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Progress in Key Areas of Sustainability for 2016

Posted April 18, 2017 12:00 AM by Engineering360 eNewsletter

The Electrolux Group recently published its latest Sustainability Report with facts and figures showing continued progress in key areas of sustainability during 2016. Growing use of recycled plastics, reduced carbon emissions from operations, and positive investments are just some of the highlights in the report.

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Re: Progress in Key Areas of Sustainability for 2016

04/21/2017 12:15 PM

I want to know about Electrolux's plans for responsible consumption. I still want to eat what I choose, not what someone chooses for me, including beef, pork, and chicken in that order, all topped off with bacon if at all possible.

The food pyramid was devised by "geniuses" that worked for the cereal grain producers of America, flour mills, cereal blenders (Kellogg, Post, etc.). The lady they hired to actually come up with the pyramid was vehement this was wrong, and was told if she liked her paycheck to shut up, sit down and keep drawing.

I have recently received word from a physician that the old adage about fats being bad for cholesterol (artery clogging, etc.) is merely an old tale propagated by researchers that actually did not research the strong link between blood glucose (A1C), insulin level, and arterial inflammation, resulting in plaque formation.

I switched my diet to very low general carb intake of 50-60 g/day (4 carbs) (compared to 10 carbs spread over 6 little meals) from the previous food pyramid based diet (for diabetes mellitus II individuals). It is apparently working like gang-busters: (1) general energy level throughout the day is high compared to before, (2) losing body fat is apparent, although not much weight loss is noted as yet, (3) less incidence of "stoker's" cramps than previously, and (4) everything I am eating tastes great, not like cardboard.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just build a better one.
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