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posted in The CR4 Admin Blog
You may have seen a recent post about CES from Bryan DeLuca. There was some confusion over whether he was spamming CR4. That's not the case; he's part...
posted in Animal Science
by SavvyExacta
Last month I set up a trail camera in a wooded part of my property. It's caught family members, a guy we don't know, and a few animals. I thought I'd...
posted in The Engineer's Notebook
by Hannes
Picture this: you're an 8 year old on a Friday night in 1933,
cross-legged on the floor next to your hulking, overheating Zenith console,
posted in Speaking of Precision
by Milo
It has been 40 years since Motorola engineer Marty Cooper called a colleague at a rival company from his "real cellular phone."
That was 1983. 40 yea...
posted in IHS Product Design Blog
by SavvyExacta
IHS GlobalSpec recently launched two new websites. The sites, Electronics360 and Datasheets360, provide resources for
the electronics industry and a...