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Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) - Win 10

10/02/2015 11:29 AM

Does anyone on CR4 know whether Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) is supported under Windows 10? I have a suite of programs which originally used DDE (and VB6) for communicating between modules, but which I had to re-write using MSMQ (and when XP support was terminated, as Win7/8.1 do not support DDE (dynamic data exchange). I've now been asked by a customer how "future-proof" my new version will be.

My googling has so far only confirmed support under Win8.1 (which I knew anyway, having tested it).

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) - Win 10

10/03/2015 1:48 PM

This is all I could find that might guide you....

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Re: Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) - Win 10

10/05/2015 9:42 AM

Thanks - I'm pretty sure I've already looked there. The problem is with the jargon, e.g. I can find references about MSMQ being supported by Win7, Win8 and Win Server 2012, but no-where can I find a direct reference to Win10.

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Re: Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) - Win 10

10/05/2015 12:53 AM

Hi John,

I have a Win 10 computer, and I found that MSMQ is installed on my OS. Under Control Panel/Programs and Features/Turn Windows Features On or Off, this is the dialog box that opens:

So obviously it is there and it looks pretty well established. I will try to find some way to get you a version number.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) - Win 10

10/05/2015 9:50 AM

Thanks. I've been assured of this by a chap on a MSDN forum (who showed a similar screen-shot), but it'll be hard to convince my customer on the basis of a say-so from some bloke on the 'net.

So I'm in the process of installing 10 on one of my back-up netbooks (currently Win7), and I'll run a sawn-off version of my software that'll test the messaging (and some other features as well). Current progress of download is 5% after about half an hour!

I'll report the outcome here.

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Re: Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) - Win 10

10/12/2015 5:25 PM

Hello John

Well I'm a day late and a dollar short on this one. I noticed that you have not posted your results yet. So naturally curiosity has got the best of me.

I haven't checked on other comments on Windows 10. However, I do have some information that may be helpful to anyone thinking about upgrading to Windows 10

My personal experience thus far has been that, as with all upgrades Windows 10 is a somewhat perilous operation.

First, although Microsoft claims that you can revert to Windows 7 for up to 30 days after the installation of Windows 10. Two out of three machines that I have had experience with now Would not revert with the error message that they were missing files to do the revert Operation. On one of my machines. Not only did the upgrade fail but it also managed to wipe out my backup of Windows 7.

I have also had the displeasure of working on another machine . I do some volunteer work for a church my wife is involved with. naturally their office manager could not resist pushing the button to upgrade to Windows 10. Resulting in a total disaster. Of course all of their accounting data as well as other critical data had not been backed up for two years.I'm thinking of instituting a new policy, routine repairs and maintenance pro bono. Utter stupidity get somebody else.

I ended up putting at least 50 hours of work recovering data from the scrambled mess.

Bottom line, I would highly recommend doing a complete Windows 7 backup on a portable hard drive before proceeding with an upgrade to 10. Some of the Windows 8.1 drivers work and on other applications you have to have specific Windows 10 drivers.So obviously before upgrading to Windows 10. A wise move is to check the availability of drivers for your peripheral hardware.

After getting my machine back up and running. All in all, my initial impression is that I like the software It seems to of combined many of the features of Windows 7 as well as Windows 8.1. Well, that is my two cents worth. I would be interested in knowing how your experiences come out thus far.

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Re: Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) - Win 10

10/12/2015 6:56 PM

Thanks for the input. The reason I haven't come back (until now) is that I've spent a large proportion of the last week getting Win10 on said netbook. It was a couple of years old, but virgin, so I could afford to brick it. Took days trying to do the upgrade on-line, then backing up the Win7 (just in case) and trying the download again. Tried to make an install "disk" in a USB stick - machine wouldn't recognize it. Tried again with an external DVD burner. No joy.

Finally downloaded an iso image on my (XP) laptop - burnt it to a DVD and installed 10 on the netbook. About an hour for the download/burn, 2½ hours for the install.

Once running, I tried my test program (which included accessing a Rockwell PLC via a USB/RS232 dongle and MSMQ between program modules). It had preserved the VB across the upgrade (I'd tried it before upgrading to make sure there were no hardware issues), and also remembered that MSMQ was turned on, so all I had to do was click - and much to my surprise, it ran - including communication with the PLC.

It'll be a loooong time before I use it in anger, but at least my customer's satisfied.

Thanks to all for your input.

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