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Stop Calling it Autopilot Musk, You Peabrain

04/14/2018 9:09 AM

"Tesla is extremely clear that Autopilot requires the driver to be alert and have hands on the wheel. This reminder is made every single time Autopilot is engaged.”

That legal contortion is a direct quote from Tesla.

But the entire world knows that an Autopilot does NOT require hands on the wheel or eyes on the road and that's the central problem in Musk's tiny peabrain.

Musk wants you to shell out for his adorably cute little self driving cars but if you ever fall for the hype that it is actually a self driving car and you actually take your hands off the wheel or you actually take your eyes off the road and you actually let his adorably cute and deceitful marketing construct called Autopilot take control then your Tesla will slam you into a concrete lane splitter and call you out for slandering Musk's name if you dare to question his marketing deceits.

The ridiculous contortions that Musk is using to force the deceit that his cars have an Autopilot while legally denyng you the right to operate them automatically are embodied in the contradiction of the third link below.

That author has obviously swallowed Musk's moonshine because a truly Autopiloted car wouldn't need a driver to be engaged.

Yet that's the central construct that Musk is wanting to force on the public by calling his system Autopilot when it's anything but, and that's fully acknowledged in all his get out clauses which he'll force in the face of anyone that dares to question his hype.

Auto industry lawyers warn automated driving hype will be a legal matter

Family of Tesla crash driver hires law firm, questions Autopilot

Carmakers Struggle to Keep Drivers of Automated Cars Engaged

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 11:03 AM

Perhaps it's you that misunderstand the term "autopilot"?

..."An autopilot is a system used to control the trajectory of an aircraft without constant 'hands-on' control by a human operator being required. Autopilots do not replace human operators, but instead they assist them in controlling the aircraft. This allows them to focus on broader aspects of operations such as monitoring the trajectory, weather and systems.[1]"....

I agree the term 'autopilot' is misunderstood, but then what does autonomous mean?

If you're a flyer, you probably understand that the autopilot just sort of holds the control for you, but if your understanding of the term is from the movies and tv, unfortunately the majority of people, you might think this means it flys the plane automatically....It's a miscommunication in terminology, but sooner or later, people will figure it out.....

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 11:36 AM

If, and only if, you have a pilot's license, and fly an aircraft equipped with an autopilot, do you actually appreciate that distinction. And when programmed properly, autopilot can fly an aircraft from point A to point B without human intervention.

If you are buying a Tesla because they are modern technology or just plain cool, you probably don't care to know the true technical distinction.

I agree with WT. Call it something else.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 2:34 PM

"An autopilot is a system used to control the trajectory of an aircraft without constant 'hands-on' control"

Tesla's Autopilot demands that driver's keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road at all times.

See the contradiction?

And as Lyn says, it's a matter of the public's perception of what the word Autopilot means.

Tesla owner who crashed on Autopilot has a warning for other drivers

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 10:04 PM

A talking head on the TV asked how it is a self-driving car if you have to keep your hands on the wheel. I usually disagree with TH's on TV but, in this case, she had a point.

To be a "safety driver" and stay alert to take over in the event that the "autopilot" fails, I would suspect, is much harder than just driving the car. Sooner or later, the human is going to become bored and lose concentration, and then, when things go awry, will not be able to react quickly to the situation. JMHO.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 10:20 PM
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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 11:55 AM

While I welcome the introduction of well designed driving aids, I don't think that autonomous vehicles or "Autopilot" functioning will ever be safe or reliable on today's roadways. This technology will only become practical when highways are designed and built exclusively for the use of such vehicles. I can envision such a highway system where autonomous mode takes over the vehicle when entering such a highway, and becoming disabled upon exiting.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 1:25 PM

Don't underestimate AI....It's still in its infancy...Some day it will have superior capabilities, in all areas.....

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 1:45 PM

Artificial Intelligence is great until it has to deal with human's limited, or lack of, intelligence.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 6:00 PM

..."In both cases, vehicle logs revealed that the drivers in both cases did not respond to vehicle warnings to retake control before the accidents."...

I think this clearly goes beyond any understanding of the word or meaning of 'autopilot'...This is blatant disregard for one's own safety, and any other unfortunate soul that happens to be in the way....they clearly should understand the word warning! warning!, or should not be driving anything...suicide by bravado

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 6:23 PM

NO! Tesla's marketing hype leads potential purchasers to stretch the limits of the fledgling technology. They really think the cars drive themselves, up until lethal impact.

These cars are NOT autonomous. They are NOT self driving. Even autonomous cars kill people, with "drivers" in the driver's seat.

Anybody who has flown in the front seat of an airplane knows that setting the autopilot will keep the aircraft generally on course. There are no roadways in the sky. Varying course two degrees will not make you, "run off the road", and will not kill you.

Trains that run on rails are not (with VERY few exceptions) allowed to run with no one at the controls.

Ditch "auto-pilot" and call it what it is, assisted control of the vehicle.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 7:26 PM

Hey, some people just don't get it....

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 6:23 PM

You just confirmed the point that I was making.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 2:48 PM

I totally agree with Greg.

The only viable way this will work is by having controllers in the road to which all the vehicles on that road are electronically attached so nothing can go off course.

Vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians (plus deer, bears, cattle and other strays) that don't have the required embedded control system will not be allowed on those roads.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/14/2018 4:36 PM

I thought the Tesla was an automobile and not an aircraft?

Calling it auto-assist wouldn't sell ass many units.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/15/2018 3:13 AM

I wonder, at the time " seat belts " were required in cars, how many people complained about that verbage, clearly the seat didn't require belting. Human restraint device would have been more appropriate. Yet, here we are, many moons later and folks have gotten past the name and life has somehow managed to go on. Same will happen with Autopilot.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/15/2018 4:19 AM

Not the same thing.

I was around then. I even put seat belts in my car long before they were required, or came that way from the factory.

They were "seat belts". They saved lives.

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Re: Stop calling it Autopilot Musk, you peabrain.

04/15/2018 10:59 AM

The man on the street talking to the oddly dressed elitist ; " so, who are you guys " ?

" Oh, we are your friendly neighborhoods busybodies working to help you, the commoner, from hurting yourself ".

" Hmm, we'll, I got this idea for a product ".

" let me look at that ".

" Nope, can't use that color, can't use that shape, can't use that packaging, and you certainly cannot use that name ".

But, but, I own this company !

" Maybe so, but it won't pass review by the board and I'm the president of the board.

" Just how many members are on this board ? "

" Just one, me ", you see, we, the board, have to protect you and others like yourself, from yourself,. We, the board, have, in our wisdom have determined that you, the common man, hasn't got a lick of sense afforded the average amoeba. "

" Huh,,,,whatta you think about my idea for this cup ? "

" Where's the handle ? This will never pass review, how can you possibly hold a cup without a handle ? You might drop it and hurt you or somebody else ! ".

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Re: Stop Calling it Autopilot Musk, You Peabrain

04/16/2018 9:45 AM

Hmmm, so an "autopilot" on board an aircraft does not require a pilot to be sitting in the seat ready to take control if the aircraft tells him too?

Maybe people should be held accountable for their stupidity instead of blaming others?

And then we have the whole witch hunt angle. I don't see this level of scrutiny when GM kills thousands with their known faulty switch issue.

Now I wonder who would be pushing this anti electric car agenda?

I wonder where the impetus to attack the leader while all the time everyone else is trying to catch up is coming from.

It was amazing how fast the Uber crash was wrapped up and it was running on full auto with a driver in the seat.

I just see a lot of money moving behind the scenes on this one.

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Re: Stop Calling it Autopilot Musk, You Peabrain

04/16/2018 1:49 PM

I think fear of new technology is also a driver.

It is the "AI revolution" that has the semblance of the "Industrial revolution".

We have a few collisions with the AI and everyone thinks they could have done better --- but statistically most accidents are caused by human error, and that happens thousands of times a day.

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Re: Stop Calling it Autopilot Musk, You Peabrain

04/16/2018 3:26 PM

You said, "I think fear of new technology is also a driver."

I say, I think fear of the driver is new technology.

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Re: Stop Calling it Autopilot Musk, You Peabrain

04/16/2018 3:45 PM

Fear the driver! LOL

I will take an AI driver anytime of the week.

Living in Vancouver is down right scary - stops signs are a suggestion, yellow lights mean speed up, red lights don't count until they have been red for a few seconds, whoever is 1/4 inch ahead (never mind the lane) has the right of way.

I make my share of goofs, and I wish I had 360 cameras to replay some of the "where did he come from" scenarios. I have on numerous occasions even had the "co-pilot"/driving critic not anticipate erratic drivers. No passing on the right? I wish that was adhered to - drivers will "pass on the right" by pulling into the bicycle lane or even over the sidewalk.

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