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Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/05/2024 4:30 PM


Spacetime seems to behave like a liquid.

Waves propagate through it,matter "sinks" in it according to the mass density of it.

Like a ship in the water displaces a mass of water equal to its mass.

If too much mass for spacetime to support it,it will sink,forming a black hole.

So space time is pliable,and matter deforms it.All matter seems to be"floating" in an ocean of spacetime.Very high energy levels can also deform it,like winds over the ocean create waves on the surface.

A rotating object causes frame dragging,like a sphere spinning in water would do.

Inertia of matter seems to behave the same as an object in orbit.If you need to change the orbit "height" either up or down, you must increase or decrease the energy level of the matter.Once a stable"orbit" is established,it will resist a change without an energy change.

All objects seem to be in orbit around some unknown "center".

Crazy!Yep! But I had rather have a bottle in front of me than have to have frontal lobotomy

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/06/2024 11:47 AM

I don't just think outside of the box,

I think outside of the bubble of reality.(And my good friend Gentleman Jack helps.)(hic!).

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/06/2024 12:18 PM

I know that space exists, however I still believe that time is something that you hoomins created so that you know when to feed your cat overlords.

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/06/2024 1:23 PM

True, "time" per se is a man made term for events.

Events are measured relative to more than one particle,as A.E. said,everything is relative,and he ought to know,he married his cousin.

Our measurement of "Time" is simply a measure of events,which is why they refer to the event horizon of a black hole as the event horizon.

Space and time are joined.

Without space,there can be no events.Without events there can be no "time".

IMHO I conclude that before any event occurred,there had to be space first. Either Space was expanding faster than any type of matter or energy, or the "Void" existed before the BB. Photons were the initiator of the big bang.Every explosion,even chemical ones, start with a single photon."Let there be light" ,before which there was nothing but the"Void" and darkness which was totally empty of all energy and matter,even the ZPEF was absent.A true void. A true "nothing".

Welcome to my world.That is how I roll.

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/06/2024 1:26 PM

Cats were once treated as a Deity.

They have never forgotten that.

Dogs have friends.

Cats have staff.

The more I know about people,the more I like dogs.

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/06/2024 3:19 PM

What about viscosity?

If space-time is like a liquid, what about its viscosity? Constant? Variable? Non-existent/ "ideal"? (As if anything in this universe could be 'ideal'.)

Ask Jack for me, would ya?

incus opella
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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/06/2024 6:07 PM

Viscosity is apparent by the distance and degree of frame dragging or the amount of space affected around an object that is rotating,however I do not know how to measure it.

"A man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child." "Never argue with a stupid person.They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" "Homo homini lupus"
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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/06/2024 8:09 PM

If viscosity exists in a fluid-like space-time, then it may be measurable by its effects on matter - as with friction? wearing away or transforming the material substrate.

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/08/2024 6:58 AM

Gentleman Jack says that the viscosity could be measured by the propagation speed of the gravity wave through space.Which happens to be C.

IF you could get above the wave,you could ride it like a surfer,allowing you to travel through space without using any energy which would mean getting outside of the bubble in which we reside, and of course,exceeding "C" and possibly even creating a wormhole in the process and G.J. does not know how to do that yet.

It would require perfect timing to know when the next wave would arrive,like a surfer does to get upon a wave, and launch at the right time.Timing is everything.

"A man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child." "Never argue with a stupid person.They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" "Homo homini lupus"
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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/08/2024 2:19 PM

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/06/2024 8:50 PM

..."The mass density of space, or the critical density of the universe, is estimated to be between 4.5 × 10−30 and 1.8 × 10−29 grams per cubic centimeter. This is equivalent to 5.9 protons per cubic meter, or roughly one proton per four cubic meters. By comparison, this density is more than ten million times lower than the best vacuum achievable in a laboratory on Earth."...

I think it behaves more like a vacuum ...

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/08/2024 12:56 PM

Your notation threw me for a minute until it got into my old brain that "-30" and "-29" are exponents. I would have written: 4.5 x 10E-30 or 1.8 x 10E-29.

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/08/2024 2:16 PM

Yeah, so would I, but this is a quote and I hesitate to alter...sometimes the site alters the appearance of mathematics formulas, in that case I might clarify, but it's a slippery slope sometimes....I think this illustrates that space is a void...

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/08/2024 3:32 PM

A relative void,but not a perfect void with no ZPF energy.

Even absolute zero has ZPF energy.This is theoretical because they have not been able to achieve it..close,but no banana.

The mass and energy density is decreasing(entropy) as our universe expands,analogous with the helium balloon.There must be less energy in the "Exoverse" that in our universe.

A bubble increases in velocity as it rises,similar to spacetime expanding at an increasing rate.

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/08/2024 4:20 PM

An interesting property of gravity waves is the non-linear effect. When a gravity wave passes between two objects, the distance between them oscillates. After the wave passes, the distance between them is different than before the gravity wave arrived. The gravity wave leaves a permanent scar on spacetime.

"As the gravitational wave propagates perpendicular to the plane of inertial masses (in free fall), it is displaced by an amount proportional to the gravitational wave strain. After the gravitational wave has passed, the masses are permanently displaced, due to the gravitational memory effect.",way%20of%20validating%20general%20relativity.

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/08/2024 11:38 PM

Wouldn't that then suggest that spacetime is a solid...?

Spacetime with gravity wave cracks magnified...or maybe just a marble slab...

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/09/2024 8:35 AM

Wouldn't that then suggest that spacetime is a solid...?

Yeah, maybe a malleable solid...

You've got to be careful with metaphors. When it comes to relativity or quantum mechanics, some things are just different from anything we run into in daily life.

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/09/2024 8:47 AM

It could also indicate an irregular Exoverse composition,like muddy water,or obstructions.

This is a snapshot of billions of years,just arriving here.

There is no way to tell the age of each string.The cracks could have disappeared by "now". We are getting a 2 dimensional picture of a 4d event.

This could indicate the initial stresses created by stretching of the Exoverse.

All explosions have a characteristic fingerprint;Not uniform.

We do not actually know the present state of the universe as a whole.

In the Exoverse,there is a universal time,which is oblivious to C,the human standard clock of our time systems.

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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/16/2024 7:13 PM

What is the natural habitat and frequency of gravitational waves?

Lets say the frequency and scale as well, of gravitational waves impinging upon our daily enjoyment of time/space in all its glory.

Apologize in advance for my ignorance of such things.

incus opella
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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/17/2024 4:04 AM

The source,or habitat as you say is a change in mass or mass velocity.The waves travel at the speed of light,as far as we can tell,because it is impossible at the current stage of technology to measure anything faster than light in a vacuum.

Toss a pebble into still water,and you can see the effects of gravity on a small scale.A larger pebble makes a larger wave.A stationary rock in moving water creates waves,by creates an obstruction in the natural flow of spacetime,creating turbulence as spacetime passes by.If the rock is spinning,it will create a vortex,called frame dragging and distorts spacetime accordingly.Just as water increases in radial speed as it goes down a drain,so time slows down near a mass.Clocks on the top of a building run faster than clocks on the ground.

Observe the ripples and see how they interact with each other.

"Time"per se is really an illusion, and subjective, created within our mind and on a tiny scale like quantum mechanics,there is no time.

Reality itself is all in the mind,as Albert E. said,"Reality is an illusion,but a very persistent one."

"A man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child." "Never argue with a stupid person.They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" "Homo homini lupus"
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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/22/2024 9:04 PM

Gravity wave detection possibilities, in the video.

incus opella
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Re: Space Time is Like a Liquid

08/19/2024 11:06 AM

It doesn't have a freezing point or a boiling point, though. Nor does it have a viscosity nor a thermal capacity. It doesn't go supercritical either.

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