Hello everyone, I am new to the forum and I wish to introduce myself before I discuss my question. I'm a high school student here in Italy, and am currently 2 years away from my diploma (here we have a 5-year high school system), and I am seriously considering the petroleum engineering route, and was particularly interested in drilling more than reservoir or production, even though I might change my mind on that in the future. I am currently 17 y/o and looking to be 18 at the time of H/G graduation. It would all be so perfect, if only we had one single university offering a Petroleum Engineering course. There is only ONE university that currently offers a 2 years post-graduate master, IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY! To access the master I would need a regular 3-year degree in a non-petroleum related field of engineering (like mechanics, aerospace, energy, chemical, etc...). The 2 year master that I am interested in is fully provided in English, which is not a problem at all by the way, and courses is described in the following link: [link https://didattica.polito.it/pls/portal30/gap.a_mds.espandi2?p_a_acc=2016&p_sdu=32&p_cds=33&p_lang=IT] . Now my question is: Is this master's program sound? Is it actually worth anything to the employer that is looking for a drilling engineer? Do I get a 3 year degree in one of the fields from the ones described earlier (mechanics, aerospace, energy, chemical, etc...), and then get the 2-year PE master, or am I just better off spending the big money and attending a US university and getting a 4-year bachelor degree in PE? Which of the two would be more valuable to the employer and, ultimately, also to me? Thank you immensely for your time, and I wish you a good day.
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