3.0V Lithium (CR cells).

Super glue hardener kit (bottles of super glue - thin and thick, plus the hardener spray).

Beverages: bottles of our good wine and champagne, beer and other beverages

Food: lots of condiments, leftovers, stale vegetables and cheese.

Very important stuff: our dogs food (he gets a mix of green beans, pumpkin and salmon) and my bottle of habanero hot sauce

The freezer: You don't want to know.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 8:05 AM

Butter isn't sold in containers.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/19/2019 2:10 PM

Challenge is, don't know about Land-O-Lakes.

To be or not to be........ok that's a trick question.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/23/2019 12:33 PM

After assessing the datability of my refrigerator....not impressive

This fridge came with the place, I was going to get a new one, but this was brand new, so I decided to just get a floor freezer...

The hurricane pantry ....

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/24/2019 2:13 PM

I suspect people will photoshop their refrigerators like they do their pictures though...

Now you my friend are dateable....

Maybe a new cottage industry will crop up, Refrigerator Decorator...Hey they have professional Christmas tree decorators don't they?

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/25/2019 7:22 PM

Ours looks nothing like this fridge! I don't know anyone who is this organized.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/27/2019 7:31 AM

dateable is debatable that looks like breast milk in the freezer.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

03/02/2019 4:21 AM

Notice how inefficient the refrigerator is. The tall stuff - OJ and white wine bottle - they should've been placed in the door tray and the short stuff should've been in the shorter door tray or the top shelf. Then the box of batteries could be placed in the refrigerator to save the charge on them.

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

03/02/2019 4:24 AM

Not dateable. Too many eggs and vegetables. This fridge is filled with family food = either not a single gal, or she has quite a few kids. Most single guys don't want to date a gal like this, unless she's super hot or has a ripped body ... or both. Hey, we can hope, right?

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Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

03/02/2019 4:27 AM

And also too many open bottles of wine that don't have a wine saver cap - one that pulls the air out, so the wine doesn't oxidize. She shouldn't waste bottles of wine!

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In reply to #35

Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/27/2019 7:58 AM

Have to admit, this thread made me take a look at my fridge contents... and found a few surprises. I then realized, of course no one will ever post their fridge pic without tweaking it first.

I won't be lining up to buy a fridge with constant surveillance inside... people who are into it... should strictly date each other!!

incus opella

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In reply to #34

Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

02/25/2019 7:16 PM

Fridge looks great! Low on beer??? And no leftovers?

Top freezer is ... almost empty? I do like the other freezer - though I used to fill mine with Hot Pockets.

Enjoy and be happy! Life is too short!

Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 8

Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

07/10/2019 5:06 AM

Lovers of Dating sites I would recommend using similar reviews - , immediately understandable what sat is scam , and where can be contact with true girls or guys. This saves a lot of time on registration and filling out forms on sites that end up being scam.

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Posts: 13

Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

08/19/2019 12:53 AM

This is a very cool and interesting idea, unusual. We are what we eat. Really very interesting. Friends, what about dating sites? Who uses these websites? Does this make any sense and is the search for a partner successful on such portals? A friend advised me before registering on dating sites, read information about different sites, compare and then choose. Here for example, I read the instasext review. It describes what the features of the site and what services it provides. Very comfortably. What do you think about this?


Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Land of Fruits and Nuts
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In reply to #45

Re: Dating App to Use Fridge Pics in Lieu of Headshots

08/28/2019 10:58 PM

"We are what we eat"

Does our fridge reflect what we eat? I'm not sure about that.

1. If you're single, you most likely eat out a lot. So your fridge is going to look a little empty.

2. When you're right out of college, you will go to the bars and hang out with friends a lot, so your fridge is going to look a little more empty.

3. Since you're busy at the bars, you won't have time to clean your old stuff out of the fridge, so it could mean two things. a. You have rotting stuff in your fridge - you are efficient and don't use the fridge, so why clean it. or b. Everything is organized - you are inefficient, because you don't use the fridge often and you're spending too much time making it look good. or c. The fridge is unplugged and empty or there isn't one - you are the most efficient and effective person, since you're never home, why even have a fridge?

4. If you're over 25 years old, #1-3 doesn't apply, unless you just got divorced or broke up with your gal.

I think a better way to judge someone's compatibility is to look at the inside of their car.

1. Two neat freaks will drive each other crazy. Sure, at the start, they'll get along, but one person's definition of putting things in the "right" place will be 180 degrees out of phase with the other (see, I added my engineering experience to the discussion).

2. One neat freak and one messy person will not get along at first, but as long as the messy person understands that they don't care about organization or cleaning junk out of their car ... they'll fall in love, have lots of kids and have a happy life.

3. Two slobs are a disaster waiting to happen. Nobody will clean up and the mess will grow and grow, until someone breaks! Or, they hire a maid to clean up the mess and then they just make a mess again and the maid cleans up again and ... That's marital bliss!

Enjoy and be happy! Life is too short!
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