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Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/04/2013 11:46 AM

Hello Friends and Associates,

Our church has a Baldwin Model 4 organ which (according to the parishioners) hasn't worked for years. I opened the back panel and in a hasty review could see no reason for any failure. It powers on, but only delivers a 60Hz hum.

From what I understand, this unit was from the 40s or 50s, and obviously is all vacuum tubes. Seeing nothing obvious, my guess is power-supply related or amp related, and the most obvious problems would be tube-related, or a large cap or two in the power supply. Of course, there could be cascade failures, but if I can eliminate the major issues, finding the secondaries should be repairable.

So far, in a quick search of the internet, I cannot find anything other than user's manuals. What I need are schematics, or at least a good block diagram schematic. Picking and poking would be a difficult.

If anyone has any insights on old instruments such as this or similar, or resources to where and with whom I might find some technical documentation, that would be great.

Not at all sure if i can do anything about fixing this instrument, but at this point I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

FYI, the S/n is 1561-CL-CC-B3

Kind regards ...

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/04/2013 12:57 PM
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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/04/2013 1:21 PM

Found a service manual.....

Baldwin Electronic Organ Model 4 Series Service Manual Schematics Parts List

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/04/2013 2:41 PM

I see schematics, too. Good find.

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/04/2013 3:27 PM


But, those circuit diagrams are full of transistors so, this may not be the manual for DCaD's organ.

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/04/2013 4:30 PM

Well it could be a model 5....

or a model 45-HP....

There seem to be several models, we need a pic or positive ID by OP...

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 11:47 AM

Hi SE,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you ...

Here is the ID plate from the inside. It says Model 4, so I have to trust that [other models DO look remarkably similar]. I'm really not sure when it was manufactured, but only going by comments from others.

Kind regards ...

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 11:48 AM

Thanks, SE ... this may be my best resource.

Kind regards ...

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/06/2013 1:18 PM

Just to clarify: in the original post you said "is all vacuum tubes", but the manual for sale is full of transistors:-

And therefore may be for a later model in the same series.

Might be an idea to look at the insides again before you spend your money.

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/06/2013 1:55 PM

Hi Randall,

When I first saw this response, I too became a little confused. Inside I don't SEE any of the electronics, but when it was said that the instrument was circa 1940-1950, I ASSUMED it was tubes. I could certainly be wrong, considering all the electronics are enclosed.

The organ is in a very restricted space, so before i can really work on it, I need to move it out some to be able to remove the back panel completely and do some digging.

Because the ID plate clearly shows model 4, and since the schematics indicate transistors, I would imagine my assumption about tubes is not correct. Transistors were first used in products in the early 50's, so it is quite possible the model 4 was made with transistors.

Anyway, I have ordered the service manual (got it from, and it's on it's way.

Kind regards ...

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/04/2013 1:55 PM

Ahhhh! the old days......I used to work at a music house in Pensacola Fl. that sold serviced and moved pianos and organs and such, lots of hard work, but it was a labor of love for the people that I worked with, we even worked on some old carillons at colleges and churches, talk about jam packed with analog works.......WOW what fun we had (really we enjoyed it).

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/04/2013 11:17 PM

I have come across several used church organs of different brands. I always try to make things work. If you plug it in and turn it on without seeing any smoke thats the main thing. Next I check to see if all the tubes light up. Then check the operation of the volume pedal and listen for any crackling or popping. Does the "hum" you mention get louder/softer when you do that? If not, the problem is likely in the amplifier, that would be a metal box with several tubes and a transformer. Try pushing the volume pedal about one third of the way down and then wiggle the wires coming out of the amp. Does it pop or hiss or? Try wiggling the speaker wires, then keep trying. Most older organs have lots of wires. Many times a loose connection is the only problem. Sometimes a good vacumming to remove dirt built up over the years helps. I have seen organs that have no fuses, but check for them anyway. This is all basic stuff but you would be surprised at how many different things I have made to work just by doing checks like this. Some organs will not make any sound until you turn on some of the various switches for different sounds. Good luck!

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/04/2013 11:23 PM

I just want to add I have tried to find schematics and service manuals for some of the old organs with no luck, even on the internet, but there are still a few old repair persons out there still breathing that would be easier to locate

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 12:25 AM

I would start by checking (replacing) the old wax capacitors and all the wiring and connections. Then I would start replacing tubes. Check some of the music stores in your area and see if any of them have scored an old tube tester. Some of them have gotten wise and found one since Mesa Boogie started bringing tubes back into the amps.

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 7:08 AM

As said above. When line hum is an issue on an audio device, the first thing I expect is dried out caps. I'm sure a few tubes may not be working either.

I picked up an old organ like that, many years ago. I can't remember the model anymore. It had cloth wiring and something like a 187 tubes in it. I tried for a long time to get it working and tuned. I eventually had to give up on it, though

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 7:26 AM

That was going to be my answer. On a device this old, check capacitors first. The wax capacitors are usually the first to go. Pretty much any electrolytic cap will dry out or leak over time. Make sure you check the voltage rating on the replacement caps. Tube equipment is normally much higher voltage than transistor equipment.

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 7:58 AM

Replacing the caps can be interesting in these old units. When these units were made, there was a propensity to use can capacitors with multiple (2 or 3) different value caps inside each can. They are difficult to find anymore. I had that problem with the old organ I was wiorking on. It was one of the reasons I gave up on it. You can easily find modern electrolytics of the same values but usually only in a single capacitor per package. If you have a fair amount of room around the cap you are replacing, you can zip tie 3 new ones together and mount them where needed. Unfortuneately, my organ had many different subchassis slices that were put in a main chassis. Kind of like peripheral cards on a modern tower PC. I just didn't have the room to physically fit multiple electrolytic caps in place of the old multi-value cans.

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 8:28 AM

Now that you have a schematic:

a. High voltage kills and these units are loaded with it
b. Use only one hand to work on the unit. Normally, one would hold the unit in one hand (i.e., the chassis) while probing with the other. This is the worst thing to do. If the working hand hits high voltage, the completed circuit goes from one hand to the other, with your chest and heart in the middle. Some people recommend putting one hand in your pocket.
c. Discharge all capacitors with a resistor before working on the circuit. Confirm it with a voltmeter before working on the unit. Don't short caps using a wire or screwdriver. It shortens the life of the cap and just creates carbon tracks.

2. The hum is either a failed cap (usually those electrolytic caps for the power supply) or the bias on one or all of the tubes is wrong.

Do the usual visual check for burned or failed components. Resistors are a good signal for problems. If it is burned or cracked you have a clue as to what might be wrong. Usually a failed resistor is a symptom, not the problem.

3. With the age of the unit, the most problematic issue will be the capacitors, regardless of whether that is the root cause now. Replace those with modern ones after the fault is discovered. The old metal cans that mount to the chassis are hard to find. Most people use axial leaded caps and mount them where ever they can.

4. The rectifier tube is another weak link. Sometimes people replace them with silicon diodes. This will result in a higher B+, so some adjustment to the power supply dropping resistors will or may be required.

5. Tubes do go bad, but are less likely to be the root cause. Finding a tube tester is probably not an option, so after getting the power supply and caps sorted out and it still does not work, you are probably going to have to simply replace tubes to sort it out.

A scope is a valuable instrument to trace signals down stream. You usually can isolate the problem to the stage that failed and replace that tube.

6. Also, the coupling caps for the signal are worth replacing with new ones. This should be done regardless of where the problem lies since these components at this age are almost certainly either out of tolerance or leaky.

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 9:21 AM

GA for a great responce

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 11:53 AM

Hi AH,

Excellent advice. Futzing around with things not understood is a sure bet for entry into the Darwin Awards. I've worked around HV a little, but always best to have a good checklist.

Thanks, and kind regards ...

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/05/2013 8:34 AM

Another resource:

Robert Spoon
1786 Candy Apple St
Springdale, AR,72764

I understand his business is the last one that offers parts for these organs.

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

02/19/2013 11:32 PM

I would honestly look to see if there is somebody in the area who repairs old radios. Check connections first (my old Hammond hummed once and it was just a plug to a speaker). I do most things myself, but these guys have devices to test the tubes so you are not throwing $$ at it for no reason (especially when you do not know the history of it or if there is more than one problem.) Take the chassis out and bring it in to save the trouble of hauling a 400lb behemoth. I do most things myself- but have dealt with a local guy for various old tube and capacitor issues and he usually can source something if it is needed.

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

07/24/2015 12:04 PM

Where did you get the "User's Manual" for your organ?

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Re: Baldwin Model 4 Church Organ

08/09/2015 3:05 PM
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