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Biomedical Engineering

08/15/2009 8:34 AM

dear friends

i am a medical graduate from india and am thinking of pursuing a master's or a doctoral degree in biomedical engineering. all the information i have right now has fascinated me. but the only problem is that i don't have firsthand information regarding job profile, prospects and pay.. and the actual learning experience at a college. i would be highly obliged if any of you could guide me in this regard.

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Re: information regarding taking up a career in biomedical engineering in usa.

08/15/2009 10:03 AM

What exactly does 'medical graduate' mean? Are you licensed physician? Surgeon? Or premed only? Hows your math/ How's your chemistry? What did you do for fun as a child?

Job profile - Could be anything its a wide open field.

Prospects - with 6 billion people on the planet, 1)the ones who aren't getting hurt themselves while creating 2)wounded people to need your services and 3) The people who are getting older and infirmer each day, 4) not to mention our newly created ways of getting hurt in vehicles and by our technologies, 5) plus more people staying active and playing sports in which they can get hurt, why, I would say that the prospects are outstanding.

Pay - Always comes in proportion to the value you provide in your market. Not being paid enough, Change markets/ employers. Pay should not be an issue if "biomedical engineering itself is "fascinating."

If the "pay" for biomedical engineering is what is fascinating, forget about it, because the engineering courses, are difficult, the calculations are complex, and the regulatory environment is undecipherable. Mere pay will not compensate for these challenges.

Simplest way to start, become a machinist at a high quality company taking your "medical knowledge" with you. Take engineering courses while you get hands on mastery of machining. Once you have learned your craft and the coursework, move to the materials and applications needed in your local area. Start with agricultural and laboratory and veterinary devices to learn your field. as you master these, expand your vision.

This is not the "fast track" you might envision, but it is the authentic path followed by most of the entrepreneurs who have been successful in this field that I have met.

Getting to USA is another issue, all by itself, and one I'll let other's give advice on.It is certainly a huge distraction if your fascination and goal is biomedical engineering, and not just being a wealthy person in USA. You could devote your energies to success in your field instead of to trying to get over here despite a hostile immigration process. HOW good were your "medical graduate" grades by the way?


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Re: Biomedical Engineering

08/16/2009 12:02 AM

I have worked in Ministry of Health, Oman as a Chief Engineer for more than 12 years. I have published a paper based on my experience on the requirement of professionals in Health care engineering. Please give me your e mail id. I will send the paper. My e mail id is

With Kind regards



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Re: Biomedical Engineering

08/16/2009 1:33 AM The Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology(SCTIMST),Thiruvananthapuram is an Institute of National Importance established by an Act of the Indian Parliament. It is an autonomous Institute under the administrative control of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The Institute has the status of a University and offers postdoctoral, doctoral and postgraduate courses in medical specialties, public health, nursing, basic sciences and health care technology. It is a member of the Association of Indian Universities and the Association of Common wealth Universities. bioramani

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Re: Biomedical Engineering

08/17/2009 9:32 AM

I would suggest as a first step: (1) Purchase or find the following texts: (2) Introduction to Biomedical Engineering; 2nd Edition; John Enderle, Susan Blanchard & Joseph Bronzino. (3) Biomaterials Science; Edited by Buddy Ratner et al. There are 2 editions available. Spend some time reading these texts and see (1) If you understand the material discussed, and (2) If you still have the desire to work in this field. Bioengineering is a growing field and offers many branches for employment, but it does involve significant engineering, chemistry and physics proficiency. Good luck!

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Re: Biomedical Engineering

08/17/2009 9:41 AM

This answer provides resources, insight , and wise counsel.



People say between two opposed opinions the truth lies in the middle. Not at all! Between them lies the problem, what is unseeable,eternally active life, contemplated in repose. Goethe
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