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Reminder - Please Be Courteous to Others

01/20/2014 9:41 AM

The admin team has received a number of reports about rude posts over the past few weeks. The themes are all the same:

  • "problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) post"
  • "unfriendly and unhelpful!!"
  • "rude"
  • "This is rude."
  • "This is another good example of caustic, baiting responses"

The reports are from and against different users. Maybe it's caused by seasonal depression, cabin fever, or general frustration with another user, but this attitude isn't welcome on CR4. Please remember to be courteous to one another on the forum. If the only response you can formulate is a nasty one, don't post a reply.

Let's keep CR4 a great community for learning and sharing ideas. And easy to moderate.

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