Hi all,
I'm wanting to model a complex manufacturing system using the IDEF languages, specifically IDEF0 and IDEF3. To do this I am performing a top-down approach (Process decomposition), whereby the high-level organisational processes are defined then each layer below the high-level is defined through processes, activities and finally tasks.
I am confused which of IDEF0 and IDEF3 is best to model the high-level processes and which for the low-level processes? Any help on these languages or other way of modelling manufacturing systems will be appreciated.
Example: High-level = planning > machine setup > operation > post-processing > inspection > delivery.
Planning subprocess = feasibility assessment > risk management > develop manufacturing plan etc.
feasibility assessment subprocess = costing > resource assessment > production scheduling etc.
This sort of decomposition until the full manufacturing system is broken down into individual task and work instructions.
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