Wasted way too much time this morning looking at a neat web site. I have been there before but whenever I trip across the site I get sucked in. Rather than feeling guilty I thought I would turn this into a CR4 posting. What web sites do you like to spend time browsing? It's Friday, all work and no play makes you ... well ..., I guess that makes you an engineer.
My contribution is Bill Fay's https://www.frenchriverland.com. They rebuild small hydro plants. None of it relates to my job but I still find myself sucked into his picture collection. It's a shame that the link for the 120" Niles boring machine pictures is dead. A six foot end mill is something you have to see to believe. Even with that link dead he has hundreds of photographs with lots of descriptive text. Pretty interesting.
Remember that the CR4 Admins won't be very happy if you post some of the web sites you like to visit. Keep it clean. What web sites do you enjoy wasting spending time browsing through? What technical or scientific YouTube videos stand out as being great?
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