User Profile for rcapper
Name: rcapper
Join Date: 12/06/2005
Member Title: Guru
Last Visit: 01/03/2023 3:51 PM
Last Post Date: 12/01/2018 12:17 AM
Signature: The hardest thing to overcome, is not knowing that you don't know.
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Location: Etats Unis
Total Posts: 1871 (45 Good Answers)
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I have owned and operated a successful consulting and manufacturing practice for 33 years and have been incorporated since 1990. I own and operate a WTF affiliated martial arts school teaching traditional Tae Kwon Do where I am an instructor. I hold a position as a research consultant on the staff of a non-profit institute doing work that supports stuttering therapy and research. Prior to that I was chief engineer of an electronic manufacturer. At the age of 14 I held an advanced class Amateur Radio license and by 16 had a first class commercial radiotelephone license. I studied and performed classical ballet for 9 years.
