User Profile for DavidSA
Name: DavidSA
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Join Date: 02/08/2017
Member Title: Associate
Last Visit: 04/18/2018 2:10 AM
Last Post Date: 04/16/2018 2:37 AM
Signature: Prayer moves the hand that holds the universe
Location: Scotland, UK
Total Posts: 28 (1 Good Answers)
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BSc Physics (Natural Philosophy) from Glasgow University, Scotland

Y-ARD (Admiralty Research) - Fighting Vessel Control System Design/Simulation

Babcock Power - Automated Welding Machine Control System Design - one of the first computer controlled welding machines

Keystone Valves/Tyco - Distributed control and monitoring system using a fieldbus network

Teknek - Hi Spec microcontroller based cleaning machines (removing sub micron particles and static) for PCB/mask production

Terex - Distributed control and monitoring (CAN/J1939) of drive train and operational functions in huge trucks - big boys toys!
