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Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/11/2008 8:31 PM

Lately, I have been pressed for transportation. Because I can't get to the Home Depot, I have been using paper towels in place of an air filter. It runs fine!!! Three folded towels have the engine running almost perfectly. My only worry is that I may be burning out the spark plug. Is it wise to continue using paper towels?

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/11/2008 9:42 PM

Hello The Masked Person

Filter cartridges use a porous sponge, normally oil coated, or paper which does not disintegrate easily, especially made for the purpose.

If you use a different filter or paper, you risk tiny paper particles being sucked into the engine, where they will burn, and some ash may get into the piston ring grooves as the piston sweeps the oily cylinder wall.

After some time, the ash deposit may cause cylinder wall scoring, or in an extreme case, cause seizure of the piston in the cylinder bore.

While your paper towel method may be temporary, it's really best to use the proper cartridge, and most enterprising users of lawnmowers/other engines, keep a full set of filters at their home, ready and waiting to be used.

Costs of the correct filter/s are small, when compared with an expensive repair bill.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/11/2008 10:31 PM

more foolish than dangerous, buy a filter,


looked over you web site, nice

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/11/2008 10:49 PM

In light of what Sparky said, I recommend you change the oil when you put in the air filter to remove or neutralize any paper particles or ash. If you've had oil blow by the piston rings, you might need to clean or change the spark plug too.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/12/2008 8:52 AM

Just a thought but also watch out!!

As the paper will get fuel vapour absorbed into it and we all know how a simple spark will set light paper soaked with fuel!!!


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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/12/2008 11:08 PM

Yes but the suction in the venturi will put the fire where it 's supposed to go

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/13/2008 1:36 AM

Hello bwire

Not on 3 lawnmowers and 2 chainsaws, which I have seen burnt out, along with a shed in which a chainsaw was being tested, and which 'blew back'.

In all cases, there was either no filter element, which does act as a 'flame trap' of some degree, or else the clever owner had used porous paper instead of the oiled filter sponge, and the flames came out the intake, causing the operator to drop the chainsaw or run away from the lawnmower.

Better to do the job properly in the first place, rather than have trouble in your hands.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/13/2008 10:37 AM

Hello Sparkstation,

Absolutely you need to mind your operation and if it blows back immediately apply throttle to suck it back inside.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/12/2008 11:05 PM

Having made lawn mowers go beyond there life expectancy including in a high sand environment,

if your engine is a 2-cycle there is more probability of the gas soaking the paper towels and a spark from somewhere setting it alite,

any engine starved for air flow will probably burn a hole in the piston crown, the air-fuel mixture is being messed with and engines do not like this, the paper towels are not porous and the air is forced to go around them, especially as they get fuel in them,

what made you think you needed an air filter? Can you see light thru the old filter? If so put it back in it's better then the paper towels. Tap the filter against the walk until no dirt falls out, take whatever is left and put it back in the air filter housing.

If you can, why don't you wash out your exisiting filter in kerosene and let it dry. Tap the filter again to dry it out as quickly as possible.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/13/2008 4:41 PM

If you can, why don't you wash out your existing filter in kerosene and let it dry. Tap the filter again to dry it out as quickly as possible

Correction: Wash the genuine filter you have in soapy water, rinse well, air dry - do not blow dry with compressed air. This is an approved method of filter renewal; but filter sellers will sometimes try to say it's not; or simply not tell you. Depending on mowing conditions (dustiness) you should still plan to install new filter periodically, typically at about 50+ use hours.

Kerosene would be suitable for non-paper filters such as oil bath (not oiled prefilter) filtration.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/13/2008 2:15 AM

The surface area of a properly designed paper filter is usually made larger by folding the filter many times. This increases the area dramatically allowing the the designers to make the pores smaller. The combination of these two screens the air of debris without causing a significant drop in air volume or pressure across the filter.

If the replacement filter you are using is less porous, not only will it filter out debris, but it will likely: 1. clog sooner for lack of area and 2, starve the engine of air.

Contrary to what some have suggested, this causes a significant enrichment of the air-fuel mixture ratio. When this happens, the spark plug may likely foul from the over rich mixture and begin to misfire. Aside from the obvious change in the engine's sound, one sure sign of this will be black smoke from the exhaust.

Will this harm the engine? Not likely. Over rich mixtures are often used deliberately on piston engines during full throttle conditions to help cool the exhaust valves, lower the cylinder head temperatures and suppress any tendency for detonation. I suppose that if the mixture were REALLY rich, it might dilute the crankcase oil some. For that to happen, however, the engine would have to be run in this state for some time. That's highly unlikely as the spark plug would sure foul badly over time and eventually cease firing the mixture.

The dirt that contaminates engine oil, is either injected through the induction system or a byproduct of the combustion cycle. Of the two, the induction system is the major culprit producing over 85% of the unwanted particles.

Of the two alternatives, running the engine with no filter at all is preferable to what you are currently doing, provided there isn't a lot of dust and dirt in the air. Notice please, that most race cars run no filters at all in their attempt to squeeze every bit of power from the engine. However, those engines get rebuilt most every race so there is little point in preventing wear.

Air born debris is abrasive. In time it will cause premature wear to everything in the engine. Your bet bet is to fit that engine with at least as good a filter as it came with from the factory. And, drain the old oil completely, preferably while it's hot and the dirt is still in suspension in the oil. No point in removing the old oil and leaving the crud at the bottom of the engine.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/13/2008 3:16 AM

Normal paper can disintegrate - better to use a non woven fabric - like towelettes or baby wipes. Probably better to soak it in a white spirit & light oil mix and then dry it first - needs only to be damped with oil. oil will also remove dust better.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/13/2008 10:27 AM

first your not the only one who has ridden or has to ride shanks mare wherever they need to get to.

you will not only risk as sparky points out the backfire on a two stroke you risk a lot more, especially when the cord wood pile and a lot more your are trying to put together go up in flames from the back fire.

there are as others have pointed out more than a few problems which can and do occur when using of unpleated paper is done, the big ones are thinned piston heads and air borne abrasives being sucked into the carb.

there seems to be a part of your query that is missing directly supplied info. where do you and how do you get the fuel for the engine? if the current cost of it keeps riding higher every visit to the pump it must lead you to consider changing a few things like the availablity of money to buy the gas. that while this issue of reduced money resources, too cheap to buy a proper factory spec'd filter or, plain broke, may be small things to some readers but are obviously major issues for you to deal with.

i speak from experience and suggest that each position is one you might consider the effects / affects of on yourself and your personal environment.

'da ber

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/13/2008 3:09 PM

My answer is simple and pragmatic. If you felt compelled to log in to CR4, (and we enjoy having you here - make no mistake,) then you are already 50% of the way to requiring a new lawn mower. I think that it would be a great deal more expensive to replace a lawn mower than an air filter which, even with the current gas situation, should only cost $25.00. That includes the gas, tolls and something to drink.

If I understand things correctly, we are discussing a riding mower. They cost somewhere between ~ $250.00 to ~ $450.00 or more.

Take the average ~ $350.00 or $25.00 - if I posed your question to you which option would you advise me to take?

Do you really want to spend your time trimming your lawn with a scyth? Not trimming your lawn will get you a nasty fine from the local constabulary, so that is not an option.

Sorry, friend, I don't like giving good people bad news, but before things get worse, get the silly filter. If you have a bunch of things you need at Home Depot try ordering it on line, but get the filter.

/Ari (Orpheuse)

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/13/2008 4:52 PM

The correct way is to wash the genuine filter as per post 13. Paper towels are most likely to impede air into the mixture . . . very little surface for filtration . . . even less with doubling. Consequent over richness will reduce engine power, increase stalling, foul plugs, increase frequency of de-carbonization tear-down and scraping of piston and chamber chamber. Contamination/malfunction/replacement of breather also made more likely. So wash your filter (if you can still retrieve it) and stop using paper towels.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/13/2008 5:58 PM

instead of feeling the pressure of said suv riding people to home depot for the golden filter...

heavy cotton works. if it is too thick, stretch it out. if it is a sweater with fluffy insides, leave the fluffy side away from venturi. if you want to be fancy and make a k&n type filter for your hot rod mower, spray some oil on it.

if you mow over dust, let engine shut down before going over the dust to get to the lawn on the other side.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mow

07/14/2008 12:50 AM

From the potential repair costs it may be cheaper to take a taxi to Home Depot to get the filter.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mow

07/14/2008 4:51 AM

Provided that air cannot "bypass" the towels and that there is something to stop the towels being physically sucked into the engine in the form of a coarse sieve mechanism, your only worry is the fact, "does it present a smaller or greater resistance to the air passing though than the filter did?"

If carburettor 4 stroke, this will change the mixture to either weaker or richer, both are bad.

Richer means that the cylinder wall lubrication is bad, fuel consumption is also higher.

If leaner (weaker) then exhaust valve and plug may overheat......

After running for say 30 minutes, remove the plug and look at its condition. Black deposits means too rich, burnt up metal and white blue ceramic totally clean, means too lean.....but how to get it just right with home equipment, sorry no idea.....

Now if it had a fuel injection system and an oxy sensor, you do not need to worry so much as the engine control system would correct itself!!!

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/14/2008 1:32 PM

You might want to add some jet fuel to your gas tank. And while your at it, take those useless blades, that you have to sharpen off, and just wrap some 1/8" frayed cable around the shaft. Be sure to start your mower in a pile of broken glass. Now you wont feel the burns from the bleeding on the rest of your body. Is home depot that far away, and if so, Im pretty sure they have a Wal-mart spaced out about every 2.5 miles away.

Play it safe and go get a $5 filter.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/14/2008 1:37 PM

Ace Hardware online

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/14/2008 1:39 PM

hmmm...wise? What is the manufacturers recommendation?

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/14/2008 2:39 PM

The manufacturer has mandated for users to use only genuine filters. So this is probably answering my own question?

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/14/2008 5:35 PM

Okay now focus here if the mower is worth $5

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/15/2008 5:11 AM

Hello The Masked Person

from me

Good answer, because you have answered your own Question using the correct reasoning.

Kind Regards....

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/14/2008 3:34 PM

Here's a different approach to getting a filter:

Years ago, the instructor in a college business course said his wife wrote a letter to a company saying she liked their laundry detergent. They sent her a case of the stuff, and after that, they would send free samples of new products. That saved them a lot of money. She didn't ask for any of that, she just wanted to let them know they made a good product.

I haven't tried this myself, so your mileage may vary. The most you're going to lose is a piece of paper, an envelope, a stamp, and some time.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/14/2008 5:19 PM

Very interesting approach.

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Re: Is it dangerous to use paper towels in place of an air filter, in a lawn mower?

07/14/2008 6:30 PM

Save your paper, ink, stamps, time, sanity... lawnmower parts simply don't come in free-sample sizes. And, mfrs count on getting high profit on parts/replenishable . . . to make up for small margins on equipment. No different from auto mfrs . . . who even charge you for their repair mistakes.

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