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Linearizing a Non-linear Constraint

12/01/2019 6:35 PM

Hi everyone!

I have this demand constraint that I want to linearize in order to use cplex solver in ampl:

Demand{i in c, q in Q}: x[i,q]*f[i,q]= D[i,q];

where x is a continuous variable on the number of units produced, and f is a binary variable on what factory is used. Does anyone know how to do that? Thank you in advance.

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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/01/2019 7:17 PM

Why not just look it up yourself in the free book provided for users...?

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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/02/2019 4:58 AM

Don't just assume that I didn't. I have memorized the book. They just have a very brief example regarding this topic in ch 20, pg 445. Which is totally different than what I'm posting. In addition, I'm looking for a mathematical way to transform it to use it in ampl, so ampl book won't be really helpful for this matter. Kindly if you don't have a valuable input to offer, I would appreciate it if you don't comment for the sake of commenting.

Thank you anyways.

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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/02/2019 5:02 AM

<...Don't just assume...didn't...>

A positive statement on the matter was missing from the original post. Such a statement would have been helpful to CR4 subscribers.

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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/02/2019 5:12 AM

Maybe my advice is more valuable than you realize...have you contacted the authors for help as well, or am I assuming too much again? Your advice for posters to butt out is not conducive to a satisfactory result here....

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In reply to #4

Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/02/2019 5:44 AM

Yeah, just as I was expecting. You have nothing valuable and you are just good for arguing and garbage talks. This site allows asking questions, so it is very simple if you don't know the answer just shut up. I don't understand how someone doesn't know the answer still bullies the one who is asking. I'm not asking you BTW, clearly, you don't know anything in this area, you just typed ampl on Google and posted the first thing appeared, and you're still trying to sound smart. I feel sorry for you. I'm asking the respectful people here who are thoughtful, humble and trying to help each other.

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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/02/2019 12:36 PM

How is anything you're saying any more relevant than what I'm saying?

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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/02/2019 6:10 PM

Currently, it's not more relevant. You get us off track. Anyways, sorry for being rude earlier. I'm usually not like that.

And if anyone is interested in knowing the answer to this question in the future I tried the following and it worked fine for me, hopefully, it does for you too:

Demand{i in c, q in Q}: xp[i,q]= min (D[i,q]*fp[i,q]);

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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/03/2019 3:08 AM

I have memorized the book.

Oh, really?

Kindly, if you haven't gone through a fair amount of agonizing over an answer to a legitimate scholastic question, LIKE I DID MANY, MANY TIMES, do not post your questions here until you have.

"Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone." - Ayn Rand
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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/03/2019 4:56 AM

Seriously, I don't understand why everyone is bulling me. I just posted a question after days of searching and trying by myself, isn't this the purpose of the questions section? is it like unallowed here in cr4 to ask a question or what? if I were you, and I saw a question that I don't know the answer to, I won't just post a rude comment to someone who didn't offend me personally, I would just let people who knows the answer to answer it.

Honestly, this is such a bad representation to cr4 community, I know not all of the people here are like that, and for sure, this makes the cr4 community lose many great people, cuz if I was a scientist, I won't like it to read rude comments from people with less experience. There should be rules to manage that for the sight to still be valuable, cuz there are 8 comments here on this question none of them is on topic, including mine, and you can't just expect me to be productive and on the topic while everyone else is posting rude comments!

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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/03/2019 2:51 PM

You have been telling people to "shut up" since you started posting here, you are a rude person...,be,c,otr

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Re: Linearizing a non-linear constraint

12/03/2019 11:31 AM


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