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Scheduling Work Activities on a Gas Pipeline Project

11/10/2008 4:55 AM

I am working on a gas pipeline project. I need to build a time-oriented scheduling for every work activities. Can I be directed to technical data that shows a standard output per labour rate schedule for a mechanical work activity e.g what could be output per labour rate to hoist and fix 500kg pipe section?

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Re: How do I get a labour productivty schedule for works?

11/10/2008 5:51 AM


Besides the several different known project management technics that are spread over the world, maybe the most value-added information project managers keep is the one you are asking. It varies a lot! Depends on people culture, environment, location, conditions, etc.

I strongly suggest you to estimate based on experience. If required, do measure the times and movements of the work. This is what all production engineering guys do first of all.

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Re: How do I get a labour productivity schedule for works?

11/10/2008 8:44 AM


Do the time motion studies with the current set of 5M's.

Make it as standard.

Then think which activity is taking more time,And why? and how it can be corrected?

Make a plan for correction and implement it.

Eliminate stray activities.

Do the time motion studies with the New set of 5M's again.

Repeat same process again.

This is called PDCA Cycle.

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Re: How do I get a labour productivity schedule for works?

11/10/2008 10:23 AM

Hi Rakesh

Thank you for your response.

Could you do me a little literature on the PDCA Cycle and send it to

Thank you.

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Re: How do I get a labour productivity schedule for works?

11/11/2008 8:34 AM

Plenty of material available difficult to list it down, Type TQM on google search. You can get many there,

PDCA is not a somthing fancy its just, Plan, Do. Check(measure) and Act

Only thing is that, one need to be a good implementor, instead of filling memory with lot of stuff.

Keep your memory empty as much as possible and use your brain in implementing all good ideas those are around you in timely manner.

Learning is not about remembering things but its surly about how one use all the ideas around him.

Jesus gave me message, Gandhi gave me method, M.L.K
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Re: How do I get a labour productivity schedule for works?

11/11/2008 5:38 PM

If you are setting up a project schedule doing time motion studies and this whole PDCA thing is not the path you want to spend money time and resources researching. Estimating and scheduling are, as stated earlier, really about knowing the labor force, the environmental condition during construction, anticipating factors that could impact productivity, some reasonable knowledge of the work involved, and a reasonable factor of safety for unanticipated delays. It is about experience, if you have to conduct time-motion studies on the efficiency of the variety of activities involved in a complicated construction project like a pipeline, you will be way off on the schedule. Consider the delivery of materials, movement of materials, repair and replacement of tools and equipment, inspection failures and replacement of defective components (it happens). It is not one guy welding continuously for 8 hours a day along one straight seam day after day. Also, what happens when it snows and drops below 32, or the summers get above 115, then you have to limit access and allow more breaks for workers in a safe environment to meet adequate worker H&S. Also there are issues of mobilizing to sites, demobilizing from previous sites, etc.. (unless it is a really short pipeline). These are all things a skilled contractor or exngineer should know from experience, and be able to estimate a schedule for based on that experience. It might be prudent to retain someone with such experience to assist you in preparation of a schedule.

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Re: How do I get a labour productivity schedule for works?

11/11/2008 7:03 AM

please suggest me some genvine courses regarding project management or regarding productivity in india.

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Re: How do I get a labour productivity schedule for works?

11/11/2008 8:43 AM

Please read My Post Number 7.

In addition to that I suggest you to get a jurrans handbook on quality.its expensive but worth.

Search on google.

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Re: Scheduling Work Activities on a Gas Pipeline Project

11/11/2008 8:11 AM

Good morning Grego. Hoisting the pipe will not take very long. How many workers are you planning on? "Fixing" the pipe is a loaded question. By that term, are you fixing with flanges? If so, that will take a lot longer than butt welding. Are you talking about just straight terrain, or hills and valleys, where it will take more time to fit and prepare the pipe for welding? How deep is the pipe going to be? Any river crossings? There are so many variables. And don't forget to factor in coffee breaks and siestas. <grin>

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Re: Scheduling Work Activities on a Gas Pipeline Project

11/11/2008 10:10 AM

What you need is what I call a "Bogey book". I have an old one that I use that lists specific man-hours to do most all tasks in pipe related construction services. It has lists for man-hours to make all types of welds per size of pipe and has cutting, grinding, fitting, rigging, scaffolding, welding, bolt-ups etc. included or listed separately for in the field or shop Fab. work. Over the 30 years I have been fooling with pipe and estimating jobs I have found that these books are pretty accurate. I would suggest that you use the book only as a general guide and use your personal experience to modify the tables and man-hours to your liking over the years as I have. One thing I have found with bidding pipe work is that being a welder/fitter myself is to not bid what I think I can do a particular job for but what I think it would take to do it with a mediocre fitter/welder combination employees. Some employees may not not have the same incentive/drive to get the job done as quickly and correctly that you have and I have found over th eyears that this can make what should have been a nice job really suck. I am not sure where to buy a "Bogey book" but try google search. I found several different ones listed there. One that I remember was a set of Thompson's books that covered not only pipe but just about every trade from civil to welding. If you can't find one let me know. I might be able to copy the basic one (minus my own figures of course) I use for you to check out if interested.


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Re: Scheduling Work Activities on a Gas Pipeline Project

11/12/2008 9:05 AM


I am interested in these data and would be delighted if it can be sent to

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Re: Scheduling Work Activities on a Gas Pipeline Project

11/13/2008 2:13 PM

Grego, I'd be happy to make a copy for you but it is not in my computer so I will need your snail-mail address to send it.


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Re: Scheduling Work Activities on a Gas Pipeline Project

11/14/2008 8:27 AM

Do you mean what you intend to send is a hardcopy document? if so, can you send me your email address, so that I can forward my contact address to you.

Thank you.

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Re: Scheduling Work Activities on a Gas Pipeline Project

11/14/2008 8:48 AM

Yes Grego, I only have it in hard copy so I will have to make a copy and send it regular mail (snailmail) I tried to scan it in my computer once but it did not work very well. i sent you a direct message with my e-mail address on it.


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Re: Scheduling Work Activities on a Gas Pipeline Project

05/15/2010 3:05 AM

Dear Pipewelder,

Will it be possible to send a hard copy to my snail mail address, please.



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