Elasto Proxy's Sealing Solutions Blog Blog

Elasto Proxy's Sealing Solutions Blog

Elasto Proxy's Sealing Solutions Blog is the place for conversation and discussion about the design and manufacturing of rubber and plastic parts and products. In addition to regular content from Elasto Proxy, you'll hear from companies across the rubber and plastics industry.

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Foam Rubber vs. Sponge Rubber: What's the Difference?

Posted July 03, 2020 4:20 PM by Doug Sharpe

The difference between foam rubber vs. sponge rubber begins with ingredients, continues through the material manufacturing process, and extends to molecular structure. Although the terms “foam rubber” and “sponge rubber” are sometimes used interchangeably, these elastomers have differences that may not be readily apparent. Moreover, sponge rubber and foam rubber are used in different types of sealing and insulation applications.

If you don’t understand how foam rubber vs. sponge rubber are made and used, you risk choosing a material that permits leaking, provides inadequate cushioning, or that won’t withstand the environment. The rubber may also shrivel up, become brittle, or lose compressibility. By choosing a compound based on MTAP, an abbreviation for material, temperature, application and pressure, engineers can meet requirements beyond whether just foam rubber vs. sponge rubber needs to be used.

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Re: Foam Rubber vs. Sponge Rubber: What's the Difference?

07/03/2020 4:45 PM

"In fabrication terms, a foam uses a blowing or “foaming” agent to inject a polymer melt with gas-filled bubbles. On the other hand, the tiny interlinking chambers in sponge rubber are produced chemically by mixing sodium bicarbonate with an elastomer."


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Re: Foam Rubber vs. Sponge Rubber: What's the Difference?

07/16/2020 7:45 AM

A big difference is that open-cell rubber absorbs impact energy,where as closed cell rubber stores the impact energy.Each has it's purposes.

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