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Death by Silicon Valley Teenage Programmer

05/11/2019 10:44 AM

A guy got stuck in a burning Tesla because he couldn't open the doors.

The wiring must have short circuited and locked the doors so he couldn't get out and burned to death.

What a nightmare - death by a Silicon Valley teenage programmer.

But don't worry kids, Silicon Valley has got you covered with their usual disclaimer .....

"use of this vehicle and its software means you agree it is the user's choice and the responsibility for death dismemberment or dysfunctional organ systems is totally the user's choice and the user's responsibility to deal with."

Another Tesla driver burned to death

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/11/2019 11:22 AM

Everybody should have a couple of these in your car at the ins at $6...

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/11/2019 12:57 PM

An unsafe driver is going to be unsafe in any car that they are actively in control of...I don't think blaming the car gives a clear picture of what caused the death...much less some innocent programmer...

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/11/2019 1:18 PM

The devil is always in the details. If this fire started in a protected area and the fire prevented the only mechanism to open the door then Tesla might be liable. If the invisible fumes from the fire knocked out the occupant then clearly Tesla is liable.

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/11/2019 2:01 PM

Both incidents I know of here in Florida they were speeding and lost control of the car crashing into several objects...The one teenager was going 116 mph...the other guy was close to 100...

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/11/2019 2:40 PM

You baffle me. Are you saying a teenage programmer drove all the way from silicon valley, California to Florida in a Tesla at a speed of 116 mph when this car fire happened causing the car to crash? That's about as ludicrous as believing Russian Television about the hazards of electric vehicles.

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/12/2019 12:00 AM

You baffle me. He didn't say anything of the kind, and neither did his link. One thing for sure, any car that needs a battery to open the door is unsafe. I hope I never own such a vehicle.

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/12/2019 12:19 AM

Tesla's have manual release mechanisms....the model x can be difficult but the model 3 is simple...

...but let's face if you're in a 100 mph crash in any car, it may take the jaws of life to get you out....I have no problem breaking a window in an emergency...

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/13/2019 5:04 PM

...much less some innocent programmer.

I agree...I doubt a teenage programmer is making design decisions, at least I would hope not!

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/13/2019 12:22 PM

"Manual override"?

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/11/2019 2:52 PM

Any auto make that falsely advertises their vehicle as having an "auto-pilot" is irresponsible and should be liable for all crashes!

The fact that they have falsely named the feature is clearly misleading and cause enough to have them sued!

Musk is an arrogant ass.

This comment, "An unsafe driver is going to be unsafe in any car that they are actively in control of," is not logical.

I give you the 737 MAX crashes as an example of lethal software.

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/11/2019 4:23 PM

OK, what role did the software play in crashing the car? So if I understand what you're saying is that anybody that drives a Tesla can drive it as recklessly as they want because if the car crashes, it's going to be the cars fault...?

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/11/2019 4:32 PM

You are an ass!

Don't put words in my mouth and don't distort what I said.

If you always insist on being right, get your own forum.

Oh, never mind, you monopolize this one already!

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/11/2019 9:26 PM

Monopolize?! You have nearly twice as many posts as I do...Ooops, there I go being right again...I guess it's better than being left....yuk yuk

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/12/2019 9:23 AM

IIRC you once admired Musk??? What happened

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/12/2019 10:22 AM

Tesla happened.

That and seeing him make comments that didn't sound very business like.

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/12/2019 12:05 AM

How is a wiring short caused by a programmer (of any age)? And where is a teenage programmer mentioned except by you? If it was a system problem, it could be why the car mentioned by SE was going 116mph. I find that unlikely.

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/12/2019 9:01 AM

You may not consciously realize this but after a minute or two, you did grasp my bafflement point. Everyone in this thread and I'm certain the original RT report have added erroneous information about a Tesla car crash for one reason or another. With the probable exception of the original RT report, nobody has intentionally lied. They just brought their misunderstanding to the table.

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley teenage programmer

05/12/2019 10:48 AM

This is what I understood or didn't understand about the news story.

1. A driver in a Tesla crashed.

2. The driver died in the crash.

3. The driver could not get out of the vehicle for unknown reasons.

4. Tesla's have an auto pilot feature.

The news reporter indicates that the auto pilot feature contributed to the crash ( how the reporter knew this is uncertain, unless he was in the car at the same time as the driver or he has a crystal ball )

5. All teslas are bad.

6. Elon musk is a criminal.

7. The auto pilot system is faulty.

8. The driver was an innocent.

9. Fire fighters in Florida, when confronted with locked car doors, have no way to break window glass and are forced to watch helplessly as the occupants remain trapped inside.

10. The newscaster indicates that it is weird that this crash happened in " his " neighborhood ( does the newscaster report that all crashes that happen in " his " neighborhood as being weird ? )

11. A driver crashed into a truck that turned into the path of the Tesla ( the Tesla was at fault, not the driver of the truck )

12. Why is there an image of a fire fighter standing behind a fire truck on a freeway near a chaparral covered hillside ( when the crash site is in the city surrounded by apartments and palm trees ? )

13. When commenting on technical details of a given device, it's much more credible to get information about a system from a layman, than to get comments from a real engineer or technician who might understand the system better.

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley Teenage Programmer

05/13/2019 5:09 AM

What was the name of the control unit? "HAL"?

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley Teenage Programmer

05/13/2019 12:13 PM

The reporter said it himself, Tesla is "the big shiny object everyone is looking at".

Thousands of car accidents occur every day, some truly horrific but mostly not in Teslas, so it's not news.

IC cars catch fire in accidents and sometimes even spontaneously, so often so it's not very newsworthy either.

I drove my BMW into the side of a pickup at 50mph and walked away with only minor injuries. Again, not newsworthy.

Reporting that the driver could not get out of the car and it was the car's fault or otherwise insinuating that the car manufacturer is at fault with no investigation or data to support it is an attempt at making a bad but not uncommon incident newsworthy and is just bad journalism - truly fake news.

Assuming they keep building and selling cars in time a Tesla crashing and burning will be treated the same as any Ford or Chevy or Cadillac. It won't be anything more than local news, and only if there's nothing better to report on.

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley Teenage Programmer

05/13/2019 7:27 PM

Glad to see the bickering is still prosperous here on CR 4!

Guess that's why I don't comment anymore on this forum.

So much for an Engineering forum? Huh?

If some decide to mark this as O.T. that's ok with me too

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Re: Death by Silicon Valley Teenage Programmer

05/13/2019 10:51 PM

Yeah I’m amazed how some people get away with attacking/sniping at other members with no repercussions. This place used to have some great contributors but they’ve been chased off.

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