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Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/20/2013 12:50 AM

Please let me have the 13kV/11kV transformer data sheet if avialable.

Description is as follows.

A generator station is to be equipped wiht two generators, each rated at 300MW, 0.85pf, 13kV is to supply a 220kV transmission system.

The auxiliary system comprises the 11kV motors, connected to 11kV and two of them connected 3.3kV.

The system must make provision for startup from a station bus but the main drves will be fed from 13/11kV unit transforemrs.

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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary system for a Coal Power Plant

06/20/2013 3:16 AM

The best course of action is to discuss these data with transformer manufacturers directly. Telephone?

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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/20/2013 8:53 AM


Do as PWSlack suggests and talk to an expert at a suppliers plant.

Your question sounds like it was coppied from a text book or exam, which means that you are a student and should be doing your own homework.

Search engines can teach you a lot. USE THEM!!!!!!!!!!Don't be so lazy!

Transformers Product List - GE Industrial Solutions

  • Do your own homework. CR4 is not a homework cheat site. While some here might relish the opportunity to sharpen up old rusty skills by working the homework problem, consider the following and consider it well. If you cheat on your homework by using someone else's answers, you are only cheating yourself, because the purpose of any homework or other academic assignments is to help you learn - by practice, repetition, and self-discovery.
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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/21/2013 6:01 AM

This is for my academic work and my lecturer ask me to find a datasheet and do the analyzes. I have found all datasheets other than the rating of 13.8/11kV Auxiliary transformer. Decided to request this in CR4 since there are lots of geneus Engineers are registered with CR4. However, response are in negative. if you have a technical datahseet (typical), please forward me. Otherwise, please ignore this.

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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/21/2013 6:08 AM

This is for my academic work and my lecturer ask me to find a datasheet and do the analyzes. I have found all datasheets other than the rating of 13.8/11kV Auxiliary transformer. Decided to request this in CR4 since there are lots of geneus Engineers are registered with CR4. However, response are in negative. if you have a technical datahseet (typical), please forward me. Otherwise, please ignore this.

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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/21/2013 6:13 AM

@ lyn:

Please do not waste our time, commenting stupid answers. Just stay out of our business if you donot have the answer.

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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/20/2013 10:48 AM

I doubt that this homework, most homework problems would have things like varying type of loads such as motors, lighting, and maybe even the impedance of a transmission line or two, etc. to make it interesting.

This is from a non-electrical engineer such as a project manager, purchasing agent or "consultant' who would not recognize a "transformer data sheet" if it were placed in front of him/her. Whoever it is is cheating his employer/client and should turn the project over to a qualified electric power engineer. This answer cannot be had for free.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Ben Franklin.
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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/20/2013 3:10 PM

Seek professional help before you kill someone, you are obviously out of your depth.

jack of all trades
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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/23/2013 3:25 PM

Safety is never off-topic.

jack of all trades
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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

09/23/2015 6:07 PM

This kid scares the crap out me! Absolutely no clue, just hope he doesn't kill anybody besides himself. And, your not off topic with your comment!

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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/20/2013 5:18 PM

You have to know the installed power in your forced draft fan and induced draft fan [together, I think, could be 7000-10000 HP].You have to know how to start the motors-V.S.D or D.O.L. You have to draw an One-Line Diagram .You have to calculate the total load and the short-circuit current at the transformer terminals-may be emergency load. You have to state the standard IEC, UL, ANSI. Briefly, you need a specialist. Somewhere between 15 to 20 MVA could be the required transformer power.

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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/20/2013 9:28 PM

With 100% contingency for an equipment failure. So 30 to 40MVA with the load split 50% between two units.

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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/21/2013 8:53 AM

As PWSlack mentioned contact a manufacturer, and even if you are a student they will give you information.

But the most important issue here is DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK

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Re: Transformer Data Sheet for Design of an Auxiliary System for a Coal Power Plant

06/22/2013 6:50 PM

You may need to answer a few questions yourself about the system you expect to feed from your aux transformers. I take it that the output from your generator is 13kv from your Generator Stator to your Main Transformer. I would expect you to have 13kv supply to the primary of your aux transformers as well. What would you expect the overall load on your aux transformer to be? As mentioned before by another member, what is your expected load on the secondary windings of your aux transformer based on ID fans, FD fans, GR fans and all other auxiliary equipment from Circulating water pumps and Condensate pumps, etc., not to mention all of the MCCs (motor contol centers) and Power Centers. Are your MCCs rated at 440/480 VAC? How about your Power Panels... 120VAC? You also have system lighting as well as future additions to your system to be concerned with. What of your Lighting Panels? Are they 205VAC or 120 VAC? Are there any Start/Standby transformers to consider which might make sizing your aux transformer smaller possible? (Note that this will possibly cause internal electrical usage costs higher as the price from grid to your system may be higher than from your own aux transformer to your system.) How many 11kv buses are you using and how are the associated loads hooked up to this system. (Example: You could have (per unit) 4 ID fans, 2 FD fans, 2 GR fans, 2 Circulating water pumps and 2 11kv buses...) Are all of these rated at 11kv, or are some rated at 3.3 kv? If you have 2 separate 11kv buses and 2 separate 3.3kv buses, how are your individual pieces of equipment situated in your system. If you have 2 separate 11kv buses with each feeding 2 ID fans, 1 FD Fan, 1 GR Fan and a number of Power Centers, you will have to know the maximum load for each bus and rate your aux transformer accordingly with two secondary windings to feed each bus separately. Do you have any other voltage supply systems at a different voltage? What, if any, is your expected load ratings for these?

You see now that your question is not a simple question even though you asked it so simply. There is more to your question than you have implied here.

Your original post does not give nearly enough parameters from you to allow us to give you a very accurate assessment of your needs. To do that, you need to acquire a lot more information to establish your actual needs. As implied by another member, you will probably need to oversize your transformer based on other concerns which may present themselves down the road with future additions or modifications. It is cheaper in the long run to oversize your aux transformer now rather than replace the original with a larger transformer later.

I hope this is helpful.


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