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Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/28/2018 6:28 PM

Every once in awhile I find one of these on the side of the road. Are they just falling off of a truck, or should I notify the power company their poles are coming apart? The last one was found after a storm. But, I don't remember about the rest of them. They are galvanized.

(By the way, I find them handy. Where can I find more?)

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/28/2018 6:47 PM

By your description alone, no I cannot identify the part in question. A picture could help.

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/28/2018 7:28 PM

Oops. I thought I sent one. I'll get back to you.

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/28/2018 6:50 PM

I once found an entire case, the box was still sealed.....must have weighed 20 lbs...

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/28/2018 7:32 PM

This is the picture that was supposed to accompany the the question.

There are 5 washers. None are joined together. I only positioned them that way to get view of all sides.

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/28/2018 9:18 PM

From the holes, I would guess these are brackets or washers for assembling the steel guardrail along side many Hiways.

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/28/2018 10:17 PM

Those look like strut washers.....

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/28/2018 10:48 PM

Is that automobile struts, or other? Sounds like it could be dangerous losing those.

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/29/2018 12:41 AM

It's generally used to mount pipe runs....electrical, water, gas etc...there's more types of accessories than you can count...

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/29/2018 1:00 AM

Ok. Thanks

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/30/2018 9:15 AM

They appear to be washers for "dressing" wooden poles. If you look closely at any pole with an attachment, transformer, insulators/extension arms, you will see these or something very similar. Different authorities may have different standards but they all have big heavy washers.

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/30/2018 11:07 AM

Coming from the utility side, I agree. The curve on the back of the U-shaped piece is intended to mate-up with the pole and the flat piece is a general-use accessory mount. GA from me!

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/30/2018 11:19 PM

Exactamente amigos.

Pole washer: Yes. Curved to fit the standard pine pole: Yes.

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/30/2018 11:43 AM

I used a few of those in my lineman days. They are washers used on telephone and power poles. The larger ones have a curve them to match the diameter of the pole better. The bolts that are used with these washers are galvanized also and are 1/2" to 3/4" in diameter.

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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/30/2018 1:22 PM
All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: Can you identify this? (not a puzzle)

07/31/2018 12:27 PM

They are simply curved washers for the poles to hold cross arms on the pole o stop the bolt pulling through. Made by the millions. Normally well galvanised to a high spec. Very common and still in use.

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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/29/2018 8:29 PM

Guardrail washers sounds good, especially since you found them on the highway.

Strut washers is good also. Some construction people seem to love to spill screws, nails and everything else all over the highway between job sites and between the job site and the landfill. Honest tire dealers in Florida will admit that they love bad hurricanes because tire service and tire sales both skyrocket for about 6 months after the hurricane.

The picture also looks like the washers that are used with concrete wedge anchor bolts. The anchor bolts pull down on the bottom plate of a wood frame wall and the square galvanized washers keep the nuts from digging into the wood.

"Where can I find more?" Try your local lumber yard. Go to the section with "Simpson Strong Tie", "Steel City" or other joist hangers, rafter ties and other manufacturers "connectors" for wood frame buildings.

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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/30/2018 8:46 AM

Sorry but you’re all wrong.

they are pondering plates.

we carry half a dozen in the truck and follow a specific GPS chart as to where they must be dispersed.

their function is to attract curious specimens of the human race who then spend many hours pondering wtf they are for....

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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/30/2018 9:14 AM

Your work is done.

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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/30/2018 2:27 PM

Ok. You got me. Mission accomplished.

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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/31/2018 4:47 AM

we got them in Wales too! only they are called "WhoTF dropped this here!"

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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/31/2018 5:23 AM

I hope the government's not wasting money here: i.e. that you share a truck with the "dead critters" distribution department.

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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/31/2018 6:24 AM

they must do, judging by the amount of flat hedgehogs you see every morning

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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/30/2018 11:02 AM
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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

07/30/2018 2:25 PM

Thank you everybody for your replies. Helps a lot.

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Re: Can You Identify This? (Not a Puzzle)

08/01/2018 4:55 AM

Yes, It's an Orangutan.

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