During a recent Win7 reinstall, I downloaded drivers for my Workforce 3520 from Epson and got handed their latest and greatest set of utilities with it. When the installer loaded the drivers, it proceeded unbidden into reloading printer firmware. Long story short, power got interrupted and the firmware went sour. In the Workforce printers, there is supposed to be a Recovery Mode, which allows you to reinstall firmware via USB, but THIS printer won't reinitiate it - I suspect the EEPROM has some random junk in it. With other Epson printers I have seen, there is a key combination you can hold down at powerup to do a hard reset of the microcontroller and get everything pointing to the correct place in the bootloader, and you can reload; I, however, cannot find that combination for the Workforce series. I do not know what part number the micro is to get a datasheet to reprogram, but before I open this thing up, I thought I would check if there is anybody here who might know the keys to the front panel reset. Anybody?
Re: Epson Workforce Issues