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Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/06/2025 7:35 AM

For many years I traveled the interstate, the quickest way. Occasionally I would take the older road that had been bypassed by the interstate, especially in the spring, when the trees and flowers bloomed. It was a very relaxing drive, where I could linger as long as I wanted without concern about holding up traffic.

There was a church in a fork of the road with a large beautiful white dogwood in front of it which I always looked forward to seeing.

On one trip early in the spring, I noticed they had erected a cell phone tower near by, about 300 feet away from the church. Between the church and the tower there as was railroad track, and there was smoke coming from a crosstie and track junction visible from the road.

I figured a bad ground from the tower was the cause, and notified the railroad and cell phone company.

The strange part was the dogwood tree blossoms on the tower side were pink.

The rest were white. The blossoms had always been totally white all over, no pink flowers whatsoever. The color of the blossoms had been changed by either the microwaves or the trickle of voltage from the bad grounding of the tower.

The flowers remained this duel color as far as I know, and 35 years later, they are still pink on the tower side.

Does anyone have any idea how this happened except my idea of interference from the tower changing the gene expression within the tree itself, and only localized on the tower side of the tree?

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Re: Genes changed by microwaves

01/06/2025 7:40 AM

There are species of flower that will change colo(u)r when iron is added to the soil.

A smouldering sleeper/crosstie could be something as simple as a piece of broken glass acting as a lens to focus sunlight onto it.

Eating nothing other than beetroot is sufficient to turn all body fluids red in colo(u)r.

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Re: Genes changed by microwaves

01/06/2025 8:18 AM

Yes, I am aware of that. Hydrangeas will change color according to the Ph of the soil, but all blossoms change color, not just one side. Acidic (low Ph) soil they bloom blue or purple. In high Ph (above 7Ph),they will become pink.

However, the flowers with the color change on this tree were localized to the side facing the tower and RR tracks.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/06/2025 11:26 AM

Probably has to do with ph of the soil...dogwoods prefer a slightly acidic soil...

It's possible somebody is walking their dog by this location everyday and the dog is pooping on this side of the tree...

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/06/2025 11:45 AM

OK,I will accept that, perhaps the trickle current changed the Ph of the soil in that area of the root system, but I have never seen it affect only one area.

Most trees prefer a low Ph due to natural selection, as almost all forest soil is normally acidic due to the decomposition of leaves producing tannic acid.

There are grafts where you can graft a red or pink dog wood to either color and have the colors on one branch, but only on that branch. Is you picture from a grafted tree or is it of unknown origin?

I can find trees online with apples, and pears on same trees ,and many others,

due to grafting, not Ph of soil.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/06/2025 8:51 PM

Maybe someone grafted on a branch from a pink dogwood tree.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/07/2025 1:38 AM

Before I retired, the parking lot I had to park in had flowering dogwoods. One year one of the trees had one large branch of pink flowers. The grounds people promptly removed that branch. I asked about it and was told it had been insect damaged. I asked why they just did not wait a year and was told it would never go back to white.

So something probably damaged some branches on the tree. Wish I knew more. My landscape friend retired and move to hawaii to raise giant bamboo for construction.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/07/2025 7:55 AM

Your question would be a great suggestion for the "what project should I do" people that used to stop by CR4. Someone working on a "senior project", "master's thesis" or "phd thesis" might consider this to be a "great college project" idea. (Quotes used hoping they will help Google pick up on this.)

In central Florida, we often see fruit trees produce on one side and not the other. Cold winter winds are often blamed. Salt from an ocean breeze is also frequently blamed. Truth is, we often don't know.

I don't know, but leakage from the tower would be low on my list of guesses. Microwave energy, pollution from the railroad, insects (silvCrow posting #6) and plain old coincidence are higher on my list of guesses.

The tree seems to be far enough from the tower that the current density from tower leakage would be mixing with ground current differences from metal corrosion on the railroad tracks, nearby power poles, etc. and probably make it hard for the tree roots to see a "hot side" on the tower side. (just my wild guess)

It might be microamps, it might be nanoamps, it probably is less, but the RF energy will cause current flow in the tree. That could alter the tree's chemistry, especially on the "hot side".

It will be minor, possibly millions, billions or more times smaller, but what happens inside a microwave oven will tend to happen to the tree, especially the "hot side". The temperature changes (maybe a millionth of a degree) would be very insignificant compared to daily weather changes, shadows from clouds and birds, etc. The changes in molecular motion would be very small, but maybe not totally insignificant. Again, that could alter the tree's chemistry or gene expression, especially on the "hot side".

In Florida (where quite a few crazy people live) we often hear that the grass is always greener over the trench where the power company installed a buried electrical line. "They" say that electric fields make the grass greener. Well, the grass over the electrical lines often is greener. But, "they" don't take into consideration that the ground is softer and holds water better due to it being dug and turned over. The "trench grass" might be a different variety and younger grass might just be lighter in color. We know that we can not trust what "they" say, but we don't know for sure if electric fields and electrical current leakage have an effect on grass growth.

This would make a great student project. I don't know what country HiTekRedNek is in, but it would might be interesting if HiTekRedNek would send the question, with tree location and photographs, to any University withing a couple of hours of driving distance from the tree. A student might get a good project and, after a semester or two, we might have the answer. (Who knows, maybe he/she might be able to make the other side of the tree green, blue or some other color?)

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/07/2025 10:40 AM

That's a great idea, to have a Cap Stone project.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/09/2025 11:21 AM

It would be interesting to see if someone would cover the tree in a faraday cage and see if it returns to original color...

..."To start, we need to find the wavelength for the frequency we want to block. This can be found by dividing the wave’s speed in meters per second by its frequency in hertz. As we’re dealing with a radio wave we know it will be traveling at the speed of light, and for the frequency let’s say we want to block 2.4GHz. So the math will look like:

The rule of thumb for a Faraday cage is that the openings should be no larger than 1/10th of the wavelength, which in our case is 12.5 mm (approximately 1/2 inch). As luck would have it, steel “hardware cloth” with mesh sizes of 1/2″ and 1/4″ is widely available. On paper either should work, but I did end up going with the 1/4″ to be safe."...

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/07/2025 10:19 AM

could of been a lighted Cigarette butt thrown out from a car in the church parking lot. Really would need to take a closer look at the evidence. otherwise its all speculation. Be carefully, as big as a train is, its comes up quiet and sudden. ;)

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/07/2025 10:19 AM
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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/07/2025 12:03 PM

Cellular site = non-ionizing radiation.

An investigation of the subject area with a radio spectrum analyzer will reveal all sorts of RF energy hitting the tree from all sides.

So, I am reluctant to jump to the conclusion that this phenomenon is caused by spurious emissions from the cell tower.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/07/2025 1:27 PM

I agree, that's a lot of energy to be dispersed for that phenomenon, if I had to speculate, I'd apply Occam's razor.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/08/2025 6:22 AM

What everyone says may be true, but it could be an unexplored method of modifying plant genes. I think perhaps it has more to do with the trickle of current through the root system than a direct effect of the microwaves .If it is a combination of both, it may outline the internal distribution of the circulatory system of the plant.

I think some research by botanists may be in order.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/08/2025 7:05 AM

Here is a tangent. Back in the late 80’s possible 90’s, there was talk about computer communications instead of using electronic binary 1 & 0’s. ‘They’ and they I believe was research facilities where using colors based on organic that were light sensitive where the receiver would change colors Green and Red (still binary) and it was biologics that reacted to this.

The thought was communication would be the speed of light, without electrical interference or the environment (heat I believe). Not the down fall was not they have to develop how to make this work without implement electronics again for a usable platform.

I did a search of this, and the only thing I could find is a AI generated to this which is below…

“AI Overview In a hypothetical digital computer where binary communication is represented by light color changes instead of 1s and 0s, a shift from red to green would typically signify a "1" state, while a purely red light would represent a "0" state; essentially using the presence or absence of green light as the binary distinction, with red acting as a base color for comparison. Explanation:

  • Binary principle: Computers operate on a binary system, meaning information is encoded using only two states, traditionally represented as "0" and "1".
  • Light representation: In this scenario, instead of electrical voltage levels, the intensity or presence of a specific color (like green) on a light source would represent the binary value.
  • Red as reference: By using red as the base color, a change to a greener hue signifies a transition from the "0" state to the "1" state.

Key points to consider:

  • Color spectrum: The exact shade of green used could vary depending on the technology, but the important aspect is the clear distinction between a "red-only" state (representing "0") and a "red with green added" state (representing "1").
  • Applications: Such a system could be used in specialized applications like optical computing, where light signals are used for data transmission and processing. “
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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/11/2025 8:38 PM

I hope it has something to do with the drones in New Jersey or UFOs from outer space. Those would be really cool answers.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/08/2025 9:44 AM

"According to current research, exposure to electromagnetic waves, particularly from sources like cell phone towers, can potentially negatively impact dogwood trees, causing changes in growth patterns like reduced leaf size, thinner stems, and altered coloration, although the exact effects depend on the intensity and duration of exposure; however, significant scientific consensus regarding the detrimental effects of low-level electromagnetic radiation on trees is still lacking, and further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms involved."

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/08/2025 7:13 PM

Good find, and an interesting read. GA voted.

So, no to a gene mutation, but a maybe to a, what, an alternative path of usual or typical physiological function in some organisms? This may be just what HTRN is asking about.

Interesting. The linked article tells us that the FCC has been aware of this anomoly for quite some time and has ignored it.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/08/2025 8:51 PM

Wow, I afraid that now that your link pointed that out, I’m going to notice it (like the hiss on a cassettes tape after making a music mix tape I never notice until someone pointed it out to me.)

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/09/2025 10:08 AM
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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/10/2025 4:24 AM

There are just so many things wrong with this article, though it may contain kernels of truth. So the cottonwoods lost their leaves towards autumn/fall - is thar abnormal for a tree that loses leaves in fall. There are also numerous other reasons for tress to lose leaves - insects, herbicides, droughts, overwatering, heat. cold, etc. Without a correlating mention of where the closest cell tower is or what the measured radiation levels are, it is just a series of 4 photos of a tree losing leaves like one may expect. It also confuses consumer Wi-Fi with cellular towers. Radiation is a tricky issue, but anecdotal observations is not adequate for conclusions.

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Re: Genes Changed by Microwaves

01/10/2025 4:42 AM

Changing colours does not necessarily require changing genes.

You mentioned that the railroad is also on the affected side of the tree - maybe it is something on the railraod side that caused it(unlikely, but still...)

Burning cross-ties are quite common and are unlikely to be caused by leakage currents - what would the causal machanism be to convert current flowing in the ground (OK-ish conductor) and bypassing a treated timber tie (not such a good conductor) and then generating so much heat to cause combustion? As mentioned elsewhere, a piece of glass in the sun, sparks from rail traffic, vandalism/experimentation by curious kids, all can cause a burning tie.

Leakage currents at this small level is unlikely to have a significant effect - it will affect the roots more, and then presumably not just the one side will be affected. Anyway, on DC electrified railway lines there are often leakage currents of multiple Amps (not mA), with no adverse effect on eucalyptus, pines, poplars, oaks, peach trees, various thorn trees, shrubs, grasses, etc. that I have observed.

I'm also not convinced that a few microamps or milliamps will change PH significantly enough - if that was the case, it would be pretty obvious from adjacent vegetation all around the place, as the current won't make a beeline just to one tree.

Maybe some insects are damaging the trees because it is more (or less) sunny/shady windy or wharever and the tree was damaged by that? Or maybe a new church warden is now chucking the dirty water with cleaning chemicals after mopping the floor onto the tree's roots.

And any radiation of a mast 100m away would be quite weak by the time it reaches this tree. Though focused beams means that it is impossible to say without measuring.

etc. etc. Running out of time, but you get the idea.

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