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Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 7:20 AM

Any Skype users out there? Last year they re-hashed the entire site and have made it "very user unfriendly" (to put it mildly). I'll go further - destroyed. I used to use it quite a lot to phone landlines and cellphones, but have ceased, as have others I've spoken to, thus removing their income stream. What could possibly be their motive?

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 9:53 AM

I've never used Skype so I can't answer from experience but my guess would be it's either a money saving gambit or they're in financial trouble - but either way it's money connected, so they're calculating that they'll either make more money or lose less of it from this move.

I suggest that because of my own experience with Apple computers which I've owned for 13 years and in that time I've seen a degradation in quality so catastrophic it's hard to believe it's the same company.

But of course it isn't the same as it was back in 2005, because companies change along with the people changes at the top and right now Apple are in a "suck everything you can out of the customers and drain them dry" mode, courtesy of the top management.

An Apple computer at the height of their performance circa 2005 was a thing to behold.

A Google page would load so fast it was too quick for the eye to follow but now it takes anything up to half a minute to load a Google page, because where Google used to come from Google's local (local to me) server farm, now it comes with the OS, so EVERYTHING including Google comes from the cloud and the cloud is cheaper for Apple because they don't have to bother distributing all those fiddly OS discs to their stores so they just plug us all into the cloud and force us to wait for their retarded, unreliable, disjointed OS to wake up and actually do something.

And it's the same grinding struggle every single day.

Just to get going this morning I had to do 3 shutdowns and 4 starts, because for whatever reason the OS didn't load properly 3 times out of 4, and this is an ongoing occurence in order to get the OS running in something like an acceptable fashion.

I have the very latest OS on my new desktop and at every single restart of every single day I have to reselect my chosen Home Page, which is a 5 step process, whereas on my 2005 Apple desktop it was set for life! Yes, forever! How crazy was that! Giving the customers what they wanted! What were they thinking?!

It was efficient because efficiency was their goal then!

Now their goal is screwing the maximum out of the customer and give them as little as possible back.

It's a Con Valley thing.

Once they realized we liked what they were doing they rolled back what they were doing so they could get more cash for less product.

My guess is that something similar is behind what's happening to your Skype.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 10:10 AM

Hey as long as your kicking apple around, let me add my $.02, itunes keeps deleting songs from my library every time they upgrade the software, which is every other day, and each upgrade takes forever, so slow.... itunes sucks....but the iphone is good, now that they were forced to tell everybody they could just change the battery when the phone starts crashing....jerks....

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 7:38 AM

They've definitely lost their magic.

But they are the largest company in the world by market capitalization so I doubt they're listening to criticism.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 12:23 PM

I have a few songs, but I don’t really keep track of them... what did you do when you’ve found out some are deleted?

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 2:44 PM

They say you can install an older version of itunes when the songs were present, but it took a while before I noticed it, I have over 3k I do have backups on external hard drives, at least I'm using a music program that came with my computer called "Groove" to get all the music I can find into one place....this is an ongoing process as I have several projects going at this time....but it's hard to remember, or impossible, all the songs I had since I'm adding from time to time over the course of 20 years, so it leaves a bad feeling wondering if the list is complete....It's not acceptable, and I'm really disappointed in Apple...

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 3:16 PM

Kinda the pint I was getting at... i had thought of it when I started buying songs to put it in writing a list as well as the receipts... but you how that goes... you hear a song. And oh I want that and down load it and don’t do it.

(same way with movies I do in VUDU which is part of Walmart) which is quite a few more.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/04/2018 9:11 AM

Do you think that the songs you are losing is because your OS is attached to the cloud?

I suspect that's the cause but I don't use iTunes so I don't really know.

When I first got autocratically moved to the cloud I did some searching around to see the implications and one site I was on said that with the cloud connection you have to opt out of stuff like Word being added in there too because if you didn't opt out then all your Word documents would be automatically moved to the cloud and you may never see them again.

Or it may have been you have to opt in, I can't remember for sure, but whichever it was I definitely kept my Word docs away from the cloud connection.

Seeing your dilemma I wonder if there was some way to opt out of letting your music being put on the cloud?

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 12:40 AM

I've been a Mac user since '84, and have to agree that it isn't the same company it used to be, and some of the "upgrades" have been a step or two backward. I keep having to learn new ways to do things that used to be more intuitive (as I see them).

On the other hand your description of your current problems definitely indicates something wrong with your system! A few possible problems:

1. Your machine is too old for the chosen operating system. Any Mac more than about 7 years old should NOT attempt to run High Sierra (Mac OS10.13.x)

2. Your machine has too little RAM. 4 GB of RAM is absolute minimum to run High Sierra acceptably. 8 GB is better, and 16 is now standard. If your machine can't be upgraded to at least 4GB, it is too old.

3. You haven't been shutting your computer down regularly. Some people put their Macs to sleep (or just let them go to sleep), and never shut them down. Shutting down and restarting solves many problems, especially as it starts from scratch in assigning RAM to each application, freeing up RAM that was tied down by every running application.

4. You have too many applications running at the same time, for the amount of RAM available. I just looked, and I currently have 13 applications running, but I do have 16GB of RAM. If you have less RAM, then you probably should be running fewer apps at a time.

5. You have been infected with some form of malware. If you haven't checked recently, get some software to get rid of malware. My current favorite is the free version of MalwareBytes (usual disclaimer - I have no connection except that it has helped me save quite a few people who had gotten infected). I like it so much that I plan to pay for a copy, even though I only plan to use the method available for free...

6. You have too many malware protection applications running. There should never be more than one running at a given time. Two or more such programs may fight each other.

7. Your hard drive is beginning to fail. If you don't have a backup, get an external drive and make a backup ASAP. If you have any valuable information on the machine, make at least two backups, and keep those backups up to date. How frequently is dependent on the value of the information; for home use, once a week may be plenty, while for professional use, once a day may be too much delay. Store the different backups in different places.

8. Your computer is fine, but your internet connection is killing you. I live on the fringe of availability, and I have at least one application that won't work because my upload speed is too slow. My current upload speed, just checked, was 0.68 Mb/s. Run a speedtest to find out.

9. My experience is that it is best to avoid any third-party app that claims to speed up your Mac.

10. I have had quite a few experiences where erasing the hard drive and starting from scratch totally solved any problems. My weather station KCAPLACE21 has been running for the last 4 years on an original MacBook Air, that was given to me "because the hard drive was bad".

Good luck!

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 7:46 AM

Sorry, I should have been more clear.

I have 2 Macs, one is 2005 and the other is almost new.

That's how I made the comparison between the 2005 OS and the latest OS, Sierra.

My fault, I didn't make it clear that I'm referring to 2 different machines for comparison.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 9:54 AM

OK, except that I got the impression that your new one is much slower than than the 2005 one. It should be the other way around: the newer one should be much faster. This is especially true if the new one has a SSD (Solid State Drive) instead of a HD (Hard Drive).

Sierra hasn't been the newest operating system for Macs since High Sierra was released last September. In fact, the 5th iteration of High Sierra, 10.13.5, was just released a day or two ago. I plan on installing it today.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/04/2018 8:55 AM

I agree the newer one should be faster but it isn't and that's because of the cloud connection.

About the later OSs, since I got autocratically put on the cloud and then finding it's almost impossible to get back to local servers I don't now trust any more of Apple's 'upgrades' to be anything but downgrades.

If you're on the later OSs, then can I ask: are you getting slowed down by your OS being on the cloud?

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/04/2018 11:32 AM

I don't use iCloud beyond the minimum possible! Here's my iCloud Pref Panel:

I have Photos turned on only for Sharing. I do leave Calendars and Contacts turned on, to keep my iPhone and the Mac synched. I used to have Mail on iCloud, which accounts for most of that iCloud usage. I don't do mail on my phone.

The Mac OS is NEVER on the iCloud; it is always stored in the HD or SSD of the Mac. If it were in the iCloud, you could not use the computer anywhere that you didn't have internet connection. I very frequently use my MacBook Pro in places where there is no internet connection, such as in waiting rooms or when in the car with my wife driving.

I did upgrade yesterday to Mac OS10.13.5, with no significant problems. The one little glitch was that I failed to quit out of GoogleEarth before starting the download, and it refused to automatically shut down. I came back a couple of hours later, and had to force quit GE for the restart to occur. It then took about half an hour to finish the installation. Since then, I've run all of my important programs with no problem.

I should point out that I do keep at least four backup copies of everything, rotating frequently between different backup devices, and keeping at least one of those backup devices in another city.

Before you turn off most of your iCloud, make absolutely sure that everything important in iCloud has been backed up to at least one local device.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/04/2018 1:30 PM

A I indicated in my previous message, I updated yesterday to Mac OS 10.13.5. I just did a couple of shutdown, restarts. In at least one sense, you are right: Around a year ago, If I did a shutdown, the restart took just over 12 seconds from power button to full desktop/menus. Today it took 30 seconds each time. As I think I said before, I have a Solid State Drive; starting from a Hard Drive takes significantly longer.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

10/21/2019 7:55 AM

Great! after installing share your experience with us.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

10/21/2019 10:51 AM

Your post is shown as a reply to my post #16, which was submitted in June of 2018! That's almost a year and a half ago. If you are really asking about my installing Mac OS 10.13.5, the 5th iteration of High Sierra, then the only answer I can give is that I don't recall any problems. Beyond that, I don't remember.

I installed Mac OS 10.14 Mojave about three months later, and all six increments to that, as they came out, again, with no problems.

In fact, I've heard and read numerous warnings saying NOT to install Mac OS 15 Catalina just yet (as of mid-October, 2019). But I have two MacBook Pros (long story), a mid-2012 and a mid-2014, which I keep updated, so in case one should fail, I can quickly switch to the other. Since I have the two, I decided to try updating the 2012 MBP to Catalina.

The first attempt at downloading the Catalina Installer failed after a couple of hours, but I tried again the next day, and it downloaded fine, in a little over three hours on my Uverse internet connection. There were a couple of details that slowed the installation, but once installed, I've had no unexpected problems. I have the 2104 MBP stored away for safe keeping (still with Mojave), and I'm writing this reply on that 2012 MBP running Catalina.

I have known for at least a year that Catalina would not run 32-bit software, so I did get an update to my CAD software (my main use of the Mac). I do need to go buy a new copy of msOffice for efficient cooperation with my non-Mac colleagues, but again, I knew that long ago. Those two are the only purchases I've needed.

I'm not a gamer, and I don't do music on the Mac, so I haven't seen any benefits from Catalina, but I haven't had any significant problems, either.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

10/21/2019 12:46 PM

I do have to modify the previous post a bit: I had all my working folders directly on the main hard drive window. For security reasons, Catalina does not permit any additional folders at that level, so moved everything into a Security/Relocated Items folder. I'm moving all those things into my User folder. It'll take a step or two more to find things, but I can accept that it is the safest way to do it.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 12:17 PM

Seriously? My computers are not old, and they are not macs...and if you do a search about songs being deleted from itunes, you get a load of hits...It's a common problem....I have 3+ music platforms, the itunes is the only one that deletes music, and I'm not talking about a few songs, I'm talking over a thousand songs....and I've used itunes for probably 10 years...My cable connection is 100MBps...Nothing you mention would account for songs being deleted from my library...

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 12:31 PM

Sorry to hear that! I do lots of things on my Macs, but music isn't one of them, so I was not aware of that problem.

I wonder if it may be due to some interaction between those multiple platforms...

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 4:27 PM

The songs missing are not in any....except the ones that I recovered from older external hard drives, there are still a lot missing...Hell music I bought from itunes store that were supposed to be stored in the cloud are gone....that's their own system....

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 4:52 PM

Sounds like the beginning of a class action lawsuit... oh.... did I say that out loud?

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 1:48 PM

You missed a good opportunity here. It's a Silly Con Valley thing.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 10:00 AM

My company got sucked into something called Skype for business, which no one has quite figured out, but I'm guessing Skype has abandoned their former position. Yet another case of Business Entropy.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 10:04 AM
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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 10:24 AM

Microsoft bought Skype in May 2011 for $8.5 billion.

Well, there's your problem!

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 1:03 PM

Yes, I was aware of that, yet Skype continued unchanged and functional until 2017. So they worked for 6 years to destroy it.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 3:25 PM

Yes, but were you aware that they bundled Skype into their Office-2016/Office-365 in the last 2-3 years?

See here.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 3:30 AM

No, I wasn't aware of that - thanks. Sounds like they have forsaken their old customer base for the business world.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 12:56 PM

The problem with capitalism today is that when an enterprise becomes successful, the question in the board room changes from "How do we make better products for our customers in the future?" to "How do we make more profit for the stock holders today?"

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 1:29 PM

Yes! And when today passes, it's well, now how can we still squeeze even more profit out of this dying product so that Wall Street will be placated for another day.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 4:26 PM

We use it for business meeting... I don’t care for it just due to the meeting discussions you can’t read the body language of the person talking. Which tells you more than the words spoken.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 11:34 AM

When I first learned of Skype, I imagined that the video feed would be like watching a two way, live news broadcast .

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/02/2018 10:52 PM

I stopped using Skype when Microsoft bought them, exactly because of concerns like this.

You should too. There are plenty of alternatives.

They probably bought it to destroy it, and replace it with their own system that spies on the users "better".

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 11:46 AM

Hi, can you list some of the alternatives and how they fare.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 11:59 AM
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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/03/2018 12:03 PM

If all parties have Macs and/or iPhones, and reasonable connections to the internet, then "Facetime" does a fine job. I've used it for several years, within the US and also to South America and Europe.

I've never tried it for conference calls, but I think it is possible. It's great when I'm trying to help someone fix a machine or electrical problem in another location.

We also use "WhatsApp" for international calls, when the other person does not have an iPhone.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/04/2018 6:43 AM

Yes it rapidly became unusable and then vanished altogether.

Since then I've migrated to Facetime on Apple iPad and must say the quality and ease of use is much better than Skype ever was here.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/04/2018 3:45 PM

Well I am not too worried as there are alternatives for Skype, but we should all be keeping an eye on Microsoft carefully.

If they try to integrate Skype with their .Net framework we could be in for a rough few years of AI war.


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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/05/2018 9:31 AM

I'm still using Windows 7 on a PC, which doesn't support WhatsApp or Facetime. In fact, I see Windows 7 is generally being less & less usable - some banking applications, newspapers online and even Yahoo mail tells me not to use it, although it still works for latter case.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/05/2018 9:34 PM

I had no choice in the matter. After declining a free upgrade to Windows 10 multiple times the updater ignored me and updated my operating system anyway against my wishes. I don't like Windows 10, but older versions are not being supported and so will get less secure over time. But what can you do except completely change to a different OS.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

06/06/2018 2:36 AM

Yes, that was my situation, except my system was never updated to Windows 10. So I'm stuck with an operating system that is out of date, yet my Dell Inspiron goes on forever without a fault and I've no inclination to replace it.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

07/29/2018 10:16 PM

I think your computer may have been infected with some malicious software or your hard drive is beginning to fail.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

09/12/2018 1:53 PM

My computer is fine.

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Re: Skype - Ruined, For What Reason?

09/12/2018 10:34 AM

As for me, Skype is better now than it was before. The main feature I like is that you can share content using Add-Ins without leaving Skype. Here is the review on the latest Skype updates. I found this program really user-friendly.

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