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Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/22/2010 1:49 AM

Taken from incoming post

I thought it better to post as a separate item

Reason for posting, to get idea viewed by as many as possible.

By the way this is not my idea, its from a friend, all credit to him

SAVING THE GULF: The Dokyro Sleeve video in three parts

Part one



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Re: Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/22/2010 7:33 AM

A few possible drawbacks coming from a complete layman in these matters: 1) The implication is that the containment sleeve would be pliable enough to be rolled out all the way to three miles and then rolled back up for reuse. Once the sleeve is filled with oil and gas, wouldn't the pressure differential between the oil and gas inside and the surrounding sea water just collapse it or blow it off the bottom. 2) I'm not sure if a sleeve that long would be able to hold itself in place with the currents that exist in the gulf. They could use gps to keep the surface module stationary, but if the currents are strong enough, the sleeve would just become a giant tail sweeping around in the current. 3) With the volume and pressures that exist, they would have to have a lot of barges lined up and the pumping operation would have to happen 24/7. The gas and oil would have to be pumped into the barges at the same rate that it is escaping to avoid pressure build up and failure. A daunting task to be sure.

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Re: Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/23/2010 2:34 AM

This particular depth is a mile - but the tube can be joined for greater depths.

It is reasonably pliable but does require a dedicated dispenser frame which is also the transport 'container'. It is not much larger than a 40 ft shipping container but about twice the standard load.

The installation procedure is as a flat 'hose' to avoid water filling until the BOP and casing leaks are reached. There is a substantial anchorage mass to sink the tube and addition anchorage required to resist current induced tensile loads.

There is also a filled buoyancy to counteract and line friction producing a lift load. These serve to keep the tube substantially self up-righting, though obviously it will not be a straight line if any current is present.

These and other 'details' are defined and calculated, and the stresses applied to the tube and surface system designs.

True, the gas and oil need to be pumped as they arrive - this will be the case for any system until control of the well is achieved. And it may be 6 months to a year bring relief wells on line and reduce the well pressure to a pluggable pressure. So yes it daunting exercise and on top is the Gulf weather.

On behalf of the team; Thank you for your comments.


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Re: Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/23/2010 12:15 PM

Well, all I can say is that, if you feel you've done all of your homework, is there any way that you or someone else can run computer models, using your design and applying it to the condition that exists on the floor of the gulf. I sure would like to see it implemented and working. Without a workable scale model prototype, or at least accurate computer models, I'm afraid it is probably unlikely that you'll be able to secure the financing to build the sleeve, or get anyone else to. I personally have no contacts in the industry, wish there was more I could do to help.

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Re: Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/22/2010 11:45 PM

Why not balloon angioplasty? It could be snaked down to below the down hole problems and inflated. Surely some reason why this wouldn't work but it seems plausible.

The hardest thing to overcome, is not knowing that you don't know.
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Re: Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/23/2010 4:05 AM

on the topic of the Gulf Oil Leak, I can not understand when I see the news and it is refered to as "the gulf oil spill". A "spill" is something I do if I spill a cup of tea, a glass of water etc this is not a spill this is a catastrophe the extent of which will only become apparent over time.

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Re: Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/23/2010 5:25 AM

My penny worth. jt.

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Re: Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/25/2010 3:03 PM

With all respect for your efforts.

If a pipe will be used to extend the climb for 1 mile, the back pressure on the BOP will be very high, compromising the safety of the well bore: the leaks through the annulus section will probably increase and erode the solids. This is also the reason why now the mud feed connections are used with a >>>>pumping<<<< unit to get that pressure down. The top CAP has been lifted, because of that same difference in pressure, caused by back pressure in the riser. TOOOOOOO small diameter. Dokyro deals also with that problem perfectly and provides a safe and complete containment in a environmental correct way. Also no disperse agents are needed, and no rig and no drill ship for processing everything. That well needs a fix at the bottom of the pipe, where maybe 15.000 to 20.000 psi plus is present. With the fixes now, the elements are definitely still Boss.

As stated before on this forum, the main problem is shipping and handling of the product, because no tankers are available?

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Re: Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/29/2010 10:23 PM
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Re: Possible Cure for Gulf Oil Leak

06/25/2010 2:30 PM

Is water that frightening to forget what we always use for trash? On the beaches they use it. Is the sleeve membrane too cheap, too fast or too good? Or do we like oil in the Gulf that much?

Plenty of room here
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