Well it looks like I am back to being self employed again! Not that I mind that one bit. 
Last week a number of us had enough of the managements BS and false promises and turned in our uniforms and just walked out the door. We had 7 employees and three of us left on day shift and I think one or both of the night shift crew did later when they came in and saw who had taken off. 
The issue was that we have had our workload more than triple in the last four months and have been continually getting told that they are hiring more people and getting better working conditions for us.
So far after 4 months things have went down not up. That plus seniority rights have been all but ignored as well. Of the new hires in the last 4 months no one has stayed long enough to make it through the 90 day starting period. The last guy made it three days before saying hell no I can work someplace else for better pay and less hours. the guy before him has been there just over a month and I trained him more in two nights working with me than our manger did in two weeks working with him. (He still doesn't know how to work the computer and can only drive the one small truck out of the three we have.)
The last new guy quitting put the rest of us on 6 and 7 shift a week workloads at 12 hours a shift. (except for our manger and his pet who only work Monday through Friday day shift where there is the least workload where technically neither has the seniority to be. 
6 months ago this was a good job and paid well for what work we did but that has changed. Given the qualifications we have to hold there are many many other jobs available locally that now have better working hours conditions and pay.
I for one am rather glad to be back to self employed. 
My wife just landed a drafting job and is now making what I made plus better benefits than I had and we have the new house construction project for me to work on all summer. 
BTW it was so nice not putting 60 - 72 hours this week jumping between two day shifts and 3 - 4 night shifts this week like I have been doing for months now. Sleep does the body good. 
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