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ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

01/31/2021 7:36 PM

I am a chemE who has been in the DEP doing permits for about 5 years. I kinda feel like I have destroyed my career by staying here so long. I'm pretty much typecast out of any design role. Is there any way to salvage my DEP experience to get back into a more typical chemE job? Where can I work after DEP?

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's next?

01/31/2021 8:50 PM

If your work allows it, I would start some freelance projects, maybe help somebody just getting started that needs some assistance...We have new crops of entrepreneurs coming every year, maybe the start of a consulting business, or partnership in some enterprise...A lot of what you do will rest with your goals in life, both personal and financial...Your ability to change is all in the mind...the first step is the hardest...

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/01/2021 2:39 PM
All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/01/2021 3:17 PM

There may be companies who value an engineer who understands what goes in the bowels of the government.

This is where a cover letter is tremendously important attachment for your resume.

That's where you state your goals to get into chemical engineering as the regulatory side did not satisfy your professional goals. Of course, you are going to start at the bottom of the ladder, but you also bring insight to the corporation on the ways of the government.

You might be surprised how well this works out. By the way, five years ain't squat. Don't sweat it. Better to change now than later.

I started in industry after being on active duty for eleven years.

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/01/2021 9:15 PM

First, do you have a Masters, or just a Bachelor's, Degree?

Have you started a family yet?

Are there no possibilities to transfer to a more preferable position with your current government employer? Etc.

(Whether you realize it or not, in effect, you're talking about changing ''tribes''...)

In any case, look really carefully before you ''leap''...

All the best of luck, in any case.

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/01/2021 9:28 PM

I have no family nor any intention to obtain one. Nor do I have a masters. The process roles at DEP are ultra rare and generally focus on safety not design.

Can u explain more about what you mean about "changing tribes?"


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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/01/2021 11:02 PM

First, change your username and your attitude! That username tells me you are a person with very low self-esteem. Until you have a positive attitude, I doubt if you will find interesting openings.

One way to improve your image is to get more education! It may be difficult, but it pays off in the long run, which is the only run that really matters.

By the way - Avoid Acronyms! I don't know what DEP stands for, and I'm not going to bother looking it up!

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/01/2021 11:25 PM

Changing tribes is another way of saying going from the government to industry. They work very differently and think very differently.

I've never worked civil service so I cannot speak from first-hand experience, but I've been around them enough to have formed some opinions that I will keep to myself. I have had civil servants within the military organizations I've served in and a few under my command. I've seen both the highs and lows. One of my brother-in-laws and his wife are civil servants.

The one thing about being a civil servant is that you are not ever likely to become very wealthy, but you have a very good chance of being very comfortable with benefits not available to most other people in industry.

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/02/2021 1:30 PM

Simplistically, workers in the private sector are trying to make more money by supplying a better product and/or service than their competitors, while workers in the public sector tend to be working just enough to keep their jobs, maybe get promoted for ''not-rocking-the-boat'' (toooo much...), appear to need to spend more money each year to justify more hirees as part of ''empire-building'', and last long enough to collect a decent pension. (i.e.: the ''makers'' tribe vs the ''takers'' tribe, respectively.)

Yes, there are a (precious?...) few exceptions, fortunately...

''illigitimi non carborundum...''(i.e.: don't let the fatherless (self-deluding,sabotaging, long-term-memory-impaired, knee-jerking, cheap-shotting, mono-syllabic, self-annointed, shadow-lurking, back-biting, off-topic-inquisitors) grind you down...)
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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/02/2021 8:18 AM

The grass will always appear to be lush and greener on the other side of your fence..

Before jumping off the EPA cliff, think about your present capabilities, what you really can do and then compare that against to your present hands on application capabilities actually are, demonstrate and effectively perform?

It seems your prefer design work, and considering typical ChE job.. Whatever kind of work /roles they may be doing, are mostly academic perspective based on your imaginations.. Private industries can have job titles with different and varying job descriptions and responsibilities, unlike in the government.

Chemical plants, manufacturing, industrial and petroleum industries are where most of the typical ChE jobs are. Roles like QA, plant engrs, supervisory and management roles..

Again self assessment is a must.. good luck!

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/02/2021 11:22 PM

Thanks for the replies guys. I must say that some of the things you are saying really embody my experience at the DEP. Let's forget about design. What jobs can I do with my experience writing permits at the DEP? Is there any kind of company that would value this experience (even non-engineering)? I feel like I am too old to start from scratch now and need to build on my DEP experience somehow.


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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/03/2021 12:54 AM

You could offer a service of writing permit applications to companies for a people negotiate the red tape of government companies come into compliance in the most cost effective way....

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/03/2021 12:54 AM

I retired after teaching for 32 years at age 55, and started a new career in engineering at that time. I'm still doing engineering at 80, and don't plan to stop any time soon. If you FEEL that you are too old, then you need to get in better shape! Desk people almost always need more exercise!

Having a variety of practical skills made the change almost effortless for me.

Develop that variety of skills! Donate some of your time to learn new skills. Any small wineries nearby? They always can use some chemical help; it's fun and very interesting, and they can be pretty flexible about hours.

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/03/2021 1:09 PM

He could also consider teaching, if he was masochistic enough...

Under the acquiring-practical-new-skills heading, if he is so inclined in the mean time, he could also consider spending his ''free'' time pursuing (a Professional Certificate in) Project Management, and/or, a Community College class in Finance (like I wish I had done some fifty-ish years ago...).

''illigitimi non carborundum...''(i.e.: don't let the fatherless (self-deluding,sabotaging, long-term-memory-impaired, knee-jerking, cheap-shotting, mono-syllabic, self-annointed, shadow-lurking, back-biting, off-topic-inquisitors) grind you down...)

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/07/2021 8:47 AM

Is there anyone here who has actually left the government to move on to something more fulfilling? Can you share your experience?

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Re: ChemE in the DEP. What's Next?

02/08/2021 1:42 PM

Do you consider being active duty military the same as being in government? There are some similarities but significant differences too.

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