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VOLUME of a spherovaloidal dish

11/04/2009 10:31 AM

Hello, I need the formula for Spherovaloidal dish. Though I know the practical way. But would be happy if i get the theoretical way. Thanks and regards.

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Re: VOLUME of a spherovaloidal dish

11/04/2009 11:39 AM

Is another way to state the shape "Truncated Oblate Spheroid"?

If yes, then start with

When the spheroid in question is oblate, the volume is , where a represents the major axis of the ellipse which, when rotated about its minor axis, b, produces the oblate spheroid. When the spheroid in question is prolate, the spheroid is produce by the rotation of an ellipse about it's major axis, hence the volume formula becomes , where b represents the minor axis of the ellipse which, when rotated about its major axis, produces the prolate spheroid. Hence, the volume of the oblate spheroid which results from the rotation of an ellipse about it's minor axis is always greater than the volume of the prolate spheroid which results from that same ellipse rotated about it's major axis; this is the case whenever a represents the major axis and does not equal b, which represents the minor axis. When the major axis of an ellipse, a, and the minor axis of an ellipse,b, are taken to be equal, the spheroid in question which results from the rotation of such an ellipse is a sphere, whether it is rotated about it's major axis or rotated about it's minor axis. Hence, the resulting volume equation reduces to , or , which is the equation for the volume of a sphere.

This will give volume of complete sphere. To calculate truncated sphere... hmmm, have to think it thru for a minute...

BTW, formula and discussion are complements of Wiki.

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Re: VOLUME of a spherovaloidal dish

11/04/2009 12:44 PM

First of all sorry for putting the question as a guest. Forgot to login though.[:P] Doorman thanx for the terms Oblate and Prolate spheroids. Actually I had to calculate the volume of a Blender(Kinda Storage tank). So you can consider top and bottom portion as OBLATE SPHEROID and the mid portion as cylinder.

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Re: VOLUME of a spherovaloidal dish

11/04/2009 1:15 PM

No bother not logging in... just shows we will help a guest.

Well, if truncate shapes at heads are each half the spheroid, no sense bothering to calculate the section volumes!

p.s., nice to meet you, mech_rulez.

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Anonymous Poster
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Re: VOLUME of a spherovaloidal dish

11/04/2009 10:20 PM

Hey can you please tell the section volume(truncated speroid or dished part). cuz even I may need that.

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Re: VOLUME of a spherovaloidal dish

11/05/2009 1:27 PM

Are you lucky enough that the plane of truncation is along one axis, and perpendicular to the other?

Are you at least lucky enough that the truncation is a flat plane?

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