I believe the term "dark matter" is a little misleading.I tend to think of it as "clear matter".It allows light and energy to pass thru, like glass would, bending without blocking it's passage.The rubber sheet analogy of gravity seems to be missing a component:When the sheet is deformed by matter, what fills the "hole" left behind?
Imagine, if you will, a sheet of clear plastic rubbery material immersed in a clear "fluid", pulled taught in all directions.When a massive object deforms the sheet, the clear "fluid" fills the indentation.This fluid has gravity, but has been stripped of it's other properties by the presence of the matter.
I would term this property "memory mass" which would interact with normal matter only via gravity.
I am sure there are many things that I do not understand in current dark matter/energy theory so I am asking for help in gaining further insight into this area of interest.
Thanks for any input and feedback.
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