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Register to Learn About Key Changes in the 2021 Edition of the ASME BPVC

Posted April 11, 2021 12:10 AM by sue
Pathfinder Tags: ASME bpvc

Issued every two years, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) sets the standard for the safe design, manufacture and maintenance of boiler and pressure vessels, power-producing machines and nuclear power plant components. Today, more than ever, code users around the world - boiler/pressure vessel manufacturers, operators, stamp holders and inspectors - rely on the updated information to ensure safety and compliance.

Attend this webinar to learn about key revisions as highlighted by the committees responsible for each section.

Three webinar attendees will be chosen at random to receive one of our special prizes* $500 or $300 or $200 deposit account credit toward purchases in our online standards store. Our team will announce the winners in the May newsletter.

*No purchase necessary. Deposit accounts do not apply to subscription orders and may not be applied toward the renewal of a subscription.

Editor's note: This is a sponsored post from IHS Markit.

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The 2019 ASME BPVC Has Published - What Do You Need to Know?

Posted August 25, 2019 12:00 AM by Joe Kroog
Pathfinder Tags: bpvc IHS Markit

The 2019 edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) was recently published on July 1. And with it, operators, stamp holders, inspectors, engineers, quality and other technical professionals have already begun tearing into each section and evaluating the impacts of the changes published in the newest edition. While these companies and teams have six months before the 2019 Code officially goes into effect, we often hear that it’s just not enough time to evaluate and implement the engineering changes needed to stay compliant.

  • Over 40 major changes were announced across the twelve sections of the Code
  • A new Section III, Division 5, Subsection HH Subpart B was released
  • A new Division in Section XI
  • Major editorial alignment changes
  • Hundreds of other changes across the various sections

We’d love to hear from you - How are you consuming and addressing these changes?

1. Wait until the 2019 Code goes into effect in January 2020 and address before next certification audit.

2. Waiting for OEM or supplier to implement changes to their requirements and/ or products.

3. Team is actively reviewing hardcopy books - earmarks, sticky notes or tabs flagging potential impacts from changes.

4. Team already reviewing newly published 2019 version within an online subscription platform.

5. Team is utilizing version comparison (or redline) functionality that highlights changes from the 2017 to the 2019 edition.

6. Attend the complimentary 2019 ASME BPVC Key Changes Webinar that provided insights into major changes in each section of the new Code.

7. Download the complimentary 2019 ASME BPVC Fact Book.

8. Other.

Get your complimentary copy of the 2019 ASME BPVC Fact Book from IHS Markit. Join the on-demand version of the complimentary 2019 ASME BPVC Key Changes webinar on GlobalSpec. If you are interested in leveraging the version comparison functionality to shorten engineering change cycles, learn more about ASME BPVC solutions from IHS Markit.

Editor's note: This is a sponsored post from IHS Markit.

4 comments; last comment on 08/28/2019
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New Report Finds Shortcomings in Product Development

Posted July 14, 2019 12:01 AM by Joe Kroog

A new research effort into the product development process has revealed some compelling trends with information overload. In retrospect, the move to a digitally driven process makes sense but is far from perfect. And companies still fall on a wide spectrum of approaches and efficiencies in their product development processes. Despite an abundance of alternatives, there are still some surprising trends.

A couple key discoveries:

1. The number one method for sourcing information; 62% rely on other employees to help source information. The physicality and duplicity of this method to finding information is shocking given the magnitude of digital sources available.

2. The number two method for sourcing information; 42% provide employees with multiple logins to various IT systems (42 percent). This method is more effective than physically looking for information; however, the drawbacks are many.

3. On par with the second most common method for sourcing information; 42% still rely on paper-based documentation. While this is response is disappointing, it’s understandable given the reliance on accessing historical project files which are limited to paper.

This research report further investigates the different types of information as well as the outcomes impacting the organization from difficult to find information. Ranging from incorrectly ordered parts to high numbers of change orders, it’s clear the move to digitization hasn’t started to reap it’s intended rewards.

Download a complimentary copy of this full report on IHS Markit Engineering Trends, Insights and Innovations. https://ihsmarkit.com/Info/0619/eireviewinfooverload.html

3 comments; last comment on 07/19/2019
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Datasheets360 Introduction & Tour

Posted March 14, 2013 3:12 PM by SavvyExacta
Pathfinder Tags: Datasheets360 GlobalSpec IHS

IHS GlobalSpec recently launched two new websites. The sites, Electronics360 and Datasheets360, provide resources for the electronics industry and a free part number search tool, respectively.

IHS GlobalSpec is CR4's parent company. The IHS GlobalSpec website has a supplier directory; an industrial part and service search; product information and selection guides; e-newsletters, whitepapers, and webinars; online events, and more. Datasheets360 provides a simple part search tool that returns PDF datasheets for electronic components.


Datasheets360 is a simple and free part number search for electronic components. Users are not required to register to use this site. Electronics360 has more than 70 million PDF datasheets from over 1,000 original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

After searching by part number, users can narrow their search by part category or manufacturer.

Search results may include details like the distributor's name, pricing, inventory, and the ability to buy the part - all in addition to a PDF datasheet.

Other options for finding information include browsing the site by part number and browsing the most popular parts.

Some improvements are planned for coming months that will include the addition of more distributors' parts to the results, scaling the part count to over 100 million parts. A keyword search will also be added.

Click here for a tour of IHS GlobalSpec's other new site, Electronics360.

1 comments; last comment on 03/15/2013
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Electronics360 Introduction & Tour

Posted March 14, 2013 3:11 PM by SavvyExacta
Pathfinder Tags: Electronics360 GlobalSpec IHS

IHS GlobalSpec recently launched two new websites. The sites, Electronics360 and Datasheets360, provide resources for the electronics industry and a free part number search tool, respectively.

IHS GlobalSpec is CR4's parent company. The IHS GlobalSpec website has a supplier directory; an industrial part and service search; product information and selection guides; e-newsletters, whitepapers, and webinars; online events, and more. Electronics360 adds even more resources for those interested in the electronics industry.


Electronics360 is an informational site including news, analysis, and commentary regarding electronics technology and the industries that use electronics.

After viewing the site's homepage, it is broken down into three major tabs: News & Analysis, Calendar, and Research. There's also an About page that explains more about the site. Let's take a look at some of the tabs.

News & Analysis

This section contains a lot of information for people who are interested in electronics. There are standard news stories, analysis of trends, and commentary on what's going on in the industry.

The authors and editors of the content are electronics industry professionals from around the world. CR4's own amichelen, an IHS GlobalSpec engineer and electrical engineering professor, writes a regular column about semiconductor developments and nanotechnology. (Click to read his latest article: 2018: The End of Easy Scaling and the Dawn of Nanotechnology.)

Features like the chart of the day and price tracker can help professionals make informed decisions.

The news stories are great. I hope that one day we are able to integrate them with CR4 so that the community can discuss them!


A calendar of electronics industry events on the site includes tradeshows and online events. Some of these are webinars or other online events hosted by GlobalSpec. Others are more traditional tradeshows and conferences held around the world.

You may be interested in checking out a webinar coming up next week on March 19: Uncertainty and opportunity: What's ahead for the semiconductor industry in 2013?


Electronics360 draws on information and analytics provided by IHS. The key sections in this tab are market watch, media research, and research resources.

Click here for a tour of IHS GlobalSpec's other new site, Datasheets360.

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