I am in Cosmic Ray detector technology for education and serious health and safety. I worked at Health and Safety Research Lab ( as Scientist for 22 years.
I am now Managing Director for two non-profit organizations in India ( for the last 17 years and ( for the last 5 years.
I do design many electronics ciruits mainly for sensors, sensor electronics, embedded systems and control systems.
I also write application software in C++ for real time applications.
I am keen interacting with industrial entrepreneurs in UK, Canada, USA, EU, AU and other countries.
Talk to me on landline number 0091-751-2470680 24-hours open and mobile 0091-9302146640. I am also available at once a while.
You can easily Google my name and find me somewhere.
Shyam Sunder Tiwari, PhD Nuclear Physics, PGD Radiology, PGD Env. and Eco., M. Sc. Physics, B. Sc. Physics