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Bouncing an email back to sender

07/26/2022 7:16 AM

Is there a method to bounce undesired spam emails back to the source without opening them?I know certain commercial programs do it,but I would like to do it myself.What equipment or software do I need?

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Re: Bouncing an email back to sender

07/26/2022 8:17 AM

That sounds like a useful thing. It seems that every time I buy something, they start sending me an email every day. The only way I know is to look for an "unsubscribe" button in the email.

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Re: Bouncing an email back to sender

07/26/2022 10:03 AM

A program called "Mail Washer" allowed you to bounce emails back,making the sender think the email was incorrect.I would like to know how they do it.I am sure their code is proprietary,but there are many ways to skin a rhino--not easy,but it can be done.

I would really like to bounce it before downloading from the server.There must be a programmer somewhere that can do that.

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Re: Bouncing an email back to sender

08/02/2022 5:35 PM
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Re: Bouncing an email back to sender

07/26/2022 11:16 AM

The next thing we need is a way to bounce back robo-calls.

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Re: Bouncing an email back to sender

07/26/2022 7:34 PM

The next thing we need is a way to bounce back robo-calls.

I'm working on it. I still need to find a power plug to RJ-12 adapter to send 120vac back up the phone line.

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Re: Bouncing an email back to sender

08/03/2022 8:00 AM

Here is a method that reduces most robo-calls:

Record the "Beep" and message you get when dialing a bad phone number at the beginning of your answering machine outgoing message.Pause a few seconds,then record your real outgoing message.

The computer of the robo-caller will immediately hang up,and mark your phone number as invalid.It will not stop them all,but it has reduced mine considerably.

The closest thing I have found to bouncing an email is to forward it back to the sender using a message rule in Thunderbird without opening the email.

Not 100%,but pretty effective.

"A man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child." "Never argue with a stupid person.They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" "Homo homini lupus"
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Re: Bouncing an email back to sender

07/27/2022 3:30 AM

I'm afraid that won't work - for most spam emails the sending operation is automatic and works only one-way (you might even see at the end of the email a statement like "do not respond to this email"), any response being ignored (most probably, automatically sent to trash). If so, all what you will do will be to load the Internet with some more spam traffic.

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Re: Bouncing an email back to sender

07/27/2022 4:15 AM

A bit too late for you now but a useful web site is 10 minute mail. If a web site insists on having your e-mail for verification but you know that you don't want to see mail from them, 10 minute mail generates an e-mail address that only exists for 10 minutes. That's long enough to get you into the site but ensures that you don't get any further mail from them.

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