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CAT6 vs. Fiber Optics

12/04/2015 8:18 AM

I need to install outside camera that is around 320 feet from the controller,

is it ok to use CAT 6 instead of fiber optics? don't care about the time delay.

if it isn't ok what is the damage? meaning is it worth the difference in cost looking at image quality.


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Re: CAT6 versus fiber optics

12/04/2015 9:06 AM

Cat-6, Cat-5e, Cat-5, or even 3 are suitable for use.

I've used them all at greater distances with no issue.

I won't even mention how far I've gone with a twisted pair and a balun.. It's rather unbelievable.

If you have any question about the equipment you're using just try it with half a box of wire before you make the run.

avoid splicing!

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Re: CAT6 versus fiber optics

12/04/2015 9:59 AM

what you mean by a half box of wire?



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Re: CAT6 versus fiber optics

12/04/2015 12:53 PM


I would occasionally open a fresh 1000' box of wire and put connections on both ends just to see how the equipment I was using would fare under extreme circumstance.

I also did this with with shorter lengths of wire (half used box) because this was closer to reality on a long run.

There were jobs where I was running hundreds of wires and I didn't want to take chances. (That and I was curious as to how much man handing the wire could handle.) After verifying the integrity of a cable with an advanced network tester I would stomp, pinch, twist, stretch, and kink different brands of cable and run more tests along the way looking for variations in cross-talk etc.

In the end I learned that I'm was more gentle with the cable than necessary, but that's ok. I never had to service my installed cables.

I did similar tests with audio cables as well as fiber optics.

.. be the best at termination and be done with it.

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Re: CAT6 versus fiber optics

12/04/2015 9:07 AM

Looking at the Wikipedia listing it looks as though you're on the outer limit of what Cat 6 will do at that distance, Mildred.

As to your other questions you can install whatever you like at whatever price you like. I'd have thought that having enough confidence in it working first time was a more valuable criterion than first cost, then I'm funny that way. After all you don't want to rip it all out and do it again, do you?

Good moaning!
Anonymous Poster #1
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Re: CAT6 versus fiber optics

12/07/2015 8:19 AM

for design??? You should go with NEC codes and TIA...not wikipedia.


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Re: CAT6 versus fiber optics

12/04/2015 1:38 PM
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Re: CAT6 versus fiber optics

12/05/2015 1:41 AM

Hello Solar Eagle one of the reasons I don't is 95% of the systems out there are not encrypted, and if they can find your wireless signal they know where your holes in your system are. I don't need the reputation of failing a client in their security of their merchandise or employee safety. These newer systems that are being offered today have little encryption or none at all they are mostly being offered for ease of installation. A lot of security contractors don't want to run wire so as to not puncture the environmental envelope of a home or business. Plus it is cheaper to hire low information installers and tell them to put up the cameras where you point out then you can leave the rest to one more skilled worker to complete the wireless connection on to the Ethernet. Thus low-tech installers cost less payroll and you can have more of them, and do more unsecured installations with these unskilled workers.

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Re: CAT6 vs. Fiber Optics

12/05/2015 10:42 AM

What is the frequency of the signal from the camera?

Does the cable need to supply power to the camera?

Will the cable be entering an air plenum?

If so,cable must be plenum rated.

Some buildings us the space above suspended ceiling for air plenum.

Lots of very important variables you have left out.

You could go with RG6 coax;Gel filled if used outside or buried.

Cat5 is a lot less critical to work with than Cat6.

You cannot use regular cable ties on Cat6.Must use the Velcro ties.

Must maintain the proper twist at terminations,and have proper tools.

Just a few things to consider.

You don't need fiber unless very high frequency data signal.Same with Cat6.

Splices on fiber are also special procedures.

A lot to think about and consider.

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Re: CAT6 vs. Fiber Optics

01/20/2016 1:34 PM

copper v. optical-fiber::

copper : • if you don't weld your cable ends there is el.-al corrosion in contact areas • if you don´t hermetically seal your cable it corrodes in moist atm. (the cable and contacts are cheap and easy to replace) • if it's electrically noisy env. you won´t reach the cable maximum put-through . . . ((i´d prefer coax to multi-strand - about noise immunity <- it might be outdated knowledge for today))

fiber : • (Comm-Laser/Hi-Int.)LED-s have half life (though they still may work 5-s to 10-s of years depending the operating mode) • i !! assume !! the optical hubs are more expensive if you need more cameras to be connected • the potential information density is multitude grater for optical cable (again in case such is required)

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