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Anonymous Poster

17.5KV Switchgear

05/10/2010 1:28 AM

Hello sir,

can someone please guide that in a 13.8KV system where all other switch gears (circuit breakers) are of 24kv, what will be the effect if you install a 17.5kv switchgear/circuit breaker, is it acceptable or not ?


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Re: 17.5KV switchgear

05/10/2010 1:32 AM

Yes, so long as the supply remains at most 17.5kv.

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Re: 17.5KV Switchgear

05/17/2010 3:15 AM

Yes, it is acceptable to install switchgear with highest system voltage for equipment 17.5 kV to operate at rated voltage of 13.8 kV; since your system does not require equipment with higher insulation levels.

The differences between 24 kV & 17.5 kV equipment are mainly related to the insulation levels; where the insulation levels of the 24 kV are higher than those of the 17.5 kV switchgear. Where,

- the power frequency withstand voltage for 24 kV system is 50 kV; while for 17.5 kV system is 38 kV;

- the lightning impulse withstand voltage for 24 kV are 95/125/145 kV; while for 17.5 kV system are 75/95 kV.


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