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Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/22/2010 5:02 PM

Just a thought, You know all these strange, Short questions could it be from people who don't have access to Google Etc ?

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Re: strange questions ? cryptic questions ?

04/22/2010 5:21 PM

hmmmmmmm, well then they should use whatever search engine brought them to CR4.

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Re: strange questions ? cryptic questions ?

04/22/2010 5:21 PM

Well, I Googled "where does google work", and found out quite a bit.

this link shows what is called the 'Internet Black Holes', or areas where all internet traffic is monitored, restricted, censored... there are, indeed, a number of places where all internet traffic is restricted somehow.

The Google data sites only discuss the Chinese regulation of the service. I did not drill down very far, might be interesting to do so.

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Re: strange questions ? cryptic questions ?

04/22/2010 6:17 PM

it occured to me that they were putting just enough info for us to search, and were happy with the answers, so i reasoned why coulndt they do the search.

now if you live somwhere where there is restrictions on what you can do then the way round it, is to ask someone else to do the search but to get round the screening programs you would have to be carefull how you put the question.

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Re: strange questions ? cryptic questions ?

04/25/2010 12:06 AM

Thanks for the link.

I wish there was a clear definition as to what the terms mean. For instance, one would think (or at least I did at first) that the scale is progressive meaning going from little restriction to massive restriction. The legend clarifies it a bit. But the terminology is confusing or ambiguous. To me, censorship and surveillance are two distinctly different animals and not mutually exclusive. I could see where a country might have high surveillance and little censorship or the opposite. But the graphic doesn't allow for that combination which makes me wonder if the graphic's creator(s) intended for surveillance to be additional censorship.

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Re: strange questions ? cryptic questions ?

04/26/2010 5:09 AM

That's strange, the UK generally shows some restriction which is fair but the Isle of Man shows heavy restriction, what's going on there?

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/23/2010 2:23 AM

This is an interesting conjecture, but some of the questions are so unsophisticated that they don't point to such a cleverly evasive purpose.

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/23/2010 7:10 AM

I tend to chalk them up to people who aren't native English readers / speakers and as such have difficulty phrasing a question correctly here on CR4.

Another contributing factor is that they may simply be from places where Engineering is a good deal less advanced than most of us are used to and so they're sturggling to grasp even the basics of the product / process they're curious about - much less knowing the correct terminology.

It's a huge peeve of mine that on CR4 such questions are often responded to only with rude comments. Anyone making a genuine effort to reach out to the global Engineering community in purusit of knowledge deserves all the respect we can muster.

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/23/2010 7:57 AM

I agree with you, Guest. This is why these threads are often closed - because the responses are nasty and no helpful contributions are added.

Based on recent user feedback, users would prefer that we leave these threads open. We can do that if there are fewer negative responses. Helpful responses and constructive criticism are certainly welcome! It would be helpful if people could remember that old saying "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."*

* Of course that doesn't apply to ALL discussion, but don't post something rude just for the sake of applying SOMETHING to a thread that doesn't require a response...

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/23/2010 11:35 AM

And because I like it up here on my high horse today, let me elaborate on an example of what I consider a passive-aggressive rude comment - the "Here's a Google / Wikipedia / etc. link to some basic word in your question" response:

Q = "Please help with explain transformer in radio use."

A =

I saw yet another one much like this today in fact (I won't call out the specific post, but if you'll look you'll probably figure out which I mean). It's almost always obnoxious & dismissive. Please either ask the OP to elaborate or guess at what they may have meant and answer accordingly. Or don't comment at all.

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 10:16 AM

It all come down to manners and the fact that this media is so impersonal. What I mean is we loose all inflection, intonation and body language when we post via this forum, email , etc.

My philosophy is that if I have an issue relating to some form of electronic statement I try to elicit the true meaning with definitive questions re clarification of statement. Bantering back and forth in public, as we have seen, is akin to watching day time soaps.

We need to let each other have opinions and be able to express them as such. Intellectual discussion will bring out the true intent of the OP much faster that debasing and ridicule.

Just my two cents

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/23/2010 10:45 PM

1- Many of the questions being referred to here are from those that appear a bit challenged in understanding English, while much of the technical information available on the Internet is in English. Try looking at a Wiki page for some technical subject in English, and compare the amount of information available on a page in another language (i.e., Spanish) on the same subject. Then try one of the automatic translations from another language in to English. If one is looking to understand a subject, this is not the best route to go.

2- When I do a Google search, I generally have to throw out the first two or three pages of hits to get to the more significant information. For someone not well versed in the language and the technology, it would be difficult to distinguish between legitimate information and "free energy" scams...Which is why I generally prefer specialized search engines, like GlobalSpec.

3- Getting 2,000,000 hits on a subject is about as useful as getting no hits on the subject, especially if one is not familiar with the jargon of the specialty being searched. In some cases, providing appropriate key words for a search can be very, very helpful.

4- It is very interesting to me that, in spite of the issues Google is having with China, the first two pages of a typical search are links to Chinese-based companies...that may or may not provide the information one is seeking.

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 2:53 AM

We can look this other way around. May be few people are not satisfied with the data that the Google or any other search engine provides them.

CR4 being the forum where people are expertise in their own domain and are having hands on experience in their domain and are capable og giving practical solution (which sometimes Google does not do). Here people get specific solution for thier specific questions.

So any question, whose ultimate aim is to gain knowlegde, should be given the due respect.

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 6:02 AM

I have seen some comments to this thread as well as to many I subscribed. I have not been comfortable. I did express my feelings to the administartor sometimes. Let me see if I can rake up discussion further.

  • I am in India. We speak many languages. Britisher's ruled India for nearly 2 centuries and so we have inherited English now.
  • But I have always admired Chinese - for theri innovativeness and creativity.
  • Many in your thread make unnecessary comemnst like spelling mistakes, bad english etc etc.
  • Kindly note God has made man innovative and craetive- language is not a barrier.
  • Only some poeple cannot in a language you call english. Here also you have US english and UK english.
  • Most Indian languages have 52 alphabets, 14 vowels, rest consonents and we have consonents + volwels making another set of alphabets(compute mathematically how many alphabets it emans totally to learn) - but still it stops there- unlike other languages like Japanese etc- where new alphabets or pictures get added to express house or atom etc- as you go to higher levels. We do not have any silent letters- what is written is read out or spoken. So we keep joking that French and English are peculiar languages.
  • So first thing - I have not liked anyone passing comments on langauge, spelling etc. Make constructive comments. Mnaytimes I felt taht I can see American Superiority expressed in some comments (peopel saying look at pollution in water, air, dirt, filth- when I was seeking answers on pollution die to EMI- that was not called for.
  • We still beleive that developed nations (now I am refering to stalled discussions in Copenhagen on environmental degradation and global warming) - I believe that some MNCs in developed nations like Monsanto try to corner our agriculture by trying to push GM food (using us as gunnie pigs) and trying to amass wealth for self. Where is the guarantee that same GM food will not introduce cancer or or other health problems (recall Thalidomide babaies born in Japan long back) immediately or later. So when I raised similar issues related to Mobile phones - teh language expressed was disgusting. You can always express yourself in a gentlemanly manner.
  • Somebody wanted to burn waste and generate energy and I said - in a shortwhile - you would have burnt away entire earth- he reacted violently. Soem superior english speaking people- feel superior and arrogant, and are immpatient- want to teach the whole world. Kindly learn some good things - there are many good things / GEMS expressed in other languages too.others may have to offer.
  • You are still atking only to earthlings- not from other than earth.
  • Excuse me for being a bit blunt and outspoken. I have not referred this site to many of my friends seeing the kind of comemnts / langaugae used - bypassing the main topic under discussion.
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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 7:24 AM

Another aspect of this type of culture-clash is: Someone, obviously from a less materially endowed society, asks a question using somewhat less than colloquial English. A member proceeds to answer, using British, Australian, NZ, Canadian or US slang which will probably be not understood or misunderstood. And/or the answer contains phrases such as "Any corner electronics store has many..." Perhaps the members who do answer could try to envisage condition that are quite different compared to theirs.

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 12:21 PM

Good answer, but you too could have improved (this post) if you had used a spell-checker before submitting. If your spellchecker does not work within CR4 (mine does), then compose the text in another program that does, then once you are satisfied with the text, cut or copy from that program and paste into CR4.

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 12:57 PM

that's the type of attitude we're talking about. "use your spell checker ....booboooboo"

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 12:54 PM

I once posted a question regarding bearings for a turbine wheel, no one could really help because they lacked the knowledge (as I did) the only comments I got for the longest time was about the fact that on my spec. sheet I used 1.000 instead of 1,000.

Some even got mad at me, it was almost blasphemy what I was trying to do ...

Go here please

They are always the same CR4 members, with the same evasive questions (instead of answers) ... "before WE (they love the word "WE" and "US" who are they? do they live all together in some "old bitter man, no sex ever, only community" I wonder sometimes) can answer your question, you have to provide us with: what type of material, weight, size, reason to build, how many children on the household, why did you come to "US", ... and then they vanish cuz they don't know the answer, they never did in the first place, to resurface some threads after asking "I'm so smart, just cant help myself. Need to impress my boss, tomorrow I have this bobcat doing some work on the plant and I want to avoid the tire marks on the side walk when it pulls in, what should "WE" do? ... Help!! "

They don't know what they're doing, I choose to forgive them and keep asking because there is no stupid questions, there's only stupid answers.

Gotta go now, need to get my CR4 issue FLAK protection kit.

Cheers everyone.

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 1:19 PM

Despite all that I have stated, and nasty comments etc, I keep learning a lot form this web site. I have actively participated in some discussions and developed some new ideas / concepts for commercialization.

So may be we have to see how to pick the right comment / idea from so many responses.

I was not aware of that spell check icon on CR4!!

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 2:12 PM

I really started somthing with my post.

I hope it has done some good, its been quite educational for me, lets hope the others have leart somthing

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In reply to #17

Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/26/2010 9:35 AM

(I'm the "Guest" from #5 & #7 above).

It may be a bit late to chime in again, but I'm delighted that you did start this thread, and I've been very pleased with the responses so far. It's given me hope!

And further, let me point out that I've found your responses to others' questions to be extremely thorough and courteous. You routinely set the standard by which we all should behave here and I applaud you, Sir!

If anyone isn't familar with peterq7lyg's posts, I highly suggest you seek some out and take the lesson away.

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/24/2010 2:39 PM

Thank you

I was certainly NOT trying to be nasty; just trying to help...

I must confess that I had forgotten that CR4 had a spell check icon. I work on a Mac, and the Mac's own spell check works as I type within CR4, as elsewhere.


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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/25/2010 12:29 AM

I love India- where I have been born and brought up. I was in USA around 1978 when I saw a serial called THE LEGACY ( a 5 or 6 part serial documentary made by a British or American movie director) - directed specifically at the American teens was shown on your TV channels. It was to tell them that they should be aware of contributions made by other cultures to the world. It is worth seeing it again- to see contributions by India and China. Pl see an article I have pasted by another Indian. As the world keeps grappling with Global warming issues - where the top 5 to 6 countries and particularly the energy guzzling USA has caused such a lot of damage- world is yet to find a quick fix solution. Technological revolution has resulted in global warming- and we need to have a new technological revolution(this is where CR4 must engage in a responsible, serious blog discussion)

So it is with these kind of cultural difference - we respond differently on the blogs. To me it sounds strange - when an American suggest - why don't we burnt trash and develop energy. He would have burnt away the entire world in one generation this way. He did not understand my response- don't even think of it. We know you love cars- and even will use corns to generate methane or ethanol to run your cars - at the cost of rising food prices. The world knows the Recession was made in America and spread contagiously to the whoel world.

Read this article- and may be bio -diversity or what you say. Come to India and you will fall in love with it- like many CEO who do not wish to go back.

A wonderful way of looking at India's pluralistic diversity!


(G V Dasarathi is director of a software products development company)

This when I was born 46 years ago.

I was born to Tamil speaking parents, my father had a dark skin and my mother a light one. My ayah was a light-skinned woman from UP who spoke Hindi.

We lived in a thickly forested area in Jharkhand, where the majority of the population was dark-skinned tribal people who spoke a language called Ho. On my trips out of home I saw people wearing all kinds of attire -- from sadhus wearing nothing at all, to the locals who went topless, to women in burqas.

Most of the guests in our home spoke English.

We were Hindu, my ayah was Muslim, and the tribals were either Christian or Animists who worshiped trees, animals or the spirits of their forefathers. People around me had all kinds of food habits. Some ate only vegetables, some did not eat cattle, some did not eat pigs, some ate anything including rats and monitor lizards.

Our small mining community celebrated festivals of all religions with equal gusto.

We lived in the middle of an almost virgin forest that was home to a huge variety of wild animals that included elephants, bears and deer. The animals added to the fun and the unpredictability of life by occasionally walking into our tiny community of 10 houses (sometimes into them).

This was my small introduction to the enormous diversity of this wonderful land. Even as an infant I was listening to people of different colours and facial features speaking four languages, of four religions, dressing in different ways, and eating a variety of food.

These must have been the lessons that I learned : anyone looking like a human was a human, irrespective of skin colour or features; humans worshiped all sorts of gods, wore all sorts of clothing, ate all kinds of food, and spoke all kinds of languages.

As I grew up, my father's company transferred him every two or three years through about half the states in India. I saw the rest of India. I learned that Indians believe in far more gods than the four that I was introduced to as an infant. I learned that each state has three or four different regions. People in each of these regions speak different languages or dialects and may not even understand the other dialects in their own state. Each region eats a different kind of food, wears different clothing, is culturally very different, and looks very different geographically.

Today, nobody can convince me that I am superior to someone else because of my religion, skin colour or language. The diversity that I experienced, accepted and enjoyed as an infant is not unique to me. Every Indian experiences this -- only the details differ. I believe that this is what makes us the most tolerant country in the world. I enjoy our diversity so much that I cannot even think of living in one of those countries where everything is homogeneous -- everybody looks the same,eats the same food, believes in the same religion. Think of countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Sweden... hundreds of them.

Yes, the diversity occasionally makes us kill each other, usually over different religions or sub-religions. This is tragic and should never happen, but look at it this way: Sunnis, Buddhists, Roman Catholics, Sikhs, Bohras, Digambar Jains, Parsis, Khurmis, Iyers, Agarwals, Nairs, Syrian Christians, Shias, Shwetambar Jains, Jews, Ismailis, Seventh Day Adventists, Bishnois and a whole lot of other groups live together in India.

In Britain and Yemen two sects of the same religion were killing each other for decades. In Lebanon, people from two religions have been killing each other. The US and South Africa have seen huge problems over two skin colours. In Canada it's over two languages.

As an Indian, I laugh at these silly reasons for their conflicts -- two religions, two colours, two languages. I feel like saying "Hey guys, try Digamber Jain, Gujarati-speaking, pyjama-kurta- wearing herbivore co-existing with Syrian Christian, Malayalam-speaking, mundu-wearing carnivore". Where would we be if we had been as intolerant as them?

I believe that the religious intolerance that we are seeing now is confined to a small percentage of us, and that in the long run we have the sense to not take our differences too seriously, to acknowledge that the whole lot of us are a wonderful amalgam of different races, religions and cultures.

I can never be a global citizen. Contrary to the advice that any stockbroker would give, I've invested all my emotional stocks in this company called India, because I'm sure that the value of these stocks can only go up. Not because of the amount of steel, armaments and textiles we can make, but because we know how to live together.

"Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge." -- Kahlil Gibran
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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

04/26/2010 11:33 PM

I wanted to raise another issue in this thread.

In other threads where I have simply raised concepts / ideas (no specific product in mind) - some (even Gurus) have said- look this man is looking for some ready made answers.

I have raised issues for which thousands of scientists around the world have been looking for solutions for many decades. Researching in a laboratory is different from using this new tool available to us today - called INTERNET and interacting - in a very transparent manner. NOTHING PREVENTS anyone form picking up - working on it and applying for a patent- right!! Soem one wrote- your ideas are wrong - nothing works - sorry Sir- do not write like that.

So there is need to crib about it- let someone understand interpret / analyse the same discussion / comment to his/ her advantage. I don't think even CR4 can stake claim rights to such patents. Am I right?!

Pl see some quotes from this web site which I have it stored on my computer.

"Curiosity has its own reason for existence" -- Albert Einstein

"Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge." -- Kahlil Gibran

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Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

05/01/2010 2:49 PM

Google, etc. all give too much information and point you down several paths. This can be confusing to some especially the inexperienced. I agree that we shouldn't solve student homework or projects, but it is be ok to nudge them in the best direction. I have found that CR4's knowledge is superior to the search engines. They are good starting places, but sometimes we may need a little push. Besides our favorite subjects are fun.


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Anonymous Poster

Re: Strange Questions? Cryptic Questions?

05/03/2010 8:50 AM

I am in complete agreement with 'tommm'. As I said earlier information that CR4 provides is more speciic when compared to Google (for that matter any search engine). At least the user will get a head-start for the solution from CR4

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