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Fracking Meets Sustainability

Posted September 01, 2016 10:50 AM by Engineering360 eNewsletter

In an industry clearly sensitive to environmental forces, can sustainable development and operating principles help fracking operations do a better job? The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal suggests that with the right approach, risks and benefits can be shared by industry, governments, and society. The Journal goes on to recommend focusing on risk management, transparency, and creating benefits for society that extend beyond the end of the pipeline. By taking a sustainable approach to fracking and hydrocarbon extraction, environmental, social, and economic best practices can be identified, enabled, and used to counter industry resistance.

Editor's Note: This news brief was brought to you by the Oil & Gas Technology eNewsletter. Subscribe today to have content like this delivered to your inbox.


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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/01/2016 6:46 PM

The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal suggests that with the right approach, risks and benefits can be shared by industry, governments, and society.

Sounds all "feel good".

I call BS on this!!!!!!

There is NO risk to industry or governments with fracking. NONE. They drill holes, inject the chemicals and the rest of the witches brew into the ground, leaving behind millions of gallons of unusable water to be pumped back into the ground to cause earthquakes and polluted drinking water wells.

Industry gets all the cash, government (Congress) gets their payoff for passing bills favorable to industry and the public (society) takes it in the shorts!!!!!!!! Again.

Congress has killed all the legislation that would have put limits on liability, testing ground water, water wells and keeping SOCIETY safe, all for the almighty dollar to fuel the never ending election cycle.


No need to do this except GREED!

We don't need this energy today, tomorrow, or next year.

My BS meter is pegged, and I'm pissed!

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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/02/2016 3:05 PM


When you come to a fork in the road, take it. (Yogiism)

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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/02/2016 3:53 PM

Thus, he will continue to rant and fuss in blissful self indulging ignorance no matter what factual data is presented.

I'd indulge him in another fracking realities Vs his reality debate but , meh, I'm not up to giving him the courtesy this time around.


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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/02/2016 6:41 PM

risks and benefits can be shared by industry, governments, and society.

And the benefits to society are????

And the risks to industry are????

We know that Congress is for sale to the highest bidder and where you live and work.


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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/02/2016 7:19 PM


Not as many as you want to believe.

I don't live and work in congress.

Are we done now? The wind is dying down and I have several large pickup and trailer tires I need to burn and today seems like a good day for a tire fire.


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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/02/2016 7:20 PM

Burn one for me.


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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/03/2016 4:18 PM

Burn this!

Record-tying Oklahoma earthquake felt as far away as Arizona

Society gets F*c*ed again, for the benefit of big oil and nothing else.

I don't even want to hear any more of your BS!


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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/04/2016 12:46 PM

"In the wake of a record-tying 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Oklahoma, state officials have ordered the shutdown of 37 disposal wells used for fracking."

The unsaid part of this that has no benefit to society: " resulting in the trucking of millions of gallons of waste water to other locations outside the restricted area, which will, undoubtedly just move the earthquakes into a new area.

A sort of petrochemical whack a mole game.

Anybody who thinks this is helping society is an IDIOT!!!


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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/04/2016 2:37 PM

Wells closing after Oklahoma quake fraction of state's total

This statement is an insult to the intelligence of all (tcmtech excepted)"In an industry clearly sensitive to environmental forces".

This industry has spent billions to bribe politicians to allow them to plunder and pillage the environment.

Their only sensitivity is to how much it will cost to buy the votes to "drill, baby drill"!

What a CROCK!


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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/04/2016 3:15 PM

Native Americans protest the Dakota Access oil pipeline on Friday, Aug. 12, 2016 near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in southern North Dakota.(Photo: James MacPherson/Associated Press)

More societal good deeds!

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A protest of a four-state, $3.8 billion oil pipeline turned violent after tribal officials say construction crews destroyed American Indian burial and cultural sites on private land in southern North Dakota.

I'm still waiting for someone in a position of authority to point out to me how any of this benefits anyone but big oil and the politicians who work for them?




They could just call in an air strike and kill all the protesters like the S.C. officials did the bees. The officials thought they were benefitting society by wiping out the bees mosquitos that they believe carry Zika. Oh, never mind that there has not been a single case of Zika caused by mosquitos in S.C. It is for the good of society!!!!!

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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/04/2016 11:26 PM

Paying $2.25/gal as oppose to $4.00/gal

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood

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Re: Fracking Meets Sustainability

09/04/2016 4:47 PM

Fracking works well where I am.

Disposal wells don't cause earthquakes here either.

I and many people around me got paid well from fracking and anything related to it.

We call that a multilevel gainful win on our part.

> Insert ending maniacal laughter here.<

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