Engineering Fields

Fields of engineering and other industries.

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02/25/2012 9:04 AM

I have an MS in Physics, with concentrations in mathematical physics and optics. (For the rest of my classes I didn't concentrate all that much; I only managed loose, random thoughts...)
I've worked as an optics engineer for most of my career, mainly involved with UV-VIS-IR radiation photometry, and designing equipment that worked over these wavelength ranges. I've worked at 6 different companies, but spent 10+ years each at 2 large aerospace firms, working as a systems engineer for both companies.
My primary hobby is astronomy. I have a backyard observatory I built myself. The equipment I use in it is about a 50:50 mix of things I've bought commercially and things I've built myself.

Also a member of: Engineering Fields : Engineering Physics, Engineering Fields : Systems Engineering, CR4 Fans : CR4 Fan

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