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Careers in Electrical Engineering

04/11/2015 3:58 AM

In which sectors of electrical engineering are the career opportunities the best for electrical engineers?

Someone I know would like to do a career in VLSI, but I believe the career opportunities in it are limited and competitive. So, given that he is graduating next year and still has 3 semesters to go, I would like him to focus on a specialization based on where career opportunities would also reflect well.

RF, Controls, Instrumentation, Instrumentation, Power electronics, Signal processing ...? I can think of many more specializations. But which ones would be the best place to focus on?

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

04/11/2015 10:02 AM

He should focus on what he is interested in. Companies do not expect new graduates to be expert in anything. Once he is hired, he will become more expert in whatever it is the company does. Learning only starts in college.

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

04/11/2015 2:42 PM

He is interested in all of it. But we were talking about this, and we were thinking of it from a career point of view. Which electrical fields have the most employment opportunities in them?

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

04/11/2015 11:43 AM

What do you mean by "best", Mildred?

Good moaning!
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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

04/11/2015 2:54 PM

By best I mean where career opportunities are in plenty. I have advised him to try for an internship in a specialization. But which field has more opportunities career-wise? The plan is that when he graduates he will have some projects and skills that will be useful to landing a full-time job.

Presently, if I have to narrow it down, he is interested in VLSI, Control Systems or Signal Processing. But I would like him to focus on one and gain an internship this summer.

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

04/12/2015 6:36 AM

After 10 years at whatever he chooses it will become obsolete and he'll have to choose another specialty.

Don't make the mistake at getting real good at one thing only. Mix it up and change jobs frequently to stay on top.

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

04/13/2015 1:37 PM

Good point. Things change, and in semiconductor design and EE, the change is indeed rapid.

It isn't just semiconductor physics, it's mechanical engineering, and optics, and quantum physics, even biology. VLSI is kind of a stone age term, which is ironically appropriate for a field dependent on photo-LITH-ography. We will soon see Systems on a Chip which combine traditional semiconductor components with quantum-based data analysis, optical links, mechanical transducers, biological-based sensors, and able to draw at least part of their power requirements from the ambient environment. Which field(s) out of all of these is the most likely to have the best opportunities? It's anyone's guess.

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

04/27/2015 9:38 PM

As a counterpoint to the obsolescence dilemma I'd like to recommend electric power engineering. Not the most glamorous career, but anyone with an innate "gotta know how it works" mindset will find it infinitely challenging, and guess what, the knowledge never gets old! The techniques may change, but there's plenty of computerization and math to keep up with and apply to the old ways of doing things.

Even better is the fact that utilities have to train and educate almost every student that applies for a job. That means you're likely to rise to the top of the list if your grades are great and your transcript shows a series of power engineering courses such as AC Machines Analysis, Elements of Power System Engineering, etc. instead of VLSI Design, Advanced Radar Systems, etc. like the rest of the applicants.

It may not have the cache of working for Apple, but if you're good at it your job won't go away when the latest and greatest high tech trend fizzles out.

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

04/27/2015 11:20 PM

Infrastructure has a slower obsolescence rate than the consumer end of things.

The new developments augment rather replace infrastructure. Power engineering is one of these. Telecoms (carrier) is another. Broadcast used to be ane of these, still a small niche there for ethersmiths.

One nice thing about infrastrucrure type roles is that when big upgrades are made you get the proper training for all the new gen widgets as well.

If the job has you applying basic physics on a daily basis then your at a place where things are in your face and your deep understanding is sharp and applicable across disciplines.

Chunky tech, is good.

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

06/08/2015 6:29 AM

Electrical engineering graduates can find jobs in most engineering industries. These include:

  • Aerospace industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Construction industry
  • Defence industry
  • Electronics industry
  • Fast moving consumer goods industry
  • Marine industry
  • Materials and metals industry
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Pharmaceuticals industry
  • Power generation industry
  • Rail industry
  • Telecoms
  • Utilities industry
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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

06/08/2015 7:43 AM

The electrical engineering field encompasses several sub-disciplines including: power, control, electronics, microelectronics, signal processing, communication, instrumentation, and computers. As an electrical engineer, you can work in the offices, labs, or industrial plants of various industries including: the manufacturers of electrical components and computer equipment, industrial machinery, medical and scientific instruments, transportation, communication, computer related sectors, the federal government, and utility firms. The projects you may work on can range from designing a telecommunication system or the operation of electric power stations to the lighting and wiring of buildings, the design of household appliances, and the electrical control of industry machinery.

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

07/11/2018 3:01 AM

I think power electronics, signal processing are good choices.

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Re: Careers in Electrical Engineering

12/14/2018 12:14 AM

There are various sectors in which electrical engineer can make their career..Some of those are government and some are private.Following are the list of companies which have vacancy for electrical engineer.

9.IRCON International Limited
18.Indian Army,Navy&Airforce
19.Railway Recruitment Boards
22.Prasar Bharati

Hope this will help you..

All the best!!

Online Electrical Design Training
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