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Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

Posted March 06, 2020 12:00 AM by M-ReeD
Pathfinder Tags: Coronavirus Shield

As the hysteria surrounding the spread of the coronavirus intensifies — hastened along by blogs and articles like this one — several products, legitimate and otherwise, are cropping up to ease the concerns of a manic public.

Among the bevy of apps, AI systems, and customized masks innovators have created to track and fight the virus, a developer from Penda China has created a wearable shield of sorts to quite literally battle the quick-spreading virus.

Dubbed “Be a Batman” in a nod to the possibility that bats are the source of the virus, the shield is a lightweight structure of PVC film that shrouds the wearer in a protective layer, a so-called third skin or bubble. The structure is worn on the body like a backpack secured by a carbon fiber skeleton frame and the PVC film wraps around the wearer, enveloping the wearer’s face and most of his or her body, shielding against the virus.

In addition to the protective gear, ultraviolet light acts as another layer of protection, sterilizing the surface of the shield, reportedly slowing the person-to-person spread of the virus.

Unfortunately, the suit is only in the design phase and won’t be available until its developer finds a company interested in bringing the suit to market.

In the meantime, we can all commission creepy customized masks designed to conceal the fact that we are wearing masks by superimposing an image of our mouths on the standard protective mask. Somehow, this seems more upsetting than people moving around concealed by nothing more than a structured, life-sized Tide pod.

Source: Penda China


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 8:33 AM

Full body condom?

...and the Devil said: "...yes, but it's a DRY heat..!"
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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 12:18 PM

Did you just sneeze on me dude?

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 12:45 PM

Trying to get the 'public' to walk the fine line between 'paying attention' and 'panic' is a herculean task.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 1:46 PM



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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 1:19 PM

Walmart shoppers trample hundreds in quest for last bottle of Purell....

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 2:24 PM


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 2:34 PM

The most dangerous thing about coronavirus is the hysteria. Thousands of times as many succumb to the plain old ordinary flu.

Do we worry about what we should worry about? The answer is no. Our sense of proportion is off and is further distorted by the news.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 6:31 PM

The "Our World in Data" link is excellent thank you. Confirms what I've believed for a long time.

The media virtually ignores that nearly 100 people die on U.S. roadways EVERY DAY, yet when some other tragedy occurs, that is relatively rare, it's all over the news with a horde of pontificators saying we need to do this and that, enact draconian laws, "so this never happens again", etc.


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 9:24 PM

For all the bad side effects of coronavirus hysteria, (financial panic, hoarding, etc.) maybe enough people will wash their hands to save a couple of hundred from dying of the plain old ordinary flu.


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 4:32 AM

It's true any increase in hygiene will save lives, it's something we should already be doing...They did some time ago supply alcohol wipes in the Walmart and Publix stores for wiping the hands and cart handles, I think this has done a lot to reduce the number of transmitted diseases....any reduction in person to person contact will have the same effect...We have experienced a down tick in the number of new covid19 cases worldwide yesterday, let's hope this becomes a trend and the light at the end of the tunnel is not so far after all...The Wuhan temporary hospitals are being shut down due to the lack of new cases appearing....

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 1:49 PM

My wife couldn't agree more. She's a hand-washing type.


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 6:08 AM

Please note that sanitizer products are anti bacterial not anti virus and will do nothing to prevent the virus spreading. They should not be used as an alternative to vigorous hand washing. I can fully understand why the manufacturers have not made this clear but it is a disgrace that governments and medical agencies have not done so.

This information comes from my wife who is a qualified biochemist and worked for many years as a virologist.


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 3:22 PM

..."The Environmental Protection Agency released a list of disinfectant products approved for use against COVID-19 on surfaces, including multiple products from brand such as Clorox and Lysol. Some of the specific products include Clorox toilet cleaner with bleach, Clorox disinfecting spray, Lysol disinfectant max cover mist, Lysol toilet bowl cleaners, and Lysol multi-surface cleaner and disinfectant spray."...

The Lysol disinfectant spray is just ethyl alcohol and propellant...

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 5:48 PM

Products with bleach or hydrogen peroxide are well represented in this list from the EPA.

There are also a good number of products listed that are not readily available to the general public; you know, the "good stuff."

So far, in regards to this latest outbreak, I have not seen or read anything that would change what I have been doing all along.


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 1:49 PM

Unfortunately too true in So FLA; but also worldwide.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 10:42 PM

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 6:32 PM

Looks like something straight out a Woody Allen movie. Well, almost . . .

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 9:46 PM

I'm not hysterical, but I'm paying attention, and I'm getting ready - stocking up on cat food and people food.

This thing is just getting started, so comparison with normal flu seasonal fatalities is meaningless. Despite draconian measures to contain it, it has established itself almost everywhere on the planet in about three months, and the cases are growing exponentially.

This coronavirus is much more virulent than the flu. Exposure to the eyes can cause infection. It can live on surfaces for up to nine days. It can be spread asymptomatically for up to three weeks. Health workers in full body suits, facemasks, and goggles are still becoming infected. There is speculation that the high fatality rate in Italy could indicate viral mutation. Our hospitals are not prepared or equipped to handle the potential overload. You will be on your own. Is it hysterical or is it being realistic to note that if nothing stops this - and with no vaccination it won't be stopped - tens of millions of people will die. It has happened in the past. We have not escaped history. The Grim Reaper sends his greetings to the scoffers - "Catch ya later!"

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/06/2020 10:20 PM

Calm down and get some Sun.....

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/07/2020 11:43 AM

PS: I predict (and I hope I'm wrong) that the guffaws in the West (and in this thread) about COVID-19 will age very poorly.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/07/2020 1:54 PM

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/07/2020 6:57 PM

Interview on UK's Channel 4

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/07/2020 10:35 PM

You're on the wrong thread, the cold hard facts are on ....

...this is the "what me worry" thread....

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 8:18 AM

We need to do something,... and if it sheds a bad light on you know who in the Whitehouse... that’s more important and the reason to the panicked stultum.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 10:33 AM

Right. I made the same mistake in a sports bar years ago. The TV was showing the press conference after Wayne Gretzky was traded from the Oilers to the L A Kings. When Gretzky started to cry, I laughed. The guy on the stool next to me turned and said, "You're in the wrong bar, Buddy!"

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 10:56 AM

When I was 18, I used to play pool quite a bit at this local bar.

there was this one older guy, he was a fun guy, 5’ nothing, but he had a temper, (ornery Orv we called him) especially after he’d been drinking. I never had a problem with him. I’d talk to him, try to get him to tell story’s. He was a ball turret gunner in WWII with 18 missions over Germany.

one time a group of 3 fisherman came in, and was making derogatory remarks about the locals...

this 5’- nothing WWII vet threw one of the guys out a window. As an 18 year old, I covered his back (the best I could, but I was getting in his way) , ... I ended up I had to get out of the way because this little fire plug fought like a Tasmanian devil.

afterwards,... I told him... dam it Orv,... if we ever had to choose sides for a game of dodge ball... I’m picking you on my side. What a night....

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 9:30 PM

Scarier than Ebola? You've got to be kidding. If you get Ebola, you have a 90 percent chance of dying, and you're lucky if it's sooner rather than later.


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 9:56 PM

He acknowledges the high death rate of Ebola but states that it has never posed a global threat because it is not remotely as infectious as COVID-19 and has therefore always been successfully contained.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/18/2020 10:07 PM

What, me worry? In Ontario, all libraries, theatres, movies, restaurants, pubs, cafes, are now closed. For weeks? For months? Things are getting funnier every day.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/07/2020 6:43 AM

We're stocking up on toilet paper down here! Nobody knows why, we just are.


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/07/2020 7:33 AM

Well,, you can never have too much toilet paper...I'm perpetually stocked up...

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/07/2020 7:57 AM

Well you are at the ass end of the world down there so it looks appropriate from here.


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 3:04 AM

Sorry pal, in Australia we stand on the ground and the sky is above us. Just doesn't sound like down under to me. Who drew the map.? I guess it was someone who thought North was up, maybe it's down. The bloke in Sydney with a shopping cart full of toiled paper is part of the problem. I have an elderly neighbour who cannot get around easily, I often do a little grocery shopping for him. The one thing he needs yes that's NEEDS, is toilet paper which he buys fortnightly. The supermarkets have had none for about 4 weeks now, thanks to morons like the above mentioned moron, so I give him some of ours to tide him over. We always buy the 12 pack when we need it so no problems YET. However if brain dead morons continue to panic buy, I just might refuse to turn out to a fire if his house catches fire. Let the paper choke the fire.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 10:19 AM

What up and what’s down is all relative...

ever wonder why the on Star Trek when the USS Enterprise meets a Klingon war bird they are both upright... when in reality (other then movie physics),... that’s not likely to happen.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 2:13 PM

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/13/2020 5:49 PM

...ever wonder why the on Star Trek when the USS Enterprise meets a Klingon war bird they are both upright... when in reality (other then movie physics),... that’s not likely to happen.

They have wings, too, about as functional as the fins on the late '50s cars. And you never see anyone floating around in zero gravity.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/17/2020 10:10 PM

I refuse to let you get away with that...

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 12:35 PM

Hello Jacko. This is off topic, but I am curious. When things are taking a turn for the worse we (N.A.) say they are "going south". Is the expression in Australia "going North"?


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 7:57 PM

Definitely not North - I think I'd say West, but pretty much as per this i.e. West or South:

"Going south

Q From Alison Hill, Devon: When I (in the UK) refer to something as having been destroyed or lost or otherwise rendered permanently unserviceable, I say it’s gone west. In similar circumstances Alistair Cooke (speaking from the USA) talks about things going south. Where do going west and going south spring from (my dictionary gives several possible alternatives for west, but does not recognise south); and are there differences (in meaning or usage) between these two phrases?

A Both have the same meaning, but go south has largely supplanted the older go west in the USA and seems likely to do so everywhere else fairly soon. In Britain, it tends to be younger people that use go south, leaving us older ones sounding geographically challenged.

Let’s take them in order. The origins of go west — meaning to die, perish, or disappear — seems anciently to be connected with the direction of the setting sun, symbolising the end of the day and so figuratively the end of one’s life. Going west has been linked to dying in English since the sixteenth century, though the idea must surely be very much older. It is sometimes said that it refers to the ride westwards that condemned prisoners in London took along Holborn from Newgate Prison to the gibbet at Tyburn, where Marble Arch now stands. My own feeling, not supported by much in the way of evidence, is that this story, even if true, is a particular application of an older viewpoint.

There’s a typically American association, of course, summed up in the exhortation to “Go west, young man, go west!”, often attributed to Horace Greeley, but actually said by John Soule, a newspaperman in Terre Haute, Indiana, in 1851. His meaning was not the negative one of death or dissolution, but one of hope to young men (only by implication young women, too) to make their way west as pioneers and take up a new life of promise. However, to the relatives and friends of the departing hopefuls back East, it must have seemed a little like a premature death, since they were unlikely ever to see them again.

The shift in sense of go west to one suggesting something had terminally broken down is much more recent: the big Oxford English Dictionary has no examples before 1919.

Contrast that with go south, which is first recorded in the 1970s, though it was uncommon until the beginning of the 1990s, after which it experienced explosive growth. The early evidence suggests it was business jargon: Random House Dictionaries say their first example is from Business Week in September 1974: “The market then rallies, falls back to test its low — and just keeps ‘heading South,’ as they say on the Street.” Note the quote marks around the phrase, showing that the writer considers it slang. The phrase seems to have later been taken over into technical fields such as computing (which needs as many terms for equipment and software failure as it can find), where significant numbers of examples appeared from the early 1990s on.

Where did it come from? My guess is that it’s based on graphical images. Think of sales charts that show worse results as a line going downwards (even at times figuratively “through the floor”), using the convention that regards height as good and depth as bad. Then combine that with maps, which by convention have north at the top. So a firm that was failing had its sales going figuratively in a southerly direction.

Why are we changing over? The associations of death and decay with a westwards direction have been growing less strong with time, and have survived only through a conventional idiom. Conversely, the American view of the south being connected with things that are unpleasant (at least to those living in the north of the country) may result from mental associations with slaves being sold down the river or to cultural echoes of the Civil War.

The new expression has vigour and seems certain to prevail."

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 9:48 PM

Awesome response.

Thanks for the elucidation !!!

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/11/2020 7:55 AM

What a relief,... as long as it’s not side effect to a drug...

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/07/2020 2:16 PM

Hey when your number is up, it's up...

..."About 70 people were trapped after a hotel being used as a coronavirus quarantine facility in the Chinese city of Quanzhou collapsed.

About 35 of the 70 have been pulled from the rubble of the five-storey Xinjia Hotel, officials say.

Videos posted online show emergency workers combing through the building's wreckage in the southern province of Fujian.

It is not clear what caused the collapse or if anyone has died.

It happened at about 19:30 local time (11:30 GMT).

Chinese state media says the hotel was being used as a quarantine facility monitoring people who had had close contact with coronavirus patients.

The hotel reportedly opened in 2018 and had 80 guest rooms."...

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 12:31 PM

I heard it collapsed because the building was engineered for 4 floors and was later remodeled in to 7.


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/07/2020 11:41 PM


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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 12:00 AM

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 3:05 AM

Wow, this got very political, very quickly. I wonder what those people stuck on the cruise ship might say.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 11:29 AM

If you want masks, get out your checkbook, and bring armed guards to pick them up.

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/08/2020 11:41 AM

I'm going whole head....

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/09/2020 10:11 AM

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/10/2020 11:39 PM

WHO latest warning campaign...

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/11/2020 12:35 PM

The media coverage is not really doing anybody any favors. It's not necessarily what they are saying, but the 24/7 breaking news, special team coverage, wall-to-wall Corona virus OBSESSION by the media causes people to think this is a lot more significant than it is. <sigh>

Not to say we shouldn't pay attention, but . . . . really?

And now the National Guard is being called in to enforce quarantines? Ho-boy.

The response is out of control, not the virus.

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In reply to #48

Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/17/2020 9:59 PM

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/11/2020 11:52 PM

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/12/2020 12:08 AM

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life

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Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/13/2020 6:59 PM

I'm waiting to see how long the lines will be when they do the drive up swab testing at wal mart .


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In reply to #52

Re: Join Me as I Lend to the Coronavirus Hysteria, Won't You?

03/17/2020 11:42 PM

I believe you apply on line and are given a time slot, at least that was my understanding...

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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