I need information regarding the power relays... what are they??
Are there some which will work (supply to coil) at 440V.
In detail there are five motors (working at 440V) that i want to use.till dated all of them are started all together. but till the motor 1 completes its job motor two will not do further processing, thus the consumption of electricity is of no use for all rest too. they all are in series i.e. when motor 1 will complete its job motor two will start further processing after completion of the job of motor 2 it will be handed over to motor 3 and so on..
what i want to do is to start motor 1,3 and 5 at a time and after completion of their work i want to switch to motor 2 and 4. will it be efficient way to do so ????
Or the starting drawn current at every switching will become a problematic case?? The thing what i want to do is to use relay at supply lines of the motor which will provide me switching to make them ON or OFF. this alternative I found to reduce the electricity consumption as well as to make this economic than the PLC controllers...
Please help me in due respect..as i didn't have deep knowledge about electric motors