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For Wrench Twirler

09/23/2015 8:12 PM
OK, this relates to the saga of the

2001 Ford F 150 Dash Smoke which I only thought was solved, but isn't. I'm going to annotate that thread today, too. Not here.

So, when the truck came back from the third visit to the butcher garage, the odometer had lost some 7,000 miles. Poof.

No telltale signs of reprogramming, tampering or???????????? They did disconnect the battery, I assume, as I did when I first had the leak problem.

Searches only found ways to reprogram by disassembling things and installing a different EPROM with less miles. Nothing about roll-backs of this sort.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over it but does anybody have any ideas?

Yes, I Googled; no I didn't take it back to the shop or call the Ford dealer.

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Re: For Wrench twirler

09/23/2015 8:25 PM

So what are the odds they fried your original one and stuck in whatever used one they could find that had close to your milage to cover their screw up?

BTW your electrical problems are not uncommon. I see and hear about them all the time relating to our local shops having to few if any technicians who have ever had any real factory training on the very systems and equipment they work on and with very day for their jobs.

It's not the techs fault but mostly comes from above them with the shop owners not wanting to pay for the training and then having to pay more to their employees for actually being knowledgeable and certified to do the work related to their jobs.

any possibility that's what you are dealing with?

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Re: For Wrench twirler

09/23/2015 8:37 PM

Possible? I guess?

No idea how many ways there are to fry a chip, and they wouldn't fess up anyway.

At this point, with no evidence, I'm pretty much screwed.

Just hope it ends soon.

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Re: For Wrench twirler

09/23/2015 10:23 PM

Its' not that the employer doesn't want to pay for the training, it's that the employer won't pay for the high dollar equipment that the mechanics need in order to work on the computerized non user friendly autos we so enjoy today.

Some shops do have the equipment on hand others, many dealers and nationally known shops, tell the mechanic to bring it with him/her if you need it.

Your run of the mill code reader capable of reading the codes on all the systems in your car (ECM, ABS, Body modules, Trans and diff modules just to name a few) costs hundreds of dollars, If you want one that can interact with these same systems it steps up to many thousands of dollars plus the software updates that have to be updated regularly (re:very expensive).

The Training is there! but most mechanics cannot step up to the bank breaking costs of the equipment, I consider myself very fortunate that I can afford these "toys" and am trained to use them, and could make myself quite a bit of money on the side just trouble shooting for people.

Those $9.99 code readers that so many people lean on are jokes, they will read generic codes that may get you into the ball park but you need to be able to read down to component level to get the real story (here's a kicker, Harbor Freight sells a decent reader for about $150.00 US that does an admirable job at reading most codes in most cars except body modules). these new model cars are SOFTWARE driven and iffin' you don't know programming you might as well shell out the money and let someone who does deal with it, or (I like this idea) go back to the simple days when if it had gas, air and spark it would run.

That being said if the Dealers, Shops, Owners would pitch in with some financial help for the diagnostic equipment it would be a lot easier for the mechanics to justify the cost of purchasing them.

Yes I know mechanics chose to work on cars for a living just like a lot of you chose to engineer them, but the engineers don't have to buy their own equipment, software and manuals to design these nightmares!

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Re: For Wrench twirler

09/24/2015 1:03 AM

Sound's like your inside the NSA

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Re: For Wrench twirler

09/25/2015 9:20 AM

It is a very common ploy by ALL large corporations in this age. Ford/GM/Chrysler or Fiat or whatever they are called now wants ALL repair to come through their dealerships. They make all repair work as difficult as possible for the soon to be extinct local repair garage. And, we have the insurance companies lackeys, the US government, rules and regulations to thank for abetting this destruction of the independent garage. The era of one large car manufacturer and repair centers with a ubiquitously similar design is soon upon us. No more independent choice for the sake of greatly reduced insurance claims and emissions reductions.

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Re: For Wrench Twirler

09/24/2015 6:04 AM

Maybe it works like a do a system restore to a time before the problem occurred.

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Re: For Wrench Twirler

09/25/2015 7:13 AM

No, I just checked with the IT department again, they said "if it works like a computer, shut it off, then turn it back on and let them know if that helped".

Hey Isaac, catch! ...oops, that's gonna leave a mark...
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Re: For Wrench Twirler

09/24/2015 11:11 PM

Perhaps the craft of vehicle repair and maintenance is disappearing.

When the car stops working properly, or sooner, you exchange it for another.

Just keep paying the lease.

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Re: For Wrench Twirler

09/25/2015 1:23 AM

A friend of mine told me a person could enroll in a class at a local junior college auto shop class and if they could impress the teacher with some smarts then they could use the schools high priced high tech equipment all for the price of tuition.

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Re: For Wrench Twirler

09/25/2015 2:11 AM

I've had a few odometers changed on used cars I took in on a trade in. I had to let the company selling the odometer know the mileage on the old odometer. The seller was able to program the miles on the odometer. Logically, if my vendor can program the odometer, then it's possible for a mechanic to change the mileage to accidentally, which is probably what happened.

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Re: For Wrench Twirler

09/25/2015 8:49 AM

My 94 F 150 mysteriously went from 458,000 K while driving to 275,000 K and when I inquired at the Ford store they were surprised and stated that they had heard or seen it happen on some Lincoln vehicles. With all the electronics involved nothing has surprised me even the runaway vehicles both in drive and reverse.

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Re: For Wrench Twirler

09/25/2015 8:50 AM

I had an instance similar to this. The problem I had was blow-by forced out of a rocker cover vent being sucked into the fresh-air intake at the bottom of the windshield. The "smoke" passed under the hood to the vent unnoticed. It takes engine power to make a lot of blow-by so it will be hard to see in testing. At the time I did not have any money and the fix was to run a hose from the vent port into a frame rail, left it like that for several years.

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Re: For Wrench Twirler

09/25/2015 3:46 PM

Hay Lyn have someone run a scan tool on your truck and make sure the Vin number on the computer matches the truck. If they changed out the computer you will have problems in the future when they try to set protocols for testing as it will not be the Vin to tell it the info it needs. You can change the computer but you also have to reset the Vin in it to match the vehicle. Add as far as I know not many places other then the dealer have the interrogator / programmer to accomplish this procedure. Not to say there aren't a few places other then the dealer, but they are not easy to find.

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Re: For Wrench Twirler

09/26/2015 3:00 PM

Maybe the electronics were made by VW.

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