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Master After IE

05/14/2017 10:38 AM

Greetings for everyone,

Earlier, I have already posted some topics about my difficulties in deciding future actions after finishing bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering.

Now I am thinking about making a master degree in



Entrepreneurship & Innovation

What are your thoughts about it? Is it going to be a good addition to my current education? And also is there a good demand for alumni's from such departments?

Thanks for your response, beforehand.


Husein H.

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Re: Master After IE

05/14/2017 4:10 PM

I have honestly never heard of these master level degrees (I had to look them up on the internet, but they seem real enough). Are they from a reputed University or some online or shady learning centre?

Best to do your research first into the courses and the University offering them as getting one of these may be of little use to you.

The big question is, do you want to go into management or start your own business?

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Re: Master After IE

05/16/2017 5:11 AM

Yes they are from reputable universities like Rotterdam Erasmus, Edinburgh, Warwick, Bristol, Aalborg (Denmark) and Technical university of Munich.

The point is that I am really into this topic. As a final project class in university I had a course which demanded from us to create a start up company and make a new innovative product.

The thing I wonder is that, would it be useful to make such master degree after industrial engineering. And is this kind of job demanded.

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Re: Master After IE

05/15/2017 2:53 AM

Often in life, one has to make decisions based on incomplete or inadequate information. In those circumstances, a decision that is 80% right is better than no decision at all.

There is no way an anonymous international Engineering forum can come up with sufficient information to enable a decision to be made, particularly as the bulk of the information needed to make such a decision lies at the hands of the Original Poster.


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Re: Master After IE

05/16/2017 5:14 AM

First, thanks for your reply.

Secondly, I agree with you, since it is really like that. I just want to gather information from engineers, who are in this job for a long time, and their point of view means something, since I am engineer too.

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Re: Master After IE

05/15/2017 3:22 AM

I think it's total bull... get out there, do some real work and get real experience.
If I was interviewing I'd actively ignore anyone who had done such qualifications.
Dunno if it's just me... but it smacks of someone scared of the real world of engineering.
What does "Innovation Management" even mean?
It's hard to innovate or be an entrepreneur without getting hands on and doing stuff.
I wouldn't go near such qualification if you paid me!

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Re: Master After IE

05/15/2017 2:17 PM

"What does "Innovation Management" even mean?"

It means that you'd be qualified to manage a Patent Office. Giving credit where due is not as physical as you might think. All employers should be familiar with giving their employees credit for work "above & beyond the call of duty". That's the key to upward mobility.

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Re: Master After IE

05/15/2017 8:59 AM

PW pretty much sums it up. Do your research. My opinion is that innovation really can't be taught. You have an instinct for innovation or you don't. There are probably some companies out there that will look at these advanced degrees as an "asset", but getting practical experience will lead to bigger and better things. That is,,, based on my experience.

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Re: Master After IE

05/16/2017 5:19 AM

Thanks for reply really.

You are right about experience, of course without it, all degrees are useless. But of course experience will come after in the work field. I just wonder what you think about this in terms of demand. Is there a demand for such field of workers in the market?

From my point of view, today fast and huge profits are coming from start-ups, which come from the innovation.

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Re: Master After IE

05/15/2017 10:39 AM

There will always be demands/benefits for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.
However, those demands/benefits might not be relevant to your goals. Until the Patent system is reformed, those demands/benefits might not go to the right person(s)/entity(s).

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Re: Master After IE

05/15/2017 11:40 AM

Here is a practical advice. If you are an engineer and you have trouble making decisions, you are doing it wrong, so either make a decision based on your knowledge and deal with it, or try something easier.

You must know that the results will depend mostly on you.

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Re: Master After IE

05/16/2017 5:03 AM

There are very few companies in the world where continuous innovation is a primary objective. The two names that spring to mind are Dyson in the UK and Musk in the USA (and at least one of those two companies does not do it well). Most companies do not innovate, when they need to upgrade their product or production they buy in innovation done by others. For the rest innovation is sporadic. Doing anything differently than has been proven to be effective in the past involves; a need for a new solution, inspiration or time consuming and expensive research, people with the correct skill set to develop it from an idea into a product or process, faith and commitment from those who provide the time and money. Some innovation is triggered by a need to do things more safely or quickly or these days using less energy, but most involves marketing the new innovation to a buying public, so throw efficient sales and marketing into the mix. Don't be swayed by the sales hype that hails all new products as innovative, that usually means that they have added a new feature that has no real use in order to resell the same product to the same people who purchased it last year. To help this process along they withdraw the old product so the buyers have no choice other than buying the new one. A lot of what is called innovation has more to do with fashion than with engineering and the marketing department's task is to "create" a need for the new product. What is actually happening is a slow evolution of the old product rather than the innovation of a new one. So at present I don't think that many companies need a permanent innovation manager, although that may be changing and if it is you will be in at the start with your new qualification. My advice would be, if you think you are a good enough engineer apply for jobs in R&D departments and work your way up to management on merit. If you are not confident of your skills move into marketing and work your way into innovation management via that route.

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Re: Master After IE

05/16/2017 2:18 PM

Thanks for your reply, I really appreciate it. It helped a lot.

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