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posted in Notes & Lines
by Hannes
The water crisis in Flint, Michigan has thrown lead
contamination (as well as poor government oversight and possibly corruption)
into the public spo...
posted in Common Purposes
by MillMatt
Can man live by bread alone?
This rhetorical question has its roots in the Bible where
related phraseology is found three times and the intent is s...
posted in Common Purposes
by MillMatt
A chicken is interested in the person who wants bacon and
eggs for breakfast but the pig is committed.
It's a light quip (for all but the pig!) but...
posted in OH CR4P!
by cheme_wordsmithy
Ever played the board game RISK? Even if you haven't, you've most likely heard of it. The game is aptly named because, regardless of the strategy impl...
posted in Speaking of Precision
by Milo
For those who thought they knew everything that could be known about heat treating steel.
Minimizing time rather than maximizing temperature soak s...