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Calibration of Welding Machines

09/12/2019 10:27 AM


I have the following two questions with regard to calibration of welding machines:

1. Is it technically necessary to calibrate a Welding Machine ?

2. Does any Code or Specification call for periodic calibration of welding machines?


With Regards,


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09/12/2019 11:06 AM

..."If you want to guarantee that the quality of your welding equipment is up to scratch in the long term, you’ll need to calibrate them on a regular basis. For companies working with welding technology, it is essential that systems deliver consistent welding results without fail throughout their service life."...

The necessity of calibration is dependent on requirement for certification...

...and yes there are several codes that deal with all aspects of welding...

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Re: Calibration of Welding Machines

09/12/2019 11:30 PM

As Solar Eagle said it is wise to calibrate a welding machine to maintain accuracy.

Without calibration there is no way of knowing if the current, voltage and possibly wire feed speed are as displayed. How else will you be able to tell if there is a subtle failure of the components on the control and display boards.

Whenever we repaired a welder the current tests were carried out into a large resistive load bank at various current settings and the open circuit voltage was measured and a check made on the voltage under full load.

The operation of the voltage reduction device, VRD, where fitted was also checked to see that the open circuit voltage was reduced to the lesser safe level to comply with mining standards.

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Re: Calibration of Welding Machines

09/13/2019 8:34 AM

Good points from the others.

As for the actual need to calibrate, that all depends on your customers' requirements, any standards you may be certified to and what exactly you are welding. Some of your customers may require this and some may not. You have to find that out for yourself. If any one of them does require it, make it standard practice to avoid any possible confusion.

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Re: Calibration of Welding Machines

09/13/2019 1:00 PM

Hello everybody:

Take a look at the following threads that appear in Eng-Tips Forum, to which I belong.

Take it as a start in your search for information.

Good luck!

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Re: Calibration of Welding Machines

09/13/2019 5:42 PM

1. Is it technically necessary to calibrate a Welding Machine ? Technically? No, technically if the machine and operator are producing satisfactory results. Advisable? probably.

It may be contractually necessary, but you give no supporting information to indicate what, or how, you are joining the work pieces, nor what your customer's requirements are.

2. Does any Code or Specification call for periodic calibration of welding machines? Already answered by some here.

Is this robotic or hand welding. If hand welding, your operator has more control over the process. If robotic, I think calibration is necessary to ensure quality.

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Re: Calibration of Welding Machines

09/15/2019 4:45 PM

I agree.If it is a computer controlled welding process,calibration is necessary to maintain quality.

If manually welded,the skill of the operator can compensate for variations in environmental conditions,current,voltage,metal thickness,variations,etc.

To become a state certified weder,and have a registered welder number,you must pass rigorous welding tests.The welds are x rayed,cut apart and stress tested.

But even a state certified welder will learn a lot if he welds for a nuclear operation;the demands are so much greater. You get a GA from me!

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Re: Calibration of Welding Machines

09/20/2019 8:56 PM

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Re: Calibration of Welding Machines

10/08/2019 3:21 AM

......"The introduction to EN 50504:2008 discusses the terms “Calibration” and “Validation”. While these two words have different meanings, they are often thought to be the same thing. There is a common belief among many welders and technicians that the process of calibration involves some physical adjustment of electrical components to bring indication accuracy back within specified limits. The introduction to EN50504:2008 supports this notion by stating “The operation of calibration can be applied only to determining and adjusting the errors of a measuring instrument.” However, the definition of calibration provided under Clause 3.1 of that same document refers only to “operation to determine the magnitude of errors”. While it does not state that adjustment is a required part of the calibration process, adjustment to correct indication errors may be possible on some indication circuits. The difference between Calibration and Validation can be simply explained as follows: Calibration is performed on equipment fitted with meters, whether digital or analog, to verify that the indications are within the required tolerances. Validation is performed on equipment with output controls that are marked with graduated scales, to demonstrate that the resultant outputs are within tolerance per the set points of the controls. Some welding equipment in the Miller product family allows for adjustment of the metering circuits. These procedures, when available as a design feature of the welding equipment, are described in the technical manual for that specific product. Analog meters on some equipment, including engine−driven models, can be adjusted to indicate “Zero” when no signal is present but this is not a calibration. The appropriate technical manual must be consulted for instructions on the procedure to be performed. When the welding equipment does not pass the calibration or validation tests, further evaluation by a qualified technician will be needed to determine the source of the error. In most cases, one or more faulty components will be the cause. Replacement of those components will be required to restore operation within acceptable limits."

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Re: Calibration of Welding Machines

10/15/2019 9:03 AM

Nice to see something definitive on the subject. I cannot recall how many "discussions" I have had with people, including outside auditors, arguing this point. Usually in the end, I just give up. Now there is something to cite.

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