Editor's Note: CR4 would like to thank Larry Butz of GEA Consulting for contributing this blog entry.
I don't read editorial columns frequently, but one caught my eye in last week's Wall Street Journal titled China vs. America: Which Is the Developing Country? The comparisons are simple and should be alarming. How could China come so far so fast?
In 1982 I was working in Shanghai on a project, licensing two Shanghai companies to build reciprocating compressors and light commercial unitary products. I was staying in the Park hotel, the finest in Shanghai, where my shower water could best be described as "chocolate" and the cockroaches kept me awake at night running across the ceiling and up the walls. Evenings walking the streets of Shanghai were "serene" with nothing more than bicycle bells and hushed conversations of the million or so people out for an evening walk.
In a short thirty years China has leapfrogged the US in many ways. Bullet trains whiz between Beijing and Shanghai. Ninety percent of the worlds (high tech) minisplit systems are manufactured in China. All the major HVAC manufacturers have R&D centers in China that are larger than their US counterparts.
There are many, many reasons for this "miracle". I take my hats off to the Chinese for their success and determination to achieve real progress. Their imperfect path to success has been a lot more effective than the path we have been following in the US. The polarization in the US political system is a disaster! Rather than moving forward with a single Plan we dig our heels in and protect our own special interests.
We are moving backwords and need to resolve this mess we are in. We need to forget the old China and look objectively at today's China and the efficiencies they have achieved.
- Larry Butz
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