Four major power transmission lines went under. 65 lakhs consumers were affected. Everything came to a halt. The Mumbai Trains work on electricity – stopped! Elevators – Stopped! Ventilators in hospitals – stopped! Online Schools stopped! Why did all this happen?
All this happened because the transformers failed.
how to prevent transformer failure? how to reduce transformer failure? what causes transformer failure?
One of the main reasons and the most important reason for failure is BAD QUALITY / LOW-QUALITY INSULATION MATERIALS. The cost of insulation materials in the transformer, which is one of the most critical products, is less than the cost of transportation of the transformer. Even after knowing that the utmost reason for transformer failure is cheap low-quality insulation materials, yet many transformer manufacturers in India still use them to save a little money.
According to a report, the estimated loss due to power outage in Mumbai is Rs 258 crores per hour. Let me ask you this… is this savings worth it? We do not even have an estimate of human life that was affected due to this!
Does our electricity board need to set up higher standards? Do our transformer manufacturers need to wake up and realize their importance to human life? All the raw materials which are used by transformer manufacturers in Europe, USA & 1st world countries are easily accessible. Many are available with us. What can’t we “MAKE IN INDIA” a good quality transformer?
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