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The Battle for the Smart Home

Posted August 16, 2016 12:00 AM by Engineering360 eNewsletter

Electronics companies, retailers, and telecoms all want a piece of the smart home market. Large and small, these companies have already begun to roll out products ranging from security systems to thermostats. But there's a catch. Homeowners don't want to deal with all these devices. Instead, they would prefer that a third party install and manage everything, a sentiment that has given birth to the concept of smart home as a service. Electronics360 looks at how this trend is shaping up, outlining the challenges facing consumers and providers and describing one company's integrated solution.

Editor's Note: This news brief was brought to you by the Appliance Technology eNewsletter. Subscribe today to have content like this delivered to your inbox


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Re: The Battle for the Smart Home

08/16/2016 9:53 AM

Thanks, but no thanks, I think I'll stick with my dumb home.

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Re: The Battle for the Smart Home

08/16/2016 10:25 AM

Not needed. Just one more thing to break or screw up. Simplify, don't complicate.

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Re: The Battle for the Smart Home

08/16/2016 4:22 PM

If homes get too smart they will deny entrance to us *dumb* humans, claiming us to be harmful to their well being (wink,wink)

...and the Devil said: "...yes, but it's a DRY heat..!"

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Re: The Battle for the Smart Home

08/16/2016 6:01 PM

Or some hacker changes the password so you can't get in and he can...


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Re: The Battle for the Smart Home

08/17/2016 5:22 AM

One more way for these companies, and worse yet, the government to track everything you are doing 24/7. What follows is"nudging" you to do what they think you should. Then if you don't respond to a nudge, you need educating...


My aspect ratio is 2.28.

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Re: The Battle for the Smart Home

08/17/2016 6:22 AM

"Resistance is futile.You will be assimilated."

If you want to boil a frog,you put him in cold water,so he does not jump out,then you

slowly raise the temperature and eventually he will be cooked,and never know how.

The new generations have no concept of true privacy.

Nor will they know the true meaning of a friend.

Most have thousands of friends on line,but how many of those friends will get up at 2

in the morning,in a freezing rain,and drive 500 miles,towing a trailer, to help you get

your broken vehicle back home?

I have seen privacy sidelined in the name of security or convenience,and like all

things in nature,the easiest path is the one taken.

A remote control for a ceiling fan comes to mind as the current epitome of laziness.

Soon they will be thought controlled subconsciously,and you will not even be allowed

to get too hot or too cold,you body temp being constantly monitored.

Eventually,it will be possible to put your brain in a jar,and live virtually anywhere in

the universe,and you will not even know your brain is in a jar.

The "jar" could be a solid state device or a hybridization of man and machine.

"I bring the news from "D" street,and the news is not good."--

Quote from an old scifi book,but I cannot remember the name....

"A man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child." "Never argue with a stupid person.They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" "Homo homini lupus"
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Re: The Battle for the Smart Home

08/19/2016 12:05 PM

Eventually,it will be possible to put your brain in a jar,and live virtually anywhere in the universe,and you will not even know your brain is in a jar.


"Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone." - Ayn Rand
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