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p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

01/28/2010 11:21 AM

What is value of the p.f. of a locked-rotor induction motor? (if it's full-load p.f. is, for inst., 0.85 )

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Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

01/28/2010 11:23 AM

Why would one want to use a locked-rotor induction motor as a convection heater?

Once the overload operates, the power factor falls to zero.

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Anonymous Poster
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Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

01/28/2010 12:10 PM

Ineffiecient, big copper losses small power ind. motor may stay long under the condition in question without burning out (the protection is often oversized). And often they (1ph ones) will run fine after you have taken apart and oiled its bushes.

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Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

10/02/2024 6:12 AM

Invitation declined.

"Did you get my e-mail?" - "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" - George Bernard Shaw, 1856
Anonymous Poster

Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

01/28/2010 11:24 AM


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Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

01/29/2010 1:44 AM



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Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

01/28/2010 7:23 PM

Dear all,

Power factor of locked rotor motor is around 0.2 to 0.4.


Akihito Shigeno @ JGC-Indonesia
Anonymous Poster
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Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

01/29/2010 1:42 AM

Thank you. I was always convinced it is about 0.91 -0.99. Am now going to make an actual check with a small one - by adding cap-s.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #5

Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

01/29/2010 2:04 AM

I was always convinced it is about 0.91 -0.99.

How? Locked rotor means -

a) no mechanical power transfer

b) Secondary is like a transformer short circuit.

Actual power = only the copper losses of the twin - pri and sec

magnetising current remains same

hence Pf will be as the previous post said.

BTW: please put current limiter unless you want to destry even the small motor.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #7

Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

01/29/2010 5:00 AM

Have just carried the test:

An ind. motor, locked rotor. 2 cap-s at my hands : 1 and 2.5 microfarads (no others at the moment)

App. current being drawn byt eh mot. 0.20 A;

Add 2.5 mf cap: current 0.23 (becoming capacitive);

Add 1 mF cap: current again 0.20 A:

Add the both cap-s (0.71 mF): current remains 0.20 A;

The clamp meter is not of a best precision, so, evidently, are the last 2 measurements.

Clear one: p.f. is rather 0.9 than 0.2 - otherwise the capacitive load added would have compensated the inductive.

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Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

03/21/2013 12:39 PM

Dear Friend,

The Power Factor will NOT be 0.91 to 0.99. Pl. refer Post No.4 of Mr. AkihitoShigeno, and my endorsement for his views/statement, as "

"Dear Mr. AkihitoShigeno,

You are right.

The P.F will be as you said 0.2 to 0.4, for the SIMPLE REASON, the LOCUS of the CURRENT of the Induction Motor WILL FOLLOW THE CIRCLE DIAGRAM, and at the extreme end of the Loci Circle the current and the phase angle between the voltage and the current will be around 70 Degree, and POWER FACTOR is Cos70 and it will be 0.342."

Pl. refer Standard Elec.Engg. Text Book - CIRCLE DIAGRAM of the Induction Motor.


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Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

03/21/2013 12:34 PM

Dear Mr. AkihitoShigeno,

You are right.

The P.F will be as you said 0.2 to 0.4, for the SIMPLE REASON, the LOCUS of the CURRENT of the Induction Motor WILL FOLLOW THE CIRCLE DIAGRAM, and at the extreme end of the Loci Circle the current and the phase angle between the voltage and the current will be around 70 Degree, and POWER FACTOR is Cos70 and it will be 0.342.



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Re: p.f. of a locked-rotor ind. motor

03/21/2013 2:27 PM

What may be the PF of the transformer whose second winding was short curcuited ? (untill it is burned)

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